Game of Thrones: Season 2

Season two started out a bit scattered but is now coming into focus.
Really enjoying it!
Teren_Kanan;4552413 said:
So... Many.. Changes.

Yes. Funny thing is I know for sure of some changes but there are also times I don't remember exactly how it happens in the book but think it has been changed. Been some time since I read the early books and even then so much happens that it is hard to remember all the details so there are times where I can't remember if it is the same on the show but seems to be different.
Teren_Kanan;4552413 said:
So... Many.. Changes.

Yeah, Baelish is getting **** loads of frequent flyer miles I don't recall him getting in the books. :laugh2:

BrAinPaiNt;4552423 said:
Yes. Funny thing is I know for sure of some changes but there are also times I don't remember exactly how it happens in the book but think it has been changed. Been some time since I read the early books and even then so much happens that it is hard to remember all the details so there are times where I can't remember if it is the same on the show but seems to be different.

Yeah, I have that problem too. It's been long enough that I can't remember exactly how some parts went down, but when they deviate, especially as much as they have in some places. It's pretty easy to recognize.
I'm a little late to the party on this series but my wife brought home the first season the other day from her sister.

I've watched the first couple of episodes and I'll be far...I don't get the draw.

Now I know I've not watched long enough to be invested in the characters much (My wife has watched almost the entire first season and loves it) but so far I'm just not digging the show much. It always seems like when the show starts to pick up, and start to go somewhere with the story, that all the sudden it switches to a random and pointless soft core porn scene.

I know that's probably a huge draw to most folks and to each their own but for me personally it's pointless and stupid and interrupts the story. If I want to see a naked woman, and sex, I'll go have sex with my wife where I'm actually taking part in the act and not watching two goofs on a TV show do it.

I'm going to try and give the show another couple chances to see if I can get into it, because some of the other stuff seems like it might turn out to be very cool. THe whol political side of things within the kingdoms, and the double crossing, and plotting.

But I'm just not sure that I'm going to care to much for a show with a bunch of stupid sex scenes thrown in just for the sake of having sex scenes in the show to be more edgy.

Jury is still out on this show for me.
BraveHeartFan;4552998 said:
But I'm just not sure that I'm going to care to much for a show with a bunch of stupid sex scenes thrown in just for the sake of having sex scenes in the show to be more edgy.

It's not to be edgy. If you'd read the books you would know that.
BraveHeartFan;4552998 said:
I'm a little late to the party on this series but my wife brought home the first season the other day from her sister.

I've watched the first couple of episodes and I'll be far...I don't get the draw.

Now I know I've not watched long enough to be invested in the characters much (My wife has watched almost the entire first season and loves it) but so far I'm just not digging the show much. It always seems like when the show starts to pick up, and start to go somewhere with the story, that all the sudden it switches to a random and pointless soft core porn scene.

I know that's probably a huge draw to most folks and to each their own but for me personally it's pointless and stupid and interrupts the story. If I want to see a naked woman, and sex, I'll go have sex with my wife where I'm actually taking part in the act and not watching two goofs on a TV show do it.

I'm going to try and give the show another couple chances to see if I can get into it, because some of the other stuff seems like it might turn out to be very cool. THe whol political side of things within the kingdoms, and the double crossing, and plotting.

But I'm just not sure that I'm going to care to much for a show with a bunch of stupid sex scenes thrown in just for the sake of having sex scenes in the show to be more edgy.

Jury is still out on this show for me.

The scenes aren't pointless, there's more to them than just the sex, they just happen to have sex in them.
BraveHeartFan;4552998 said:
I'm a little late to the party on this series but my wife brought home the first season the other day from her sister.

I've watched the first couple of episodes and I'll be far...I don't get the draw.

Now I know I've not watched long enough to be invested in the characters much (My wife has watched almost the entire first season and loves it) but so far I'm just not digging the show much. It always seems like when the show starts to pick up, and start to go somewhere with the story, that all the sudden it switches to a random and pointless soft core porn scene.

I know that's probably a huge draw to most folks and to each their own but for me personally it's pointless and stupid and interrupts the story. If I want to see a naked woman, and sex, I'll go have sex with my wife where I'm actually taking part in the act and not watching two goofs on a TV show do it.

I'm going to try and give the show another couple chances to see if I can get into it, because some of the other stuff seems like it might turn out to be very cool. THe whol political side of things within the kingdoms, and the double crossing, and plotting.

But I'm just not sure that I'm going to care to much for a show with a bunch of stupid sex scenes thrown in just for the sake of having sex scenes in the show to be more edgy.

Jury is still out on this show for me.

I take it that you don't like Spartacus on the Starz network.
ChldsPlay;4553018 said:
The scenes aren't pointless, there's more to them than just the sex, they just happen to have sex in them.

The ones in the first couple of episodes I've seen were absolutely pointless.

What exactly did the scene add to the story when the Barbarian dude bent his wife over to have sex with her? To show that they were having sex and she didn't really want to? I already knew that when she told her brother she really didn't want to marry him.

The little midget dude getting ready to have sex with the prostitute, though I don't recall there actually being any sex in that scene, adds what exactly? That a midget dude has sex?

Pointless stuff. To me anyway.

Now there was one sex scene in the first episode that was necassary as it added to the story and progressed it along and thats when the good guys son catches the brother and sister having sex. Which was...yuck. Brother and sister? Damn.

