'Geronimo': Code name for bin Laden blasted

RoyTheHammer;3941829 said:
Yes, because Native Americans have a history of "whining just to hear themselves whine".. come on now.

Why just call out Native Americans? It's not like they are the only ones that do it.
This is laughable at best. People need a grow some thicker skin and a pair. I look for CAIR and the ACLU to make an appearance anyday now.
casmith07;3941830 said:
My informative post above aside, then perhaps we should have called bin Laden James Forsyth.

I know what will not call him, we will not call him for dinner. :laugh2:
ConcordCowboy;3941840 said:
Yes but the SEAL's did go in on Blackhawk Helicopters

More disgusting racism from those evil, imperialistic Americans.
Yeagermeister;3941849 said:
Now I'm offended you used a player from my favorite baseball team :laugh2:

I tipped my age just by using that guy's name.
RoyTheHammer;3941820 said:
Please don't pretend to know the reasoning behind why they called him what they did. Geronimo was a native american who stood up against people invading his land. He's a cultural hero to native americans of this land.

So when you here that our own military referred to the target as such, and said "Geronimo: Enemy Killed in Action" could you not understand why some in that culture would be a little upset hearing that?

Why exactly do you think they called him Geronimo? Something sinister? :rolleyes:

Tell me, does it really freaking matter what they called him? They didn't even have to release what he was called. These people are *****ing because they want too. It doesn't matter if they called him George Washington; it was a codename and not meant to be publicly known.

It's unreal how touchy people get over crap that has absolutely ZERO to do with them. These men did ALL Americans a favor and all those whining idiots want to do is persecute them because they applied eight letters in a specific order to a terrorist. If they would have never released the fact that it was called Geronimo, they would have been celebrating rather than persecuting them.
The30YardSlant;3941651 said:
Ignorance implies it isnt rooted in fact. The Native Americans got fleeced big time.

No, they did not.
ConcordCowboy;3941608 said:
Actually I would have like it if it would have been called Operation George Washington.

Washington fought for freedom and that's what those SEAL's were doing too...when they killed bin Laden.

Geronimo fought for freedom too.

To me they're not calling bin Laden Geronimo...that's just the name of the Operation...to me it's a sign of respect that Geronimo deserved.

It's an Honor to have your name linked forever with the Operation that killed one of the most notorious people that ever lived.

According to the article you linked, Geronimo is the code name for Bin Laden, not the operation.

I can see where it would be offensive.
Temo;3941992 said:
No, they did not.

Peter Minuit purchased Manhattan from the natives for 60 guilders, which was the equivalent of about 25 bucks at the time. Go read a history book.
RoyTheHammer;3941703 said:
i guess you could also laugh at the fact that we are raiding villages and killing innocent people


The30YardSlant;3942081 said:
Peter Minuit purchased Manhattan from the natives for 60 guilders, which was the equivalent of about 25 bucks at the time. Go read a history book.

Of course, Manhattan at the time was a wooded island of little value. Hundreds of years of development in the United States and in the New England region in general changed that value. But not at the time it was sold.

Also there's no realistic way to convert guilders into USD $, but the most honest attempts come to about $1,000 present-day value. Even that is worthy of much skepticism.
RoyTheHammer;3941548 said:
Go ahead and tell your "joke" to a Native American then.. see what they say.

Or tell the "joke" that i gave you to a random black guy you see.. see what happens, k?

I happen to believe in Norse Polytheism...

The fact that you would use "The Hammer" in your username offends me as that should be reserved for the great god Thor...

Color me offended...

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