George Zimmerman charged with 2nd degree murder of Trayvon Martin **Read Post #142**

JonJon;4503716 said:
Now you are starting to make generalized assumptions. Like Woodysgirl said, not as much influence as you would think. Most black youth pay little to no attention to those guys. I would even argue that among black youths, guys like Sharpton and Jackson are considered to be "a joke" nowadays. Now black males in their 40s-50s will have a totally different view of Sharpton and Jackson.

JONJON ---honest question ----who do you think influences young people --black white etc...To me there are few positive influences out there. From some rap to simpsons and beavis and butthead...The large city's youth seem to be heavly influenced by gangs ---Just wondering
JonJon;4503716 said:
Now you are starting to make generalized assumptions. Like Woodysgirl said, not as much influence as you would think. Most black youth pay little to no attention to those guys. I would even argue that among black youths, guys like Sharpton and Jackson are considered to be "a joke" nowadays. Now black males in their 40s-50s will have a totally different view of Sharpton and Jackson.

Unfortunaley they are the ones who get the TV time along with the black panthers
They aren't going to get second degree murder. As a prosecutor you always overcharge the crime, thus w/e evidence will most likely either get a manslaughter or an acquittal from the jury I suspect.

Rev'n up in FL
JonJon;4503716 said:
Now you are starting to make generalized assumptions. Like Woodysgirl said, not as much influence as you would think. Most black youth pay little to no attention to those guys. I would even argue that among black youths, guys like Sharpton and Jackson are considered to be "a joke" nowadays. Now black males in their 40s-50s will have a totally different view of Sharpton and Jackson.

Google Farakhan and Alabama A&M then come back and tell me the same thing.
justbob;4503736 said:
JONJON ---honest question ----who do you think influences young people --black white etc...To me there are few positive influences out there. From some rap to simpsons and beavis and butthead...The large city's youth seem to be heavly influenced by gangs ---Just wondering

Without a doubt, the largest influence among youths these days, all races included, are music artist. The artist have immensely more clout and influence on their lives and behaviors than any political figure, rights activist, or clergyman ever can. And yes, I do have a problem with that. I don't want to steer this discussion off course though, so I will just leave it at that.
Cajuncowboy;4503745 said:
Google Farakhan and Alabama A&M then come back and tell me the same thing.
I don't have to. I am a black male in my twenties and I have met thousands of other black males my age and younger, and I can assure you, most have little to no knowledge of Farakhan and what he stands for, and could really care less.
JonJon;4503753 said:
Without a doubt, the largest influence among youths these days, all races included, are music artist. The artist have immensely more clout and influence on their lives and behaviors than any political figure, rights activist, or clergyman ever can. And yes, I do have a problem with that. I don't want to steer this discussion off course though, so I will just leave it at that.

Thanks --not trying to change the course --just wanted an honest opinion. Back to the regular thread :)
JonJon;4503757 said:
I don't have to. I am a black male in my twenties and I have met thousands of other black males my age and younger, and I can assure you, most have little to no knowledge of Farakhan and what he stands for, and could really care less.

If you believe what you are saying to be true, then don't be afraid to google it. If for no other reason than to arm yourself with the truth.
Cajuncowboy;4503766 said:
If you believe what you are saying to be true, then don't be afraid to google it. If for no other reason than to arm yourself with the truth.

I don't need to google it because I already know what his going on there. Those members of Alabama A&M that actually support Farrakhan represent a very, very small, nearly minute percentage of the generalized "black male youth" that you chose to use above. There are also a good percentage of A&M members that oppose Farrakhan and are protesting his involvement there. Keep in mind that an even larger portion of your generalized black male youth are not even in college to begin with, and like I said earlier, could care less about Farrakhan and what he has to say, because it is irrelevant to their lives.
JonJon;4503781 said:
I don't need to google it because I already know what his going on there. Those members of Alabama A&M that actually support Farrakhan represent a very, very small, nearly minute percentage of the generalized "black male youth" that you chose to use above. There are also a good percentage of A&M members that oppose Farrakhan and are protesting his involvement there. Keep in mind that an even larger portion of your generalized black male youth are not even in college to begin with, and like I said earlier, could care less about Farrakhan and what he has to say, because it is irrelevant to their lives.