They gave you the storyline progressing of them being in love, him hurting the guys son, and obviously gave you something to think about hte consequences of going forward if the good guy finds out.

But again I do understand that some people will find that as a draw or it will add something to the show or story for them. I'm just not sure what it's supposed to add and just seemed very random and pointless to me, save that one scene I mentioned earlier.
Rack Bauer;4553015 said:
It's not to be edgy. If you'd read the books you would know that.

Didn't even know they were books until very recently. The books are likely, as they almost always are anyway, better anyway.

I don't generally gadge a movie, or show, by the way the books do it because the movie or show doesn't generally do the books justice.

From my experience anyway.
BraveHeartFan;4553069 said:
I don't have Starz so I've never seen it.

It is full of plotless sex. I like it, but from your comments you wouldn't.
Romo 2 Austin;4553152 said:
How exactly does Winterfell fall to like 50 men? That made no sense to me.

Remember the bulk of the soldiers had already left with Robb Stark long ago and Bran Stark just sent 200 of the remaining men to help defend the village which Theon had attacked. Theon did this on purpose I believe to make Winterfell less protected so he could take control of it.

BraveHeartFan;4552998 said:
Jury is still out on this show for me.

I agree in general that the sex scenes are very explicit and well beyond what is necessary to tell the story. I am sure the (tv show) writers have focused on those scenes as a way to draw in potential viewers that would otherwise not care for the show. That being said, I do believe they serve a purpose and that is to show the brutality and barbarity of that time. They do the same thing with explicit violence but non-stop violence wears on viewers eventually.

The tv show is okay but it is not a great story in my opinion. I have not read the books, though I just recently bought the first two and plan to start reading them in a few days. I suspect the books will provide a better story line with a better progression system with details that are just too mundane for the time allocated to tv shows. The tv show is good in that it is better than most other tv shows currently airing but the story feels unbearably slow some times and at other times jumps around too quickly between locations.

Reality;4553205 said:
Remember the bulk of the soldiers had already left with Robb Stark long ago and Bran Stark just sent 200 of the remaining men to help defend the village which Theon had attacked. Theon did this on purpose I believe to make Winterfell less protected so he could take control of it.


I suppose that makes sense but the numbers just frustrate me, if Robb Starkk is marching around with about 100,000 people it just seems illogical that Theon and 50 people can take over the castle. Also the fact that when you had Bran yield the city to Theon the scene had like 30 people and it was very anti-climatic.
Romo 2 Austin;4553467 said:
I suppose that makes sense but the numbers just frustrate me, if Robb Starkk is marching around with about 100,000 people it just seems illogical that Theon and 50 people can take over the castle. Also the fact that when you had Bran yield the city to Theon the scene had like 30 people and it was very anti-climatic.

The only thing at Winterfell's back is the Wall. Rob thought Theon was going to bring the Greyjoys to join them, instead they attacked them. Rob didn't think he had anything to fear. He was wrong. He is a green king. :laugh2:
Romo 2 Austin;4553467 said:
I suppose that makes sense but the numbers just frustrate me, if Robb Starkk is marching around with about 100,000 people it just seems illogical that Theon and 50 people can take over the castle. Also the fact that when you had Bran yield the city to Theon the scene had like 30 people and it was very anti-climatic.

Robb Stark. 100,000 people?
It's been stated a few times he only has about 20,000.


There have been a lot of changes made to the series. Almost all of them I've understood. Things have to be done differently when you are working with a different form of media. There also has to be fat trimming to fit everything into a 10 episode TV show.

Arya has had her storyline drastically changed. All of her changes have been more or less perfectly acceptable. They aren't changing her "Character", just her storyline.

Adding screen time to some of the more minor characters also doesn't bother me much. Littlefinger is a good example of this. I haven't had much of a problem with how they have handled him, except for his stupidity in the Cersei confrontation (out of character for him), and his "Hey Cait, Your husband just died and I helped that happen, do you want to go out on a date? Btw Here's your husbands bones". Even from a storyline standpoint it just felt stupid.

But starting with last weeks episode, and continuing on into this one, I've had my first real anger towards changes made. Trimming fat and showing things in a different way is one thing, but changing a character's defining characteristics is another.

The last two weeks have just crapped all over Jon Snow's character compared to the book. Jon Snow volunteering to go on an assassination mission is atrocious. Jon Snow is the fairly typical good guy, with strong influences from his father Ned. "hey I wanna go on this sneaking mission to merc people in the night" is SO out of character for him, and not at all how it happened in the books.

The Halfhand wanted Jon with him, due to his Stark heritage, and his Dire Wolf. The mission was to gather information on the wildlings. In the books it is never presented as "Hey see those fires? Yeah we are gonna go sneak up on them and slit their throats".

And then you have Halfhand offer to kill Ygritte, and Jon is like "No I'll do it". What? This is such a drastic change from his character in the books and it makes me very sad. And even from a TV show standpoint, given everything we know about Ned, and how good of a person Jon thinks his father was, it's just too much of a stretch to imagine Jon Volunteering to go on an assassination mission.

Now maybe the fact that you don't get Jon's inner monologue makes this really hard to pull off, but the way it's been done is pretty bad.

Hell, what these moments in the book clarify for you, is that Jon isn't the type to murder defenseless people, even if they are his enemies. These moments just fortify the "White knight" aspect of his character in the books. They seem to do the opposite in the TV show.

Ah well. It's still good television.

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