I've not watched the last few seasons yet, but this scene is still one of my favorites ..
Original version:
Edited version to make it even longer and more awkward:
Damn, great stuff, BP.Euron is kicking butt but even with his snarky quips and his destructive navy...the guy playing him does nothing for me. I mean the guy pretty much wiped out a good portion of her navy, took control of the dorn and greyjoy threat, gaining the love of people in Kings Landing, pissing off Jamie and all but the guy playing him just does not do much for me. Heck I think Theon is more of a punchable person and we were supposed to like him early on. Usually they do a good job of casting characters that you love to hate however I think they dropped the ball on Euron. Heck even The grey joy father, and Euron's older brother, was more a guy you wanted to choke than Euron.
Sad to see The old thorn of Highgarden go...but she went out with a bang and I have to wonder if Jamie ever tells his sister that it was the Old Lady and not Tyrion that poisoned and killed their son.
When Cersei poisoned the bad kitty...I thought maybe Sir Bronn would come in and save her...but that looks like it is not going to happen as he was there with Jamie at High Garden and I don't think they can
make her last until he gets back with the antidote to save her like she saved him.
Wonder how long it is before Bran Spills the beans and both Jon and Danny find out that they are related. That might be the thing that breaks the tension and differences between the two. I think people, and Tyrion, thought they would just meet up and hit it off at once. But this is GOT and nothing is as simple as it could be.
If Danny wanted to really hurt the Lannisters...she could have her dragons destroy Casterly Rock. Jamie and Cersei seem to be willing to let it go this time thinking they could easily get it back later. However if it was burnt to the ground, that would put a damper on them even if they had no intentions of going back it would still cast a bad look upon the lannisters. This would give Danny a chance to show the destructive power of her dragons, but doing so without killing a bunch of innocent people as most of the lannister army is no longer there.
I am shocked that the Red Lady had not told Varys, Tyrion or Danny about Jon Snow being brought back from the dead. I think that too might be a change to how she views him. I was also surprised that Varys nor Tyrion told her that Ned Stark stepped down as hand of the king because he would not agree to Robert sending people to kill Danny as a child. I would think that these are two pretty important points that she should be made aware of and between The red priestest, varys and tyrion...I would imagine they would have had the time to tell her about these things in order to get her to meet with Jon Snow in the first place.
Little Finger gave Sansa the best advice that anyone can ask for...will she listen to that advice. Of course he is trying to build her up to be the wardness of the north instead of Jon Snow being King of the North. In his twisted mind he still sees him winning her over to be his wife which is seemingly crazy as he is one of the smarter people in the whole series and although extremely arrogant he would have to follow his own advice and think that it is very unlikely for that match up to ever occur.
Kind of thought Snow would have brought Tormund to dragon stone with him. They seem to have grown close. Although I guess he might also want him to stay in the north to help lead the wilding army if something should happen. Also...where is Brianne of Tarth. She would have been another that would have been well served to go with Snow even though he does not know her. I think Danny would like to see another strong woman.
Euron is kicking butt but even with his snarky quips and his destructive navy...the guy playing him does nothing for me. I mean the guy pretty much wiped out a good portion of her navy, took control of the dorn and greyjoy threat, gaining the love of people in Kings Landing, pissing off Jamie and all but the guy playing him just does not do much for me. Heck I think Theon is more of a punchable person and we were supposed to like him early on. Usually they do a good job of casting characters that you love to hate however I think they dropped the ball on Euron. Heck even The grey joy father, and Euron's older brother, was more a guy you wanted to choke than Euron.
Sad to see The old thorn of Highgarden go...but she went out with a bang and I have to wonder if Jamie ever tells his sister that it was the Old Lady and not Tyrion that poisoned and killed their son.
When Cersei poisoned the bad kitty...I thought maybe Sir Bronn would come in and save her...but that looks like it is not going to happen as he was there with Jamie at High Garden and I don't think they can
make her last until he gets back with the antidote to save her like she saved him.
Wonder how long it is before Bran Spills the beans and both Jon and Danny find out that they are related. That might be the thing that breaks the tension and differences between the two. I think people, and Tyrion, thought they would just meet up and hit it off at once. But this is GOT and nothing is as simple as it could be.
If Danny wanted to really hurt the Lannisters...she could have her dragons destroy Casterly Rock. Jamie and Cersei seem to be willing to let it go this time thinking they could easily get it back later. However if it was burnt to the ground, that would put a damper on them even if they had no intentions of going back it would still cast a bad look upon the lannisters. This would give Danny a chance to show the destructive power of her dragons, but doing so without killing a bunch of innocent people as most of the lannister army is no longer there.
