Garrett is a great coach waiting to happen


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What keeps JG from greatness:
1) horrible game management (via play calling, player management, and clock management)
2) inability to scheme and create mismatches and/or account for injuries
3) unable to get a team ready for most big games
4) inability to make adjustments


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Here is what he needs to change:

Knock off the insane clapping. If a player makes a great play, yell congrats. Give a thumbs up. If a player screws up, for God's sake do not clap! Why would you clap?

When a player is suspending for drugs, vehicular manslaughter, DV, etc. or is late to practice or camp, DO NOT say "he's a player, we believe in him. His work ethic and love of his teammates is a testament to his character." Think it over. Follow Jimmy's way: "I will tell you something, he's got until tomorrow to explain his butt. Things happen. Stupidity happens. If he does not want to get with the system or work hard, there are a hundred otywers who want his job. I am through talking about idiots who do not, through his actions, want to be here."

Stop grinning at everything. Not everything is pretty or good.
Did jimmy and old man Landry grin on the sidelines? No, they were focused.

At pressers, tell it like it is: "Our pass rushing sucks. Our secondary is struggling. I will have the Allen HS secondary here tomorrow to show them how it is done."

When you lose, show anger: "We are going to switch some first-teamers to second. This loss is unacceptable. If you can't play for an hour, you need to be in better condition. If you can't hang with the opponent, turn in your equipment and give a younger, more talented player a chance to play."

Garrett has the smarts and skills. Talking and acting like a Pollyanna is not the way to conduct himself. IT'S THE NFL, NOT POP WARNER!!!!!
This just confirms why I am not a fan of either.


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Tony Romo has a career passer rating of 97.1.
That's 4th all-time, behind Rodgers, Russell Wilson (!?!) and Brady.

Brees is 6th. Peyton Manning is 7th. Ben is 9th.
That tells me the passer rating isn’t the best measurement.


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Some players didn't become elite because they were always elite. Coaching helps a lot. Richard Sherman wasn't gifted with blazing speed. Yet thru good coaching he became a good player in Seattle. If he came into the Dallas system he would be toast. Probably even cut.

We've lived with bad coaching for all these years that we just assume the players we have are ineffective. Isn't ironic that Richard comes to Dallas and starts to coach our DBs to play press rather than giving opponents 20 yard cushions. What a novel idea.

Coaching means a lot and its important. Good coaching can coach players to become good. Some players don't come to this league being elite.
Yes, good coaching has a great eye for talent. Nobody is winning championships without an elite QB or defense. Landry and Jimmy didn’t.


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They did not have a top 5 QB. They did have a good defense I give you that. Yet they had their issues such as injuries just like we did. They made the most of their opportunity. We have had opportunities given to us also. We failed to capitalize as well.

WE can make excuses all we want. But one day Garrett does have to fess up that his ability or lack there of his holding the team back.
The Eagles had a top 5 defense and Wentz who was on a MVP pace led them to best record. Then Foles had a MVP Super Bowl performance.

You don’t need excuses with talent and performances like that.

Why do some fans feel we should be playing for championships with an average to above average Defense and QB?


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The Eagles had a top 5 defense and Wentz who was on a MVP pace led them to best record. Then Foles had a MVP Super Bowl performance.

You don’t need excuses with talent and performances like that.

Why do some fans feel we should be playing for championships with an average to above average Defense and QB?

Well if you wanted a top 5 defense maybe you should be asking Garrett why we've been spending most of our resources on offense rather on defense Please don't tell me Garrett has nothing to do with finding personnel. Because he is the coach and the he should be running the entire show. Or does he?

Whats the next excuse? Jerry Jones controlling everything? Garrett doesn't coach defense? Not enough talent on defense? What is it this time?

Its the same excuse year in year out. Of course fans are tired. What ever happened to the Cowboys of the past where winning was everything? I don't see that with this team anymore.

Now we have coach thats too soft on players. Who doesn't hold players accountable and can't even right his own ship. Its obvious he couldn't control Bryant and thus he (Bryant) was a stigma on the sidelines.

If the coach can't control the little things like Bryant in house how can we expect to coach up players to the best of their abilities? That right there is the problem.


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Some players didn't become elite because they were always elite. Coaching helps a lot. Richard Sherman wasn't gifted with blazing speed. Yet thru good coaching he became a good player in Seattle. If he came into the Dallas system he would be toast. Probably even cut.

We've lived with bad coaching for all these years that we just assume the players we have are ineffective. Isn't ironic that Richard comes to Dallas and starts to coach our DBs to play press rather than giving opponents 20 yard cushions. What a novel idea.

