Game of Thrones Season 7 thread

Its gonna be interesting to see if Dyneras turns on or marries Jon.

Im fairly convinced Jon WILL be king of the 7 kingdoms at the end of the show. He wont want to, but he will
Its gonna be interesting to see if Dyneras turns on or marries Jon.

Im fairly convinced Jon WILL be king of the 7 kingdoms at the end of the show. He wont want to, but he will
Jon is the rightful heir, not Daenerys. Jon's father was Rhaegar who was the Mad King's son. Daenerys was Rhargar's sister. As long as Rhargar had son, the son not his sister is heir to the throne.

In the last episode, they sealed that fact by Gilly saying they nullified Rhargar's marriage and then married someone else. That was Lyanna Stark which was always hinted at. So, Rhargar was married to Lyanna Stark which means Jon is not a ******* and is in fact the rightful heir to the throne. Not Daenerys.

She is in for a rude awaking. :) Look, her own dragon (Drogon) figured that out in last night's episode. Drogon very well could become Jon's dragon, not Daenerys dragon. He is after all the biggest and most aggressive dragon. A King's Dragon.
He was for a while an interesting storyline, but I think he offers next to nothing these days.

He is a future Arya victim.
If they had commited to 3 or 4 more seasons he would offer more. Littlefinger is a slow burner
The cercsei pregnancy. I want to say it is just a ruse to keep Jamie by her side.
However others said that the Maester there said she was or confirmed it.

So if,, and still an IF imo, she is truly pregnant. And she maybe loses the baby before having could be the one last thing to throw her over the top and into the mad king/mad queen role that some expect.

Remember, Cercei is to be choked to death by her younger brother. Her two younger brothers were Jamie and Tyrion, since it's not believed that Tyrion is actually in fact a Targaryen. That only leaves Jamie to choke her to death which seems like a fitting end.
He was for a while an interesting storyline, but I think he offers next to nothing these days.

He is a future Arya victim.

The issue is he basically has nothing left to offer. He had the Vale, but he really has no ties to it. No family there. If he were killed, someone else would easily take it. No support except that he ruled it.

So, his army is already an army of the north. He has ties to the Iron Bank, but Jon now has the support of the Dothraki and Dragons and other armies and most likely the Iron Bank too since the Lannisters are set to lose AND they have no debt by the Lannisters giving the Iron Bank absolutely no reason to even give a damn about the Lannisters in this war.

Littlefinger has nothing left to offer except his karma debt being paid. I think Arya (and if not Arya, Sansa) collects that debt.
Jon is the rightful heir, not Daenerys. Jon's father was Rhaegar who was the Mad King's son. Daenerys was Rhargar's sister. As long as Rhargar had son, the son not his sister is heir to the throne.

In the last episode, the sealed the fact by saying they nullified Rhargar's marriage and then married someone else. That was Lyanna Stark. So, Rhargar was married to Lyanna Stark which means Jon is not a ******* and is in fact the rightful heir to the throne. Not Daenerys.

She is in for a rude awaking. :) Look, her own dragon (Drogon) figured that out in last night's episode.
While this all true it doesnt necessarily put him on the throne either. The throne is going to go to whoever seizes it, blood claim or not.

Where I think he takes it is his ability to have people rally behind him out of faith in him. He is a true king in every sense and I believe it will be thrust onto him and he will take it reluctantly. Dyneras has some of the same qualities, but she is cracking. I think she will see Jon for what he is even before a reveal and see herself for what she is and know that she needs Jon to rule. I could even see the revaluation happening after the fact. In fact it may make it more compelling.

Or Dyneras could die. Either way I dont expect a Jon VS. Dyneras scenario
Remember, Cercei is to be choked to death by her younger brother. Her two younger brothers were Jamie and Tyrion, since it's not believed that Tyrion is actually in fact a Targaryen. That only leaves Jamie to choke her to death which seems like a fitting end.
Cleganbowl enthusiasts thinks it could be the Hound. The little brother

Although Cleganebowl is a little fringy
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He was for a while an interesting storyline, but I think he offers next to nothing these days.

He is a future Arya victim.

Yeah, that's just because there's so much going on. I like seeing him scheme and plot.
Im throw some questions out there fer you guys

-Now that Jon has been revealed( to us, not the characters) as the true Targaryan heir, what impact with this have on Dyneras

- How will the Jorah/Dyneras/Jon dynamic play out

- What do you make of Cercei's pregnancy

- How will the Arya/Littlefinger/Sansa story arc play out

Jon doesn't seem to want power. I'm sure he would be fine with just saving the people from the White Walkers and doing something else with his life.
Cleganbowl enthusiasts thinks it could be the Hound. The little brother

Although Cleganebowl is a little fringy

Let me add to this. The Hound goes north of the Wall. He becomes a white walker and then becomes white walker sample they bring back to show Cercei. Once in the Red Keep, he (white walker Hound) wakes up and chokes her to death!!! :)
While this all true it doesnt necessarily put him on the throne either. The throne is going to go to whoever seizes it, blood claim or not.

Where I think he takes it is his ability to have people rally behind him out of faith in him. He is a true king in every sense and I believe it will be thrust onto him and he will take it reluctantly. Dyneras has some of the same qualities, but she is cracking. I think she will see Jon for what he is even before a reveal and see herself for what she is and know that she needs Jon to rule. I could even see the revaluation happening after the fact. In fact it may make it more compelling.

Or Dyneras could die. Either way I dont expect a Jon VS. Dyneras scenario

Okay, fill me in on why you keep trashing the spelling of the name Daenerys?
Let me add to this. The Hound goes north of the Wall. He becomes a white walker and then becomes white walker sample they bring back to show Cercei. Once in the Red Keep, he (white walker Hound) wakes up and chokes her to death!!! :)
You know.....I could see it
He was for a while an interesting storyline, but I think he offers next to nothing these days.

He is a future Arya victim.
I would love to see Arya dressed as Sansa kill LF after he confesses some stuff with the valaryian dagger

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