I am shocked that the Red Lady had not told Varys, Tyrion or Danny about Jon Snow being brought back from the dead. I think that too might be a change to how she views him. I was also surprised that Varys nor Tyrion told her that Ned Stark stepped down as hand of the king because he would not agree to Robert sending people to kill Danny as a child. I would think that these are two pretty important points that she should be made aware of and between The red priestest, varys and tyrion...I would imagine they would have had the time to tell her about these things in order to get her to meet with Jon Snow in the first place.
Little Finger gave Sansa the best advice that anyone can ask for...will she listen to that advice. Of course he is trying to build her up to be the wardness of the north instead of Jon Snow being King of the North. In his twisted mind he still sees him winning her over to be his wife which is seemingly crazy as he is one of the smarter people in the whole series and although extremely arrogant he would have to follow his own advice and think that it is very unlikely for that match up to ever occur.
Kind of thought Snow would have brought Tormund to dragon stone with him. They seem to have grown close. Although I guess he might also want him to stay in the north to help lead the wilding army if something should happen. Also...where is Brianne of Tarth. She would have been another that would have been well served to go with Snow even though he does not know her. I think Danny would like to see another strong woman.
Tormund went up with the wildlings to man the castles on the wall.
A lot of interesting developments.
It was interesting seeing Dany ask Jon what on earth she would need his help for, and now the preview for the next episode shows her pleading with Jon that she's losing. Her forces taking a big hit will probably be what gets her to agree to work alongside Jon. Only question is, what do they do first since they obviously have different priorities. Jon's mind is solely on the white walkers and Dany is starting to sweat now that she just basically got owned twice by Cersei and Euron. Do they split forces in half and fight both battles at once, or do they focus on one threat only to have the other one blindside them? My guess is the latter. I think they we see the end of one epic battle this season (probably against King's Landing) and then the final season focuses on the other threat (probably the white walkers).
Bran got kinda weird and creepy. That "I saw you the night you were raped. You were beautiful" thing was awkward. I guess he's trying to play some wise old man now. He's no longer a child as he's likely lived a thousand lives. Just find his new character to be a little cringe-worthy.
I wonder if Olenna telling Jamie that she killed Joffrey will have an impact on his relationship with Cersei. There was already some tension on how each one of them felt about Tyrion when it was assumed that he poisoned Joffrey. Maybe this new insight will make Jamie view family a little differently and have more of an appreciation for his brother. A lot of people already think he will be the king slayer once again and be the one to kill Cersei. I think it would be more fitting for her to die at his hands than anyone else's. He's been transition into more of an honorable man for a while now. Only fitting.
The main interesting thing from the Dany/Jon highly anticipated meeting was how different they are. I know both of them are hugely popular both within the show and among fans. But it was hard not to kinda get annoyed by Dany during their meeting. It all started with the exchanging of titles. It took 10 minutes to introduce Dany with all her "breaker of chains, mother of dragons" talk, and then Jon had a simple "This is Jon Snow. He's the King of the North." Dany really came off as entitled and self-centered. She even admitted the only thing that drove her all this time was her belief in herself. Now, you can take that as confidence or the fact that she was so enamored by her own name that she felt entitled to the throne. She definitely has done good things for people and has won the trust of a lot of people, but her differences with Jon were striking. Jon never had a name, he never wanted any of this, but he was born for it and everyone could notice he was special. He even admitted he doesn't like any of this but he has no choice. All that being said, I think fans are gonna be disappointed if they expect Dany to "win" the game of thrones. I don't think she was made for this. She convinced herself and everyone else that she was, but I don't think she's gonna make it till the end.
I think we are seeing a strong admiration for Jon forming in Daenerys. From the " whats that about 'stabbed in the heart' " to the conversation where they discussed lost brothers. He showed alot of spine in that initial meeting not bending the knee her, and even getting what he came for with no submission to her. Dont think it would have went that way for others. I think the comment in the trailer about "enough with the clever plans" could indicate her beginning to lean on Jon heavily for counsel ( particularly militarily where they dont have a true statagist)
Can't believe it hasn't been mentioned here, but it was basically 100% confirmed that ASOIF is Jon and Danerys when the red lady said she did her job and brought Ice and Fire together. Pretty much meaning everything up and until this point has been the telling of their story. A song being the story and Ice and Fire being Jon and Danerys. It's been pretty well known, but now it's confirmed this is their story.
Also, you could see Danerys give Jon a longing look when he walked away from that last conversation. I still think they end up together before Bran can break the news to them. Particularly since he will presumably be staying for the dragonglass mining.
The conversation where she told Jon what her dragons were named for was pretty cool as well. They were named after my brothers, Viserys and Rhaegar was a pretty neat little moment.
I think everything else was pretty much covered already here.