Good chance touchback rule for fumbling through the end zone will be changed this offseason


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So, they're rewarded for sucking longer?
There is no reward. It's the same as elsewhere. They certainly shouldn't be punished for driving further down the field. That's stupid.

Why do we want to discourage guys from trying to make a play? Also stupid.
Its not being punished for going down the field. You are being punished for reaching for the pylon and failing.

We don't discourage guys from trying to make a play. We discourage guys from SCREWING up. You take the risk each time you reach out like that.


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yeah, it sucks.

I would make it so that if any team in any game fumbles it out of the end zone, the cowboys would get 7 points. That should help the offense.
Lord have mercy.....:facepalm: I can only imagine the people that come on this site and see some of this crap posted......


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OK, as explained on Get Up. Think of it this way.

If the rule is changed where the O gets the ball back, two things: 1) The O gets rewarded for being careless w/ the ball. 2) The D gets punished/not rewarded for making a good play.

The rule is fine as is.


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Yeah that one I feel like they deserve the touchback. Forced ones they should be rewarded for sure.
Now you arr giving the refs yet another opportunity to screw up the call.

Any time you use an exception or give more power to judgement call....its gonna get mangled.
Make it the same in all cases.


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Now you arr giving the refs yet another opportunity to screw up the call.

Any time you use an exception or give more power to judgement call....its gonna get mangled.
Make it the same in all cases.
Its a redzone situation though. They have to review it anyway. They can't screw it up.


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Its not being punished for going down the field. You are being punished for reaching for the pylon and failing.

We don't discourage guys from trying to make a play. We discourage guys from SCREWING up. You take the risk each time you reach out like that.
Why penalize for reaching further down the field? It's dumb no matter how you want to slice it. You're punishing them for being more successful prior to the mistake. It's the "everyone gets a trophy" mentality.

Why don't you punish people for reaching at the 50? 40? 25? etc. etc. Because they hadn't succeeded as much before?


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Why penalize for reaching further down the field? It's dumb no matter how you want to slice it. You're punishing them for being more successful prior to the mistake. It's the "everyone gets a trophy" mentality.

Why don't you punish people for reaching at the 50? 40? 25? etc. etc. Because they hadn't succeeded as much before?
So you want to punish the D for making a good play instead?


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So you want to punish the D for making a good play instead?
No. They're not punished. The result is the same as if they make the same play elsewhere.
The offense doesn't get the extra yards, and the defense doesn't get the ball as they didn't recover.


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No. They're not punished. The result is the same as if they make the same play elsewhere.
The offense doesn't get the extra yards, and the defense doesn't get the ball as they didn't recover.
So you reward the O for playing careless?


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So you reward the O for playing careless?
No. They're treated just like they would be otherwise. There is no reward. They don't get extra yards. Just as it is somewhere else on the field if they're careless.

It's a fumble forward out of bounds. There's no recovery, so neither team gets any advantage for where the ball goes out of bounds. It simply goes back to where is goes if it happens the rest of the entire length of the field. We don't reward the defense then. Only recoveries are rewarded.

By changing the rule at the goal line, you're giving an extra bonus to the defense for being driven on the rest of the field first. Or punishing the offense for driving so far down the field before the mistake.

The only exception should be if the ball goes out the back of the endzone as opposed to the side. In that situation you're dealing with a ball that normally would have been in play and could have been recovered if it were anywhere else on the field.
That's not the case for a ball going out to the side.

If an offensive player dives for and reaches for a first down at the opponents 23 yard line, and the ball gets knocked out and goes out at the 21 yard line, why is it not considered rewarding the offense by letting them keep the ball in that scenario? Why is that not considered punishing the defense? Why do we change the logic because the offense drives another 20 yards first?

Risen Star

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I never understood why this is by far the harshest penalty in all of sports. Not only is it a 25 yard penalty it's also a change of possession. If the ball goes out at the one inch line there is no penalty and you retain possession. If it goes one inch further the other team gets the ball even though they didn't recover it and also gets 25 yards tacked on. Often the defense didn't even cause the fumble. Waaaaay too severe a penalty.
If you get tackled at the one inch line heading toward the end zone it's no points. If you travel an inch farther it's 6 points with a chance to kick for a 7th point.

If you get tackled at the one inch line heading away from the end zone it's no points and still your ball. If you get tackled an inch shorter it's 2 points for the other team and they get the football.

There's nothing wrong with that rule. Just whiny weak men these days.


You Have an Axe to Grind
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It’s a harsh penalty to lose possession of the ball when you’re so close to the endzone. They could make the rule to where if you fumble through the endzone, the ball is brought back to the 20, but you maintain possession. It’s still a stiff penalty but at least you maintain possession.