Coaching means a lot and its important. Good coaching can coach players to become good. Some players don't come to this league being elite.
Well if you wanted a top 5 defense maybe you should be asking Garrett why we've been spending most of our resources on offense rather on defense Please don't tell me Garrett has nothing to do with finding personnel. Because he is the coach and the he should be running the entire show. Or does he?

Whats the next excuse? Jerry Jones controlling everything? Garrett doesn't coach defense? Not enough talent on defense? What is it this time?

Its the same excuse year in year out. Of course fans are tired. What ever happened to the Cowboys of the past where winning was everything? I don't see that with this team anymore.

Now we have coach thats too soft on players. Who doesn't hold players accountable and can't even right his own ship. Its obvious he couldn't control Bryant and thus he (Bryant) was a stigma on the sidelines.

If the coach can't control the little things like Bryant in house how can we expect to coach up players to the best of their abilities? That right there is the problem.
I agree. If Garrett is responsible for personnel decisions his butt should fired. The risk we’ve taken in drafts alone would be enough for dismissal.

But we suspect Garrett doesn’t have final say and the root of the problem as you refer to.

Winning hasn’t been the top priority when the biggest obstacle insist on receiving credit.
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Reread your statement . I don’t drink. Perhaps I misunderstood.

“ In his entire time as a coach - QB, OC, and Head Coach - Garrett has been average. He is not a good coach. Sorry.“

You said Garrett has been average . Then in next sentence not a good coach . You equate average with not good ?

My goodness...I was responding to the claim that he was. My claim was that he was at best average. I never equate average to good. Who does that?


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My goodness...I was responding to the claim that he was. My claim was that he was at best average. I never equate average to good. Who does that?
That’s why I was questioning it. I interpreted it as though average was not good. Average IMO is in the middle neither good or bad. If you had equated to not bad instead of not good it probably wouldn’t have got my attention . Sorry


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Here is what he needs to change:

Knock off the insane clapping. If a player makes a great play, yell congrats. Give a thumbs up. If a player screws up, for God's sake do not clap! Why would you clap?

When a player is suspending for drugs, vehicular manslaughter, DV, etc. or is late to practice or camp, DO NOT say "he's a player, we believe in him. His work ethic and love of his teammates is a testament to his character." Think it over. Follow Jimmy's way: "I will tell you something, he's got until tomorrow to explain his butt. Things happen. Stupidity happens. If he does not want to get with the system or work hard, there are a hundred otywers who want his job. I am through talking about idiots who do not, through his actions, want to be here."

Stop grinning at everything. Not everything is pretty or good.
Did jimmy and old man Landry grin on the sidelines? No, they were focused.

At pressers, tell it like it is: "Our pass rushing sucks. Our secondary is struggling. I will have the Allen HS secondary here tomorrow to show them how it is done."

When you lose, show anger: "We are going to switch some first-teamers to second. This loss is unacceptable. If you can't play for an hour, you need to be in better condition. If you can't hang with the opponent, turn in your equipment and give a younger, more talented player a chance to play."

Garrett has the smarts and skills. Talking and acting like a Pollyanna is not the way to conduct himself. IT'S THE NFL, NOT POP WARNER!!!!!

Another 8 years and he will be ready. LOL


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But he can't do that when he is everyone's best friend.

What drove me crazy is when Garrett will go to basketball games with Romo and Witten. Would Landry, Parcells and any good coach do that? I doubt it.

Garrett is too soft on his players. He wants to be liked by the players and wants to be be too buddy buddy with them.

If he wants to be great coach he needs to emphasis excellence and accountability. PERIOD. He needs to bench players for dumb and stupid mistakes. He needs to chew them out for bad plays right in front cameras rather than keep slapping their butts even though were losing.
He needs to stop sugarcoating why they lost and tell it as it is - that the team sucked and that there will be players benched if this continues.

When was the last time he chewed Dez? NEVER. Why didn't he bench Chaz Green after the Atlanta game? NOPE. What did he with the team when they got blown out against the Eagles? Probably NOTHING.

I would be embarrassed as a coach to have won the game against Philidelphia's 3rd stringers last year. I would have made a statement and said we have won nothing. Yet he sugarcoated that win as though we really won something worthy of bragging.

We fans aren't as naive and clueless as what Garrett thinks. We all know that the REAL Eagles team didn't show up to play. Does he think were that dumb?

Losing is part of the Garrett culture. There is no consequences or accountability to losing a games. Its the status quo around here. Yes were still an country club in Dallas. Until I see otherwise Im sticking to it.

