Giants vs. Steelers (TJ Watt sack on 3rd play of the game)

So he can't add 10 to 15 lbs?
He may be able to..but with multiple surgeries and asking him to transition to a hand in the ground 3 down DE in the 4-3 is kind of scary.

He may end up being great...I've learned through being wrong so many times and liking the wrong guys coming out of college (Trent Richardson, WR Roy Williams etc) that I haven't a clue on players transitioning to the NFL...that puts me in the same company as most NFL front offices over the years.
Gregory was a similar size... TJ Watt is ticker too.

Gregory had a frame to get up to about 260. Not sure Watt does, at least not without sacrificing speed. Plus, Gregory was a top ten talent available at 60, so Dallas took a chance. We all know it wasn't worth it now, but at the time he was a potential steal.
If his last name wasn't "Watt" would this thread even exist?
I can't speak for everyone but I didn't even know he was JJ Watts brother until like a week before the draft (I don't follow college ball). I still wanted him.
Thanks for nothing lol. Really I cant be this reactionary. I just cant be.
1st sack he got stood up and the QB basically ran into him after he stepped to the left. The second was a missed assignment and was untouched to the QB...

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