Farakhan is one example, there are many others in his ilk. And people like you mention, the Kanye West's of the world are just like him. Where do you think he gets his marching orders from? The likes of Farakhan, Sharpton and Jackson. You can deny their impact all you want and simply saying "I a young black man" doesn't mean it isn't having an impact. It might not be having an impact on your or your circle, but no matter what you think, your circle is a very small fraction of the black population.
Cajuncowboy;4503788 said:
Farakhan is one example, there are many others in his ilk. And people like you mention, the Kanye West's of the world are just like him. Where do you think he gets his marching orders from? The likes of Farakhan, Sharpton and Jackson. You can deny their impact all you want and simply saying "I a young black man" doesn't mean it isn't having an impact. It might not be having an impact on your or your circle, but no matter what you think, your circle is a very small fraction of the black population.

I'm not gonna debate here, even though I do have a lot to say on the topic we are discussing, and can back up my views quite well. But like I said earlier, I don't want to derail the thread, and continuing along this path here will do just that.
JonJon;4503798 said:
I'm not gonna debate here, even though I do have a lot to say on the topic we are discussing. But like I said earlier, I don't want to derail the thread, and continuing along this path here will do just that.

Feel free to PM me. I honestly believe that unless people exchange these views with each other, there is going to be this problem. There is nothing Most of us (black, white, brown, red, yellow or purple) want more than to make this all go away. Unless the root of this is defined, there will be this angst that continues. I welcome the discussion as opposed to the debate.
The angry mob that won't look at the facts will be foaming at the mouth when he gets found not guilty.
Maybe. For me, all I ever wanted was for him to be charged and arrested so I'm satisfied. It's up to the courts now, so even if he walks, at least I know that the judicial system ran its proper course.
StevenOtero;4503935 said:
The angry mob that won't look at the facts will be foaming at the mouth when he gets found not guilty.

Just like they would have "when he doesn't get arrested", huh?

This is due process. If he gets found not guilty, there will be a furor and then it'll go away. Do you really think this would be the first time a controversial trial would have an outcome like that?

For a lot of people, the lack of an arrest was their major problem with how things played out. At least now there's that.
JonJon;4503943 said:
Maybe. For me, all I ever wanted was for him to be charged and arrested so I'm satisfied. It's up to the courts now, so even if he walks, at least I know that the judicial system ran its proper course.
He will never again know a day of peace whether he is found guilty or not. Judging from my Twitter feed, there are many who consider that justice by itself. If he was truly defending himself that night, it might have been better if Trayvon had killed a way, they both lost their lives that night.
Cajuncowboy;4503594 said:
And THAT is why we need all the facts to come out before jumping to conclusions.

And the police couldn't charge him unless they had some evidence against him. He would at that point be a person of interest if there was a crime committed.

my problem is I honestly believe they weren't going to charge him with out the public out cry. I don't believe any new evidence surfaced between then and now and I doubt any new evidence comes up, their decision to not charge him that night or atleast keep him detained for the 24 or 48 hours or so they can with out charging him, imo meant they weren't going to. And that has always been my problem with this. There was sufficent evidence to go to trial last month, but they had no intention to.
JonJon;4503943 said:
Maybe. For me, all I ever wanted was for him to be charged and arrested so I'm satisfied. It's up to the courts now, so even if he walks, at least I know that the judicial system ran its proper course.

That's all that anyone has been asking. All victims deserve their day in court.
The30YardSlant;4503653 said:
Like someone brought up in the other thread about this, nobody has ever said it better than Morgan Freeman did. The best way to rid the country of racism is to stop talking about it so damn much.

the problem is when ever something like this occurs two thing always seem to happen. one group says it was race related, the other group says it's not. I'm not ignorant enough to say that one group is always right, but I'm also not nieve enough to say one group is always wrong. And not talking about it wouldn't stop the act itself.

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