Conservative bum coaches would have gone for the tie. If you go by the win % numbers you go for 2. And it's not even close. Yes I corrected my post it was the 25. So we start at the 23 instead of the 8. In a game where yards are hard to come by it's a big deal.
The absolute norm is for the coach to go for the tie in that situation. It happens in games every week. That's a lot of why OT's happen at all. The low odds of a 2 point conversion are why teams don't go for it frequently.
And the odds were dramatically worse in this game. Keep in mind that the 2 teams combined were 5-27 on 3rd down, and 0-2 on 4th down. That's 17%. That's an 83% chance the opponent will stop you. It puts the odds dramatically in favor of the opposing team.
But that's not all … not only would the Cowboys have needed to make
that conversion, and end up scoring the TD, they then would have to rely on yet another conversion to get the 2 points. What do you think the odds of getting both those conversions were? Maybe 7-8%? That's really taking that odds away from the Cowboys and putting them overwhelmingly with the Patriots.
Now, let's look at kicking the FG. The FG had a dramatically higher chance of success, then when they got the ball back, if they score the TD the game wouldn't have to hinge on that incredible low likelihood of a 2 point conversion.