Video: Get Up: Louis Riddick - Dak will get North of $60M

It’s weird that the QB who helped lead his 7th seed team to win over the 2nd seed team on the road led by the QB who was a significant reason as to why that happened, is being overshadowed by the latter in this headline/article.
If Jerry wanted this deal done, it would be done.


This is, and has to be, obvious to everybody by now right?

The only question has become, where besides Dallas will Dak land in the next six months?
These times where "If JJ wants a player he will get him" are far gone.
That was in the time when we had no salary cap. JJ was the one who oudbid everybody. Bought players away from teams that were his biggest opponents.

But with the salary cap came the need of knowledge about how to handle resources. You suddenly had to have talent to handle a roster. That was the time where JJ lost control over it.

No, the deal is not done simply because the player doesnt want what we offer him. Its that easy. And because our FO lacks fundamental knowledge in contract setup and negotiation this thing will take as long as all the other more important ones.
I don't watch all these shows especially during the off season but when I have seen Riddick in the past he has generally been level headed and reasonable. Often obvious that he was trying to keep thing realistic even when those around him were clearly trying to create drama.

I didn't watch the clip above but it's out of character from what I've seen from him in the past.
This is exactly right. The salary’s are proportional to the % of the cap. The average fan doesn’t understand this or ignores it and continues to get sticker shock. The salary’s are going to continue to rise because the cap jumps

People discuss how high salaries are. Nobody cares about that.

Especially not the franchises. The salary cap is bound to TV incomes. The salaries of players are bound to the cap. So the salaries the franchises pay are a safe thing for them. The will never have to spend their own money.

This is the golden cow the NFL franchises created. As long as there are fans who buy TV "tickets" everything is fine.
I agree and I don't think people should be surprised by that number either. The top AAV right now is $55M (24.47% of the cap at signing) and that was set by Burrow a year ago. If the cap jumps another 10% next year 24.47% would be $68M. As of this years cap number 24.47% would be $62M.

If Dak wants to be paid similar to Burrow $60M is actually a slight (very slight) discount. If Dak were willing to take $55M Jerry should have already signed the papers. If Jerry wouldn't sign Dak for $55M he should have already moved on from Dak because there is zero chance of retaining him.
I think the problem again is the length of the contract.

I would think that Dak wants a 2 or 3 year deal at max. Just because his goal is to get another contract before the end of his career.

We will again try to lure him into a longer deal, 5-6, of course because of the bonuses that can be spread out over that period of time.

But this time its a bit more delicate: Just because we already pushed all his money from the last contract into 2024 and 2025. Now we cant use those years to hand him out a big signing bonus.
With that being said if you cant hand him a big signing bonus you need to give him higher (much higher) fully guaranteed money/anno during his contract. Thats tough to swallow.
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I think the problem again is the length of the contract.

I would think that Dak wants a 2 or 3 year deal at max. Just because his goal is to get another contract before the end of his career.

We will again try to lure him into a longer deal, 5-6, of course because of the bonuses that can be spread out over that period of time.

But this time its a bit more delicate: Just because we already pushed all his money from the last contract into 2024 and 2025. Now we cant use those years to hand him out a big signing bonus.
With that being said if you cant hand him a big signing bonus you need to give him higher (much higher) fully guaranteed money/anno during his contract. Thats tough to swallow.
Very good point, the issue with the last contract wasn't the AAV nearly as much as it was the length of the contract. If Dak had another couple years at $40MM it would look like a phenomenal deal right now.

For a new contract I really don't know what the best spot is for the Cowboys. I'd assume Dak would prefer another short deal for a final chance to negotiation a contract. As of right now Dak Prescott is 31 years old going into this the Cowboys really want to lock him up through his mid 30s knowing it's not uncommon for QBs to fall off around that time? You probably don't want a super long contract that you'll be stuck with massive cap hits at the end of it, but you also don't have the flexibility to front load anything due to money that is already tied up into 2025/2026.
Very good point, the issue with the last contract wasn't the AAV nearly as much as it was the length of the contract. If Dak had another couple years at $40MM it would look like a phenomenal deal right now.

For a new contract I really don't know what the best spot is for the Cowboys. I'd assume Dak would prefer another short deal for a final chance to negotiation a contract. As of right now Dak Prescott is 31 years old going into this the Cowboys really want to lock him up through his mid 30s knowing it's not uncommon for QBs to fall off around that time? You probably don't want a super long contract that you'll be stuck with massive cap hits at the end of it, but you also don't have the flexibility to front load anything due to money that is already tied up into 2025/2026.
I wonder how the Cowboys FO evaluate his play especially after his foot injury. He clearly lost his ability to be a running threat. Still he puts up good numbers.
This may be an argument for Dak to say: See i have the talent to play deep into my 30s because i am not dependend on my athletical abilities.

IDK how the FO sees this. If they do think so also than i would think they want a longer deal. Else a 4 year deal like you said makes a lot of sense.

