Goodbye, Terry Glenn. Hello, Amendola.


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5Countem5;2172803 said:
I'd love to see Danny A make the team


Amendola ain't Welker and ain't gonna be Welker


Terry Glenn is WAAAAYYYYYYYYYYY better than Amendola
He doesn't need to be Welker or Glenn in order to make the team. He is doing just fine as Danny Amendola. Like I hinted at in my first post, why is everyone so obsessed with Amendola being a replacement for Glenn? Glenn wasn't a slot receiver. He was perfect for the role of #2 receiver that could stretch the field and open up the underneath for guys like Owens, Witten, and Crayton. However, Glenn is not what he used to be. If he was, he would still be on someones roster. He can't even pass a physical anymore. Therefor, Amendola is > Glenn.

5Countem5;2172849 said:
What is such confidence based on?

Simple. He adds a dimension that we did not previously have and gives us yet another receiving option.


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jdub2k4;2172889 said:
He doesn't need to be Welker or Glenn in order to make the team. He is doing just fine as Danny Amendola. Like I hinted at in my first post, why is everyone so obsessed with Amendola being a replacement for Glenn? Glenn wasn't a slot receiver. He was perfect for the role of #2 receiver that could stretch the field and open up the underneath for guys like Owens, Witten, and Crayton. However, Glenn is not what he used to be. If he was, he would still be on someones roster. He can't even pass a physical anymore. Therefor, Amendola is > Glenn.

Simple. He adds a dimension that we did not previously have and gives us yet another receiving option.

Of course I was referring to a healthy Terry Glenn not a crippled one.

You say he adds a dimension. Have you seen this yourself or is it based on just reports from camp?


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5Countem5;2172892 said:
Of course I was referring to a healthy Terry Glenn not a crippled one.

You say he adds a dimension. Have you seen this yourself or is it based on just reports from camp?

Jerry Rice > Amendola

Lynn Swan > Amendole

Lance Rentzel > Amendola

Ain't none of them gonna play this year though.

ghosttown cowboy

Wyoming's #1 boys fan
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Jason Garret loved WW in Miami, if Amendola is close to that, I bet he makes the roster...and if he gives the team another aspect that we don't have, good...we'll be that much better. I don't see why everybody thinks we need a burner opposite of TO, it's not like we line 'em up and run go routes every play...we have plenty of weapons to score a ton of points, and it is up to Romo to make the correct descisions on where to distribute the ball.


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5Countem5;2172892 said:
Of course I was referring to a healthy Terry Glenn not a crippled one.
Yes, I agree with you there. However, you would be hard pressed to find anybody that is better than a healthy Glenn for what he did for this team. But my point is that we don't need for Amendola to be a healthy Glenn. I don't think anyone is expecting Amendola to be the answer for a #1 or even #2 receiver. What he does provide, however, is that WR that can catch the ball and provide tough matchups for defenders in the slot, when everyone else is focusing on Owens, Witten, and Crayton to a lesser extent. Not that I am comparing him to Welker, but the thing that makes Welker so great is because of the mismatches that he creates.

You say he adds a dimension. Have you seen this yourself or is it based on just reports from camp?
Based on coach and player reports that actually see this guy making plays everyday. I could care less what some blogger or draft scout web page says. When guys like Owens, P. Jones, and Jerry Jones come out and say Amendola is a guy to watch, I listen.


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Amendola makes this team if...and only if we keep six WRs.

But I don't think we should.

We have some very good CBs on the roster. Young, fast....CBs are hard to find, we found out last year how tough it was to replace good CBs.

I don't think Amendola will be amoung our top five WRs.

Parcells is often villified on these boards, but he really had some good philosophies. One of these was on the bottom WRs. He said that the fourth and fifth WRs (especially the fifth WR) should not just sit around and do nothing. He wanted them to have a role on special teams.

Will Amendola? Maybe....we'll have to see. I know he probably won't be our KR (Austin, Jones, Stanback) or PR (A Jones, Crayton). Can he be a gunner? He's awfully small for that. I doubt he could pull it off.

