Greg Hardy and the Media

Yeah it's absurd. We don't even know if Hardy did anything to that woman. People just believe what the woman says every time because nobody thinks the male can be the victim in said situation. A female judge convicted him. Not a jury. Beyond that even if he did what he was accused of people act like nobody in the history of the NFL has been allowed to play after a DV conviction. It's happened throughout the course of history and this is no different.

I'm going to make a few comments on this and if you or anyone else want to discuss it any further PM me because they don't want this rehashed this wasn't the topic but you brought it up and I'm going to address it. There was evidence something happened between Hardy and that woman which is why he got charged. There was bruising and handprints on her neck there's pictures that back it up. He claimed she was the aggressor and he was just trying to hold her off but you don't hold someone off by their neck. That doesn't support holding someone off that supports an assault. If there was bruising and handprints on her forearms and wrists that would support holding someone off.

Charges were only dropped because she refused to cooperate because there was evidence that Hardy settled with her out of court. He didn't want to risk going to trial because a guilty verdict would have ended his NFL career so he paid her off. Without her testimony they had no choice but to drop the charges it would have been very difficult to get a conviction without her. We saw on the sidelines Sunday that he has a temper and can be very aggressive. He was putting his hands on a coach and that's not acceptable behavior. He's a great player but he's volatile and it's concerning. Again, let's not discuss this here.
I believe he did it because I tend to believe law enforcement. There's always exceptions, but in my experience if law enforcement says something went on and they fully believe it happened, then it's usually true.

But like I mentioned, I believe in giving people *multiple* chances if I think they can use them to turn their life around and be a productive, law abiding citizen. It still beats the alternative. And I think players should be suspended for 1-year. Not so much for pure punishment purposes, but to give them time to work on themselves. The CBA won't allow for it. And it goes for the Ray Rice's, Adrian Peterson's and Ray McDonald's of the world as well.

This is unlike the media which likes to pick and choose who to go after depending on what can give them the most Web site clicks, TV/radio ratings and subscription buys.

Man you are pretty naive hope you don't end up in a police Ponzi scheme lol. For me if you aren't somebody I can personally vouch for (family, close friends/associates) I can't do the I tend to trust anybody routine just because of their job. That's a big reason how too many people end up in trouble IMO by blindly trusting people. Cops are people too that have the same feelings and the like as us so putting on a uniform doesn't magically change them. I don't think most are bad but I don't just say they are automatically right because they wear a uniform esp when its so much you can find if you so choose to say otherwise.

As for,the rest of your post outside of a year suspension I can agree with everything else.
I believe he did it because I tend to believe law enforcement. There's always exceptions, but in my experience if law enforcement says something went on and they fully believe it happened, then it's usually true.

But like I mentioned, I believe in giving people *multiple* chances if I think they can use them to turn their life around and be a productive, law abiding citizen. It still beats the alternative. And I think players should be suspended for 1-year. Not so much for pure punishment purposes, but to give them time to work on themselves. The CBA won't allow for it. And it goes for the Ray Rice's, Adrian Peterson's and Ray McDonald's of the world as well.

This is unlike the media which likes to pick and choose who to go after depending on what can give them the most Web site clicks, TV/radio ratings and subscription buys.

after all the police have never make things up or embellished to get a conviction

I suspect you do not practice criminal law...
Beyond that even if he did what he was accused of people act like nobody in the history of the NFL has been allowed to play after a DV conviction. It's happened throughout the course of history and this is no different.

In the history of the league you won't be able to count many players who've been "convicted" of domestic violence and were allowed to continue their NFL. You would probably have to go back to at least 1999-2000. The NFL handles has a no tolerance policy with domestic violence today.
Meanwhile Ray Lewis continues to work on ESPN 15 years after two dead bodies lay in an Atlanta street and no one charged/convicted and Johnny Manziel assaults his girlfriend and plays on Sunday and no one dares bring it up in the media. I'm so sick of the media choosing who they like and what stories and people they feel the need to go on a 5 minute monologue about what a horrible person Hardy is and how he should never be allowed to play in the NFL and bent out of shape over.

Add what Jay Ratliff has done twice-- threatening to assault a GM of a team. Not a peep.
Skip Bayless just reported that Greg Hardy has gone blind and will be forced to retire.


I also heard he didn't flush after using the toilet before the game.

I would normally say that DAL should just embrace being the villain or bad guys, but ESPN and the League Office have become so PC and sissified they would get players like Hardy suspended for nothing. They are clearly trying to build a mountain here because they didn't get justice the first time.

It was like when OJ got away with murder, he couldn't just go away quietly with his huge pension. He had to break bad and he got 33 years for an argument because someone else had a gun.
after all the police have never make things up or embellished to get a conviction

I suspect you do not practice criminal law...

No, I don't practice law. But, my uncle does. I have another uncle that is a retired NYPD burglary and theft detective. And many other friends and family involved in law enforcement.

Has law enforcement lied and embellished or even planted evidence to get a conviction?


But by and large they don't. Especially in a domestic abuse situation. And if they tell me something that happened, I'm going to believe them more often than I believe the accused. Because it's never like the accused every lies and makes things up to avoid conviction. I suspect you do not practice criminal law.