In both cases i think they will sit out this year and try to eat all the money. And hand him out a new deal with the beginning of the next season. Next year they will be more flexible with upfront bonuses.
They could also structure a 4 year deal that has essentially no money this year and a small upfront bonus. But give hi high base salaries in the following three years. Every year fully guaranteed. If he got hurt that would of course be desaster.

To your thought/wish to not push any kind of money to the later years: I dont think you will have that fullfilled. This FO is notorious for that. When Garrett was here we changed that a bit. But with MM we are fully into that misshandling of the cap again. SJ is clueless when it comes to handling the cap. If he is not regulated by others (HC etc) we will alway be in a situation we are right now with Daks contract.
These times where "If JJ wants a player he will get him" are far gone.
That was in the time when we had no salary cap. JJ was the one who oudbid everybody. Bought players away from teams that were his biggest opponents.

But with the salary cap came the need of knowledge about how to handle resources. You suddenly had to have talent to handle a roster. That was the time where JJ lost control over it.

No, the deal is not done simply because the player doesnt want what we offer him. Its that easy. And because our FO lacks fundamental knowledge in contract setup and negotiation this thing will take as long as all the other more important ones.
The salary cap has been here for over 20 years and Jerry. has bought who he wants every time.
No matter what cost to becoming winning team.
OK So what account executive from the NFL has said that that Prescott's gonna earn $10 million over market it's ridiculous can we stop posting opinions these people are putting their feelings in here they just want it to be a story and you bit and now it's a story he never asked for 60 million and he never asked for 65,000,055 million is the mark... So Prescott wants to be the highest paid quarterback in the league which we don't know if that's his demand it will be probably 56 million at the most,,,

I'm hoping Prescott sees the light and will take between 52 and 55 because that's still a great contract it still puts him in the same top five money that's my belief I don't think he's gonna get anything over 56 million.. If the Jones family wants to separate themselves on contracts just keep him 52,000,000 per year but make it 100% guaranteed I mean if they can guarantee to Sean Watson's $250 million Prescott probably deserves something similar I mean that's how you can make it sellable to take less money it's just make it all guaranteed.
55 is long gone. Every starting franchise QB like say Jordan Love is about to beat that number. And those guys have far less leverage than Dak.
I would offer 58M AAV and 232 total and drop the no trade down to an 8-team restriction.
I think that is real and possible.
If Dak hits free agency 65M is very, very possible next year.
Very good point, the issue with the last contract wasn't the AAV nearly as much as it was the length of the contract. If Dak had another couple years at $40MM it would look like a phenomenal deal right now.

For a new contract I really don't know what the best spot is for the Cowboys. I'd assume Dak would prefer another short deal for a final chance to negotiation a contract. As of right now Dak Prescott is 31 years old going into this the Cowboys really want to lock him up through his mid 30s knowing it's not uncommon for QBs to fall off around that time? You probably don't want a super long contract that you'll be stuck with massive cap hits at the end of it, but you also don't have the flexibility to front load anything due to money that is already tied up into 2025/2026.
That is Dallas' own fault. They slow played and paid him after forcing a tag year so France rightfully said you will now only get 4 years. The deal was never bad. The team just didn't win enough during it.
But it was a 4-year deal with a 1-year tag at a lower rate. Not bad at all really. Just very unnecessarily dramatic.
It’s weird that the QB who helped lead his 7th seed team to win over the 2nd seed team on the road led by the QB who was a significant reason as to why that happened, is being overshadowed by the latter in this headline/article.
are you a new cowboys fan? you must be. anything cowboys is headliner. specially Dak. you don't get clicks? mention Dak and Cowboys and viola....its 10,000 views. within an hour.

come on man. you know better.
That is Dallas' own fault. They slow played and paid him after forcing a tag year so France rightfully said you will now only get 4 years. The deal was never bad. The team just didn't win enough during it.
But it was a 4-year deal with a 1-year tag at a lower rate. Not bad at all really. Just very unnecessarily dramatic.
These narratives have to stop this is not the Jones family's fault you do realize there's very smart agents and players that won't allow themselves to be lowballed or signed for long contracts that don't benefit them they knew this is coming they are not allowing this to happen it's happened with lamb Parsons and everyone they will not allow themselves to be lowballed... There's far too many moving parts the Jones family is 1/3 of this equation the agents and players in the market play a big role in this and they will not allow themselves to be signed to early bad contracts just like right now two has just turned down 50 million he's not even worth 50 million they know what the salary cap's gonna be three years from now they're not gonna allow themselves to be signed early this just happens in the NFL some players will take it like Trayvon diggs and I appreciate him taking a fourth overall contract at the time that still fit because he did the team a favor because he wasn't greedy but there are other people in this process that the Jones have no control over..

You can keep taking sides because it's obvious around here not many people like the Jones family but stop acting like they're the only players in this game it is a big time game now lots of players coming to the table refusing to do any team a favor because they see how owners shipped them off really fast tear up contracts cut them trade them so now they've got smart and they're just gonna do for themselves which is fine but stop blaming the owners for all this...