There is too much "WE" in everything he says. You gotta do it YOUR way or it all gets confusing. As if the plan is NOT there. NO ideas of his own.


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Here is what he needs to change:

Knock off the insane clapping. If a player makes a great play, yell congrats. Give a thumbs up. If a player screws up, for God's sake do not clap! Why would you clap?

When a player is suspending for drugs, vehicular manslaughter, DV, etc. or is late to practice or camp, DO NOT say "he's a player, we believe in him. His work ethic and love of his teammates is a testament to his character." Think it over. Follow Jimmy's way: "I will tell you something, he's got until tomorrow to explain his butt. Things happen. Stupidity happens. If he does not want to get with the system or work hard, there are a hundred otywers who want his job. I am through talking about idiots who do not, through his actions, want to be here."

Stop grinning at everything. Not everything is pretty or good.
Did jimmy and old man Landry grin on the sidelines? No, they were focused.

At pressers, tell it like it is: "Our pass rushing sucks. Our secondary is struggling. I will have the Allen HS secondary here tomorrow to show them how it is done."

When you lose, show anger: "We are going to switch some first-teamers to second. This loss is unacceptable. If you can't play for an hour, you need to be in better condition. If you can't hang with the opponent, turn in your equipment and give a younger, more talented player a chance to play."

Garrett has the smarts and skills. Talking and acting like a Pollyanna is not the way to conduct himself. IT'S THE NFL, NOT POP WARNER!!!!!
Step away from the cool aid!!


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Here is what he needs to change:

Knock off the insane clapping. If a player makes a great play, yell congrats. Give a thumbs up. If a player screws up, for God's sake do not clap! Why would you clap?

When a player is suspending for drugs, vehicular manslaughter, DV, etc. or is late to practice or camp, DO NOT say "he's a player, we believe in him. His work ethic and love of his teammates is a testament to his character." Think it over. Follow Jimmy's way: "I will tell you something, he's got until tomorrow to explain his butt. Things happen. Stupidity happens. If he does not want to get with the system or work hard, there are a hundred otywers who want his job. I am through talking about idiots who do not, through his actions, want to be here."

Stop grinning at everything. Not everything is pretty or good.
Did jimmy and old man Landry grin on the sidelines? No, they were focused.

At pressers, tell it like it is: "Our pass rushing sucks. Our secondary is struggling. I will have the Allen HS secondary here tomorrow to show them how it is done."

When you lose, show anger: "We are going to switch some first-teamers to second. This loss is unacceptable. If you can't play for an hour, you need to be in better condition. If you can't hang with the opponent, turn in your equipment and give a younger, more talented player a chance to play."

Garrett has the smarts and skills. Talking and acting like a Pollyanna is not the way to conduct himself. IT'S THE NFL, NOT POP WARNER!!!!!
probsbly the dumbest post I have read in a while..

show me one coach who comes to presser and says our team sucks... and oh yeah, garrett did that once and people said he is throwing his players under the bus...


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Garrett was castrated a LONG time ago by ownership, he doesn't know anything legit about coaching that you couldn't read in a book (I haven't read the book, so he is a little better than me); but, it is truly embarrassing when the other team knows our play book as well as our offense and it is MUCH MORE embarrassing watching every other team adjust at half time while we run zeke up the middle again and again...

ugh, is it possible that this guy learns something, anything, after 7 + seasons of "average"



Pixel Pusher
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Any minute now.


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Lol, I'm sorry but when I read the title of this thread I just had to laugh because in my mind there is no way this guy should still be holding a job as an NFL head coach. But it did get me wondering:

'Of the coaches that have won Super Bowls, had any of them coached their team longer than Garrett has currently been coaching the Cowboys BEFORE finally winning a SB?’

The answer is yes but only two. Tom Landry and Bill Cowher, and it goes without saying that both of their teams were far more succcessful than Garrett has been before winning their first SB.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
That's slot of bs. Maybe it's not your style. How many coaches in today's league berate their players publically and still have long tenure. Even bill mostly keeps everything in house, most coaches do. People worried about clapping are worried about the wrong issues. Garrett is a chew your *** behind the scenes, smile in front of the camera guy.
I'd like to see him with more control on a team paired with a good gm.
That is a good point. I have mixed feelings about Garrett. Supported him for years and then felt disillusioned after the last few years. I am just not sure how much control he actually has. I certainly agree that JJ has meddled enough to derail any coach's agenda. Could be that he is starting to give up some of the control. Talent goes a long way, but it takes the combined effort at crunch time.