Twitter: Giants coach is challenging our OL?


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I look forward to it. Let them load up against the run. Let them sell out. They have a maturing star QB ready to tax that arse and make them pay. Let's see how Jenkins handles a now tip top Dez. Let's see them handle T Will going deep. Let's see how they handle the combo of Beez and Switz and the old man shredding the middle as they try and cover them with LB and safeties. This will be 90's Cowboys football reboot. Make them pay with the pass in first half and then gash them with smash mouth as they're bent over tryin to catch a breath in the second. May limit Zeke in first half with 8 men fronts but he goes for 100+ in the last two quarters. Mark my words!

This is going to be a statement game for our offense. :angry:


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You cant go by what happened last year, for this game.

-Dak and Zeke were rookies

-Zeke wasnt "Zeke" the first game

-Our offense was limited in the 2nd game because Witt was the only TE that could block, so he didnt go out on passing plays as much as he usually does. In fact, we had to bring in Looney a bunch of times because Swaim was hurt, and Escobar sucks as a blocker

-Giants dont have Hankins. He has given Fred problems even before Snacks Harrison was on the team. They start Bromley in place of him, who isnt anywhere near the run defender.

-Dez and Dak didnt have much Chemistry last year until the last 3-4 games

Itll be a close game as it usually is. We need Zeke though. Yea our OL is good, but we need those 3-4 yard gains that Zeke makes 7-8 yards. Mcfadden or Morris cant do that.
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Reading this thread you'd think we were 2-14 last year.

I guess we got nothin' for the Giants to worry about. This is a walk thru game for them. Just throw their helmets on the field and they dominate.

I don't think that's quite true.


Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
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I disagree that Free was pushing DE around. He was mobile nad got on LB and the like and pushed them around but that is not saying much. Free has always struggled with power. Speed to power moves ragdoll him far too often for my tastes.

Leary was not consistent on his sustain either for all the accolades sent his way. Quickness gave him fits. When he turned and lost his base it was game over. I think you underestimate Cooper's power. He stands up DT just fine.

I get that you are uncertain but by that same token I am certain that Free was bad last year. You can take that same uncertainty and apply it to Hankins replacement as well.

Free was very good in the run game. He had his flaws, but that wasn't one of them. I get that it's popular to kick him around because of how poor he was in pass protection last year, but he was better overall than many on here will ever acknowledge.

Leary had his problems with quickness, but was much better at handling it last year. Cooper has a lot to prove to be on his level. He seems to get some undeserved love for being a once-coveted draft pick. Not saying that I think he's a bad player -- I think he shows some power issues that make me uncertain about how he'll hold up -- but there appear to be some who buy into the name instead of judging the game.

What I observed about Cooper when I went back over the preseason games focusing on him is that he gives up ground but seems to keep his base under him, which allowed him to eventually stop any push, even if he did it with little room for the QB to step up. In the run, he did well when he could get in front of defenders to wall them off, but he couldn't move them out of the way. In this scheme, though, that may be all he has to do, although our Pro Bowl linemen push and steer DLs to create lanes. Cooper has no punch, but rather absorbs defenders. How that will work likely will depend on the defender. His mass and base will allow him to stop some of them, but I won't be surprised if we see those who play with great power push him into the way of the run or into the lap of the QB.


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I really think the Giants are gonna come out and throw the kitchen sink at Dak and Zeke. We are going to have to show we can beat the pressure and blitzes. I don't think we will handle it well and that will be the main reason the Giants win.


The Boognish
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Free was very good in the run game. He had his flaws, but that wasn't one of them. I get that it's popular to kick him around because of how poor he was in pass protection last year, but he was better overall than many on here will ever acknowledge.

Leary had his problems with quickness, but was much better at handling it last year. Cooper has a lot to prove to be on his level. He seems to get some undeserved love for being a once-coveted draft pick. Not saying that I think he's a bad player -- I think he shows some power issues that make me uncertain about how he'll hold up -- but there appear to be some who buy into the name instead of judging the game.

What I observed about Cooper when I went back over the preseason games focusing on him is that he gives up ground but seems to keep his base under him, which allowed him to eventually stop any push, even if he did it with little room for the QB to step up. In the run, he did well when he could get in front of defenders to wall them off, but he couldn't move them out of the way. In this scheme, though, that may be all he has to do, although our Pro Bowl linemen push and steer DLs to create lanes. Cooper has no punch, but rather absorbs defenders. How that will work likely will depend on the defender. His mass and base will allow him to stop some of them, but I won't be surprised if we see those who play with great power push him into the way of the run or into the lap of the QB.

Free was excellent at reaching blocks. He was not good at sustaining or driving them on DL last year. If you isoed him on the OLB then sure but even there he was not consistent. Guys would blow through his cutoffs. I watch the games closely multiple times. I am not just "kicking him around." He struggled with power badly last year in all phases.

In pass protection, Cooper would let people get their hands inside of him but was able to sit down consistently anyway. His recovery is remarkable. The idea what he has no punch does not jive with me at all. That punch stood up Hankins multiple times and Hankins is a tremendous run defender.

Green's footwork and hands are a mess working inside. Green is not the answer.


Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
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Free was excellent at reaching blocks. He was not good at sustaining or driving them on DL last year. If you isoed him on the OLB then sure but even there he was not consistent. Guys would blow through his cutoffs. I watch the games closely multiple times. I am not just "kicking him around." He struggled with power badly last year in all phases.

In pass protection, Cooper would let people get their hands inside of him but was able to sit down consistently anyway. His recovery is remarkable. The idea what he has no punch does not jive with me at all. That punch stood up Hankins multiple times and Hankins is a tremendous run defender.

Green's footwork and hands are a mess working inside. Green is not the answer.

We'll see. I hope Cooper is everything you believe that you see and not everything that I believe that I see. I'd disagree on Green except he can't stay healthy enough to prove me right.


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Last season the Giants did a great job stopping the run and challenged Dak to beat them.

The Cowboys ended up 0-2.

I hope the offensive line gets their dander up a little for this one.
I'll take a repeat of last year while losing twice to the Giants


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The matchup no one seems to be talking about is Collins, Lawrence and Paea versus the New York OL. Neither Collins nor Lawrence, who is still our best pass rusher, played in the first game last year. I think this matchup has at least as much potential to affect the game Sunday as their DL versus our OL. Tomlinson is at least as much of an unknown as Cooper, and definitely not the pocket pusher that Hankins was.

What will be interesting to me is to see how well Leary plays when he's not surrounded by all pros.


When Jerry, when?
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I disagree a bit.

The 2nd game, they really didn't do that great of a job stopping the run as much as the Cowboys stopped their own run.

We refused to run Zeke after big solid gains, took him off the field at weird times, and Dak just did not play well in those conditions. It was the passing game that ultimately let us down. The run game did it's job mor often than not.

Plus, Dak's first game as the Cowboys' starting QB had him a little scared to challenge the Giants.


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That first game was almost in unfair...both Dak and Zeke we in over their heads. It took Zeke a couple of more games to start to get it.

2nd game they were both better but play calling was questionable and it was in NY.

I like our chances on Sunday.