Video: Get Up: Louis Riddick - Dak will get North of $60M


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If I’m Dak I’m cutting off negotiations now. Focus on football, and become the most sought after FA in recent memory next March. Even if he has a bad season to it won’t matter.

I don’t think the Cowboys brass has ever been all in on Dak. Always hesitation.


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Just let him prove himself ... again ... which he did not, he got injured. But the team was not really playing all that great when he was injured.
They were 1-3 when he was injured. Dalton finished that game and brought them from behind to win.

Let him play out this year.
Then we will see what happens.

Chuck 54

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OK So what account executive from the NFL has said that that Prescott's gonna earn $10 million over market it's ridiculous can we stop posting opinions these people are putting their feelings in here they just want it to be a story and you bit and now it's a story he never asked for 60 million and he never asked for 65,000,055 million is the mark... So Prescott wants to be the highest paid quarterback in the league which we don't know if that's his demand it will be probably 56 million at the most,,,

I'm hoping Prescott sees the light and will take between 52 and 55 because that's still a great contract it still puts him in the same top five money that's my belief I don't think he's gonna get anything over 56 million.. If the Jones family wants to separate themselves on contracts just keep him 52,000,000 per year but make it 100% guaranteed I mean if they can guarantee to Sean Watson's $250 million Prescott probably deserves something similar I mean that's how you can make it sellable to take less money it's just make it all guaranteed.
I saw his comments live. He was actually saying what Dak would get if Dallas doesn’t sign him now. He may get 60 now, knowing that all the QBs resigned next year will get 60+, but he was also talking about if Dak hits free agency.


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I saw his comments live. He was actually saying what Dak would get if Dallas doesn’t sign him now. He may get 60 now, knowing that all the QBs resigned next year will get 60+, but he was also talking about if Dak hits free agency.
Once again some take it and manipulate it to their agenda. Rather they actually watched / read it or not. Most do not.

Chuck 54

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The moderate cap hit for a QB is 20% of a team’s salary cap. Right now that’s 51 million For the current 255,400,000 cap. That’s base salary cap hit. The QB may be getting paid more than that due to bonuses and guarantees, etc, but not all of it is hitting the cap.

Predictions are that the salary cap will go up 20-25 % each of the next few years due to exploding revenue streams. If it goes up even 20% next year, the salary cap on base salary will be 306,480,000. 20% of that is 61,296,000.

Only rookies, journeymen, and aging vets viewed as fair starters will be signing contracts under 60 million. The top QBs will all be looking to restructure their current contracts for more. Every NFL player will want his fair share. Why? Because the NFL billionaire owners will also be pocketing ridiculous profits.

If you want a new QB, that’s a fair opinion. But it’s not about money. The Cowboys haven’t used up their cap in recent years. We all know they could have been players in free agency this year if they wanted. Dak’s salary has never been a detriment to the Cowboys adding any players they wanted in free agency. Whatever the Cowboys or another team pay Dak Prescott, it will not cripple the team. Whether you think he’s worth it or not, Dak will get a huge contract from someone, and he will still be one of the top 15 QBs in the NFL.