Game of Thrones Season 7 thread

Those young soldiers were way too nice for GoT....... I kept waiting for them to turn..... but they were just young boys sent off to fight someone else's war

Plus she was wrong....... the biggest mistake Rob made was beheading the Karstark elder..... that is why the Umbers and Karstarks betrayed Jon to beign with

Jon knows they need every man and woman united to fight the WW....... when the 2 children stood up to pledge their loyalty it made Jon look noble with his decision

Odds are, letting Lord Karstark live, still would have resulted in the red wedding occurring. In fact, the Umbers were slaughtered there as well. Really had more to do with marrying Talisa, had he not married her, then even as despicable as Walder Frey was, he would have still had a very large portion of his forces and could have continued after the Lannisters.
My prediction.

Jon leaves for Dragonstone before Bran gets to Winterfell to tell him what he knows about his lineage. Jon is respected by Tyrion and is an honorable king more concerned with defeating the White Walkers than power which makes him a good match. He also is the most eligible bachelor in the Seven kingdoms with the most backing at the moment. Jon and Dany are going to strike a bargain of marriage for the rights to mine the dragonglass and assistance going both ways in the coming wars. Then they will later find out the truth, though it will be too late.

As for the episode.

The Arya scene was phenomenal. Winter has come could have some alternate meanings, though I'm not sure yet.

There was also two sides shown from the "siblings" I found interesting. Jon was not going to take the sins of the father out on the sons. Sansa wanted the complete opposite. What's interesting is Arya sitting with the soldiers sees the metaphorical sons and how they are just following orders. She saw that they were normal people. Will she follow Sansas words and do whatever it takes to get her revenge no matter the people in the way, or will she follow Jons words and punish only the few who deserve it?

Loved the Hound scenes and all of his comments. I get the sense that him being touched by fire has given him powers we have yet to understand. And also, he sees "a mountain"! Hound vs the Mountain confirmed?

I also think that the gift Euron intends to deliver is the head of Tyrion. I hope he doesn't succeed in that quest, but that is what I expect to be his goal.
I was thinking a dragon's head

You could be right but I thought he was talking about Tyrion as well. He was having a conversation earlier and one of the lannisters (maybe jamie) said something along the lines can you be trusted you murdered your brother and he told The queen (paraphrasing) Yes and it was nice I imagine you would like to do the same (talking about Tyrion since she has already put a bounty out on Tyrion's head). So in a bit later he says he is going to go get her a prize.

So it could very well be Tyrion.

However it could be a Dragon or Khaleesi.
You could be right but I thought he was talking about Tyrion as well. He was having a conversation earlier and one of the lannisters (maybe jamie) said something along the lines can you be trusted you murdered your brother and he told The queen (paraphrasing) Yes and it was nice I imagine you would like to do the same (talking about Tyrion since she has already put a bounty out on Tyrion's head). So in a bit later he says he is going to go get her a prize.

So it could very well be Tyrion.

However it could be a Dragon or Khaleesi.
I took the 'you should murder your brother' line as a shot at Jaime......Euron wants to wed Cersei and kept insulting Jaime

Tyrion could also be a good prize
Continue eye roll at Arya's storyline. Was the worst part of last season. She is given too much and none of it feels earned. Had her storyline last season been.. good, at all, her wasting the Freys may have felt rewarding. But now she just feels OP for no good reason.

Enjoyed the rest. Solid first episode.

Sansa continues to annoy. Jon knows what's at stake, she's still trying to play the GoT. Hopefully they don't drag the Jon vs Sansa **** on too long in this season.
Still think Littlefinger bites it this season, probably via Arya.
Not sure what to make of Jon/Dany meeting up, but it's bound to happen. I expect some epic dragon action in this season.
Continue eye roll at Arya's storyline. Was the worst part of last season. She is given too much and none of it feels earned. Had her storyline last season been.. good, at all, her wasting the Freys may have felt rewarding. But now she just feels OP for no good reason.

Enjoyed the rest. Solid first episode.

Sansa continues to annoy. Jon knows what's at stake, she's still trying to play the GoT. Hopefully they don't drag the Jon vs Sansa **** on too long in this season.
Still think Littlefinger bites it this season, probably via Arya.
Not sure what to make of Jon/Dany meeting up, but it's bound to happen. I expect some epic dragon action in this season.
Blame Sansa on the writers and season 6 when they had something going for her and just let it fizzle for no reason.

Your take on Arya is interesting, kinda makes me want to go back and watch season 6 again (for the fourth time) with that in mind.
Someone please convince me why I should watch this show. I haven't seen a single episode.

And go...
that is how I used to describe the show ......... Dragons and Boobs

but I will tell you Mom is a born again and she loves the show........can't get enough ....... she is no big fan of the sex and violence but the writing and back stories are so strong that it hooks you like a drug
here was also two sides shown from the "siblings" I found interesting. Jon was not going to take the sins of the father out on the sons. Sansa wanted the complete opposite. What's interesting is Arya sitting with the soldiers sees the metaphorical sons and how they are just following orders. She saw that they were normal people. Will she follow Sansas words and do whatever it takes to get her revenge no matter the people in the way, or will she follow Jons words and punish only the few who deserve it?
You have to remember Sansa was taught by Cersei and Littlefinger, two of the most devious and evil minds...... Cersei got consumed with her rage last 2 seasons and it cost her almost everything...... Littlefinger may have burned his last bridge serving Sansa over to Ramsey Bolton.... Sansa knows all his secrets and is starting to realize he is still just trying to manipulate her.... Sansa was truly impressed by Jon's leadership but it was foreign to her

Jon has been forced into leadership and has always been self-less..... he knows what is at stake and knows that making more enemies is not needed right now...... they need unity...... Robb's biggest mistake was beheading Rickon Karstark over the Lannisters and letting his Mother have too much say....... she made decisions based on emotion and not logic and cost them all.... Jon doesn't need to feed his ego to be loved or feared through force or revenge....he is more utilitarian

on a sidenote- couldn't they still give the Dreadfort and Moat Caitlin to the deserving families since the Boltons have been crushed...... also the Twins needs to be claimed since Arya killed all the Freys......Uncle Edmure Tully can be released from the dungeon and go back to Riverrun

all those moves would make the North/Starks pretty formidable
all those moves would make the North/Starks pretty formidable

Yep. Jon Snow can build up quite an army. Daenerys already pretty much has one. I really know don't what Cersei is planning. She wiped out half of King's Landing and is relying on Euron's army when half of the Iron Islands is on Daenerys' side.

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