The dramas coming from the fan base the media the saturated market of social media and dramatic effect making stories up every day none of this is even true and I'm telling you right now Prescott back in 2020 wasn't going to take a lowball deal that was like 6 years knowing that in three years he can come back to the table and get 20 more million they're not allowing themselves to do this this is not on the Jones family you think if they designed him early and not franchise tagged him we wouldn't be in this position nonsense there are players two years into their contracts like their new ones like tyree kill over in Miami that are already holding out for another deal you can hold out at any time it doesn't matter if you design A smaller deal at the time for what 35 to 38 million they were gonna come back in three years and ask for more money anyway it was gonna be pretty much the same situation as we're in now because agents and players will not do that...

I love reading these busted *** narratives that people come on here and claim they know what would have happened if the Jones family offered a contract back in 2019 or 2020 early and if Prescott would have signed for it and it's agents have come out and made that statement I mean where's the proof that that didn't happen behind the scenes that they didn't offer him a smaller contract say 35,000,000 / 4 or five years and he turned it down that's more than likely it did happen you all saying it didn't happen just as bad as people saying it did happen...

Negotiations always are happening behind the scenes and they're not always published for the public to see... There's no proof that any of these players would have signed for less and would assigned early absolutely 0 proof it's all hyperbole rhetoric it's all opinions you know what they say about opinions they're like ******** everyone has one but doesn't make anybody right everyone's picking a damn side because I don't like the Jones family it's ridiculous look around all leagues...

Players have been more smart have been getting better tougher agents and are now gonna allow themselves to be lowballed anymore... So if you wanted Prescott to sign for $35 million back in 2019 or 2020 which most people around here were saying he wasn't worth 20 nobody wanted to pick these people don't you think that the Jones family feels the same way they wanted to see these guys prove themselves before they give them these big contracts but show me where Prescott then wouldn't have come back after three years into this $35 million deal and asked for 55 million we'd have been in the same spot because he would have wanted a raise like all these other guys early on in their contracts..

No one's living up to their contracts period end of story and owners are also known for not living up to their obligations so we're here in the middle trying to state our opinions but this is not the Jones family's fault this is the market this is the agents this is the players this is all a big game for big money and it doesn't happen overnight..

And I'm gonna finish with this everybody who claims that Jones family is all business and all about money because they're always come from a business where they built themselves into billionaires they have other businesses besides the Cowboys they have franchises like Papa John's and other things you don't think that they don't understand the art of the contract and negotiations I mean that's the one thing people here have to agree upon and that means they're probably trying this all these hypotheticals that fans think that should but we don't know it because they're not going to negotiate in public most of the time you're only gonna hear with both sides wants you to hear just like in most court cases things are closed to the normal people.... The Jones family are good business people and they understand the market they have hundreds of people that work for them like lawyers CPA's salary cap experts they I'm sure have tried behind the scenes the sign guys early and it just didn't happen..
55 is long gone. Every starting franchise QB like say Jordan Love is about to beat that number. And those guys have far less leverage than Dak.
I would offer 58M AAV and 232 total and drop the no trade down to an 8-team restriction.
I think that is real and possible.
If Dak hits free agency 65M is very, very possible next year.
It's all gone in your opinion because you think you know something that none of us know you think that you're an agent a player or you're an ownership group that has not only one $10 billion business but they have several franchises they run no it's not $65 million as possible and we'll see that later you can bookmark this but 55 is not long gone it would make him one of the top paid players if I correct I said they can make it more valuable by making it all guaranteed so let's move on from you thinking you're some kind of expert you're not an expert and neither is the people that highlighted in this story these dudes are all just media they only know what the teams and agents want them to know you don't know squat that's the truth...

Yeah you would offer you have no skin in this game so nothing you are gonna do or say here is gonna make things a reality you can offer the guy $55 million in an all guaranteed 4 year contract where he has all the leverage and I don't see why Prescott wouldn't take it that's different that having the guaranteed money being about 70% of the contract you make it 100% it already happened with the Sean Watson you can make that the key to the negotiations.. Give him 55,000,000 fully guaranteed for four years with all the leverage and he will sign more than likely than not because that would be the key...

it's precious,all these super pro experts missing their true callin gin internet sites and sports media lmao Newsflash!! you not know anything...moving on
That is Dallas' own fault. They slow played and paid him after forcing a tag year so France rightfully said you will now only get 4 years. The deal was never bad. The team just didn't win enough during it.
But it was a 4-year deal with a 1-year tag at a lower rate. Not bad at all really. Just very unnecessarily dramatic.
I would agree that it's mostly on the shoulders of the Cowboys for how they mismanaged the entire situation, but I don't see how it was anything but a horrible deal for the team. The franchise tag was a $31M tag which was the largest cap hit in the league for that season.

Most of these QBs are signing 7+ year deals for their 2nd contracts. Locking a player up at that high of a deal for 4 years really restricts your ability to manipulate the hits to the cap. Jerry/Stephen wanted to slow play the Dak situation and it cost the Cowboys significantly.

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