If he doesn't play STs, then he'll just sit around doing nothing waiting for an injury. I doubt he would make it on the field otherwise. Can he seriously beat out Hurd/Crayton for the third WR spot? Do you want to pull off Witten, Barber, or even Felix Jones just to get a fourth WR in the game?

Austin and Stanback right now offer more to the team than Amendola would. They offer the potential of becoming more than number three WRs. Both offer more to special teams.

Now, a lot can happen. We can have an ****** or Amendola may go "lights out" and really do something big in the games (which he needs to do). He may show he can cover on STs. Austin may not show any improvement at all.....So I guess we all need to be guarded somewhat with our judgements. But right now, I just don't think he'll make the team. He's a great story...he's a guy we all can pull for....but it will take something spectacular for him to make it on the team.


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Parcells/Ireland did a great job stocking our talent. Drafts and Free agency are key.

Street free agents are the exception and they hit on a few.
Romo in Particular. Who else do you have in mind?


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Bizwah;2172924 said:
Amendola makes this team if...and only if we keep six WRs.

But I don't think we should.

We have some very good CBs on the roster. Young, fast....CBs are hard to find, we found out last year how tough it was to replace good CBs.

I don't think Amendola will be amoung our top five WRs.

Parcells is often villified on these boards, but he really had some good philosophies. One of these was on the bottom WRs. He said that the fourth and fifth WRs (especially the fifth WR) should not just sit around and do nothing. He wanted them to have a role on special teams.

Will Amendola? Maybe....we'll have to see. I know he probably won't be our KR (Austin, Jones, Stanback) or PR (A Jones, Crayton). Can he be a gunner? He's awfully small for that. I doubt he could pull it off.

If he doesn't play STs, then he'll just sit around doing nothing waiting for an injury. I doubt he would make it on the field otherwise. Can he seriously beat out Hurd/Crayton for the third WR spot? Do you want to pull off Witten, Barber, or even Felix Jones just to get a fourth WR in the game?

Austin and Stanback right now offer more to the team than Amendola would. They offer the potential of becoming more than number three WRs. Both offer more to special teams.

Now, a lot can happen. We can have an ****** or Amendola may go "lights out" and really do something big in the games (which he needs to do). He may show he can cover on STs. Austin may not show any improvement at all.....So I guess we all need to be guarded somewhat with our judgements. But right now, I just don't think he'll make the team. He's a great story...he's a guy we all can pull for....but it will take something spectacular for him to make it on the team.

Bizwah - top end analysis. With No Pacman Amendola might have had a shot at #6 WR as a punt returner but his 4.7 and no second gear really are not NFL skillset. Too small, slow to KR, and not strong enough to play gunner won't even get into size/speed again.

Team roster and depth at other positions far greater than our 6th WR.

Nice local kid story, feel good camp guy Joe fan loves but at end of day is cut.


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Nors;2172933 said:
Bizwah - top end analysis. With No Pacman Amendola might have had a shot at #6 WR as a punt returner but his 4.7 and no second gear really are not NFL skillset. Too small, slow to KR, and not strong enough to play gunner won't even get into size/speed again.

Team roster and depth at other positions far greater than our 6th WR.

Nice local kid story, feel good camp guy Joe fan loves but at end of day is cut.

I don't blame people for wanting the kid. He obviously is getting open and making plays....IN PRACTICE...In football you want to favor production over potential.

But when the games really start...the regular season...who will produce more?

A guy that sits around waiting for an injury?


A guy that can return kicks and make plays on coverage units?

Again, I may be wrong...he may be able to cover...he may wind up being a great returner or cover guy. He may wind up winning the third WR spot. I doubt that...he'll have to do some fantastic things in the games for that to happen.

I think many are rooting for him....many are thinking with their hearts and not necessarily their heads.

Of course, I can't talk too much....I haven't really seen him play....I mean, I've seen TT....but he never stood out. I haven't seen him play in practice or the preseason. My mind may change after that.

I doubt it.