Man you are pretty naive hope you don't end up in a police Ponzi scheme lol. For me if you aren't somebody I can personally vouch for (family, close friends/associates) I can't do the I tend to trust anybody routine just because of their job. That's a big reason how too many people end up in trouble IMO by blindly trusting people. Cops are people too that have the same feelings and the like as us so putting on a uniform doesn't magically change them. I don't think most are bad but I don't just say they are automatically right because they wear a uniform esp when its so much you can find if you so choose to say otherwise.

As for,the rest of your post outside of a year suspension I can agree with everything else.

I have relatives and friends in law enforcement. For every crooked cop there's 20 cops that are outstanding human beings. And there are another 20 cops that are just trying to do their jobs and they take their jobs seriously and with the utmost integrity. I tend to believe the police over the accused because the accused usually have far more reason to lie. They are innocent until proven guilty and Hardy was found guilty and then later acquitted in large part to coming to a financial settlement with his ex. That tells me he did it when the cops believe he did it, the judge believes he did it and he paid off his ex to get the case dismissed on appeal. I don't blame Hardy for paying off his ex-gf and he can move on from this and work on himself. But I absolutely believe he did it because of all of those circumstances.

Same people that told me that Aaron Hernandez should have never talked to the cops when I stated that if he had nothing to hide, there was no reason to not give a simple interview. Hernandez didn't give a simple interview because he murdered his friend and was trying to hide the evidence. I guess those cops were lying just to get a conviction, too.

So-- no standards for behavior in the NFL? Just b/c it's a testosterone filled GAME that is violent-- off the field, locker room violence should be accepted. Got it.

is that what i said?


so no, you don't "got it" you're just talking for me so you can continue on in stupid anger.

have fun.
We may not like it, but Greg Hardy made his bed himself. His lack of judgment can be seen in how he cavalierly displayed guns in his home, his selection of the woman he chose to call a girlfriend, his confrontations with fellow teammates in Carolina, etc.

Then, he comes to Dallas, the highest profiled team in the NFL. Everything is magnified x10 when it involves Dallas - good and bad.

So Hardy really has no room for error. If he has a blowup on the sidelines, it's going to get magnified.

Players (and fans) need to stop worrying about what the media will or won't, does or doesn't report and focus on what they can control.

In this media-driven, social media age when everyone has a cell camera, everyone has a voice and everyone thinks his/her opinion comes with the authority of Mount Sinai itself, it aint going away.

im still amazed at how all those cavalier guns didnt just start capping people in the room by themselves.
I also heard he didn't flush after using the toilet before the game.

Not performing a courtesy flush is just another character flaw. Everyone should learn proper public restroom etiquette. If you're sitting in a stall while someone walks in to use the urinal always shuffle your feet and cough to alert them they're not alone so they don't stand there mumbling to themselves and farting.
Sporting news rooting for Greg Hardy to fail. It's become personal for the media and for the other 31 fanbases.
Godwin's Law is that if an Internet argument goes on long enough someone will be called Hitler.

Hardy's Law is that if a Cowboys argument goes on long enough, Greg Hardy will be criticized for how he made his bed that morning.

you win todays internet
Not performing a courtesy flush is just another character flaw. Everyone should learn proper public restroom etiquette. If you're sitting in a stall while someone walks in to use the urinal always shuffle your feet and cough to alert them they're not alone so they don't stand there mumbling to themselves and farting.

He is just an anti-social monster that must be stopped before more clipboards or futons get hurt.
You do see the difference, though? Calling a person "Hitler" is inaccurate, especially if that person isn't committing mass murder. Saying Hardy adorned his bed with guns is an accurate statement. Furthermore, I'm not of the mindset that people just "do" things with no connection to life.
What people do is a product of who they are. In fact, EVERYTHING a person does says something about him or her.

And I think it's wise when a person shows us who he/ she is, and it establishes a pattern of behavior, we ought to believe him/her.

I call that the FACTS OF LIFE. :)

guns have no bearing on the story.. it is superfluous. It becomes a check the box once the DV is issued and judges always ask to confiscate. My ex wife had hers confiscated.
my dad collects guns and has about 500 he has all over the house. Not one has been fired. Having a gun and having it out does not = criminal or deranged citizen. I know many want it to be so, but its just not.
guns have no bearing on the story.. it is superfluous. It becomes a check the box once the DV is issued and judges always ask to confiscate. My ex wife had hers confiscated.
my dad collects guns and has about 500 he has all over the house. Not one has been fired. Having a gun and having it out does not = criminal or deranged citizen. I know many want it to be so, but its just not.

I have a whole drawer full of knives, I have a garage full of saws and axes, I have some fancy knives and swords mounted on my walls. Not one of them have ever attacked anyone on their own or with assistance and I have had a few arguments with people over the years.
I have a whole drawer full of knives, I have a garage full of saws and axes, I have some fancy knives and swords mounted on my walls. Not one of them have ever attacked anyone on their own or with assistance and I have had a few arguments with people over the years.

Do you have video proof - otherwise you are a liar and guilty and should be benched
im still amazed at how all those cavalier guns didnt just start capping people in the room by themselves.

You're missing the point. The issue isn't one of gun control.
The issue is the image it creates and how that image feeds into what people think about Hardy based on other things he has done.

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