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Ben_n_austin;2172643 said:
Glenn wasn't going to be the #1 WR here regardless because T.O. is the so-called #1 WR. But our offense doesn't have the pecking order. After T.O., they're all at different points throughout Romo's read. They even designed the lingo for this type of offense.

So, Amendola doesn't have to be our numero uno to contribute some of the things that Glenn may have been able to had he stayed. He's gone.

I just think Amendola fits the chemistry of this team, because he's scrappy and nothing like T.O. Whitten, Hurn and Crayton. He'd be great in 3 WR sets....

Let's not forget, draft position isn't everything. I think Tashard Choice can add as much to this team as Felix Jones.

Call me crazy. I've been called worse. :)

And I've called you worse. But I agree on Amendola. I'm glad there is something we can agree on, Ben.



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ChrisCanty99;2172627 said:
You can't put Amendola in the same category as Terry Glenn. A #1 pick, the best receiver on his college team, with speed to burn, who was a solid #1 WR throughout most of his pro career.

Amendola might be a very nice #3 WR or a capable #2. That isn't so bad. Hope he makes the team.

Glenn was a solid #1 throughout most of his career? really? - - - not.

Amendola is no WR savior for this team. If he could be a change of pace WR or a guy that disrupts the defense... its a WIN-WIN.

I think he will atleast DO that much and who knows... maybe catch a few passes and RAC/YAC attack the defense.


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YoMick;2173030 said:
Glenn was a solid #1 throughout most of his career? really? - - - not.

Amendola is no WR savior for this team. If he could be a change of pace WR or a guy that disrupts the defense... its a WIN-WIN.

I think he will atleast that much and who knows... maybe catch a few passes and RAC/YAC attack the defense.

Cmon dude, stop with the logic. You're making way too much sense...;)


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Mansta54;2173033 said:
Cmon dude, stop with the logic. You're making way too much sense...;)

Ever see a waterbug in action.... you could miss them 4 or 5 times :D ;)


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Nors;2172741 said:
Terry Glenn > Amendola

It's that simple. Texas Tech is Texas tech and we all know what they do. He won't make our 53, and if he does our team is on a slow decline.

Parcells/Ireland ramped up our 53, lets see WHAT JJ/Lacewell do here.

I try not to talk trash but you're officially TOO MUCH. I now see why you're the butt of jokes on this board. Please leave.


Kane Ala
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He looks slow to me but if he can get enough separation then that's all he needs. He doesn't look like a threat to go the distance. I'd be happy if he's so good you can't keep him off the team. He's got a very uphill battle. The problem is we'd have to keep six WRs or he'd have to knock Austin or Stanback off the roster. I don't see that happening but if Austin can't catch the ball this year I don't see him making the team. He's got too much competiton from others who have speed and KR skills. So Austin doesn't make the team this year via STs.

You cannot throw away potential starting safeties and CBs because of a 5th or 6th WR who probably can't play STs.

The deck is stacked against this kid. If he's good enough then he will make this team. If not he sounds like he will probably fit somewhere else.


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stasheroo;2172820 said:
If it has anything to do with you, it has something to do with the Cheatriots.

And keep up with the trolling and you'll be bounced in disgrace once again.

Amazing that someone hasn't snatched up a prime talent like Glenn yet, huh?

What is the league thinking?


Glenn> Amendola

Simple math

Glenns knee may end his career but at his best he was a top flight NFL Wide receiver. Thats not debatable.

Now undrafted Amendola? That is!


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kmp77;2173048 said:
I try not to talk trash but you're officially TOO MUCH. I now see why you're the butt of jokes on this board. Please leave.

What OPINION do you have here?


Lets talk on topic, yes I have a reputation for finding the right side of a discussion and closing in on faulty logic.

Amendola on 53 is not happening!:cool:


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Nors;2173113 said:
Glenn> Amendola

Simple math

Glenns knee may end his career but at his best he was a top flight NFL Wide receiver. Thats not debatable.

Now undrafted Amendola? That is!

Too bad for your logic that Glenn has nothing to do with Amendola making the roster now.


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I'll be more ready to argue this point, or agree with this point, from the topic starter after I've actually seen him play and not just read about what he's done in practice.