Of course, I'm just goofing on this whole topic because its gone beyond the point of being absurd.
But I do think you are taking a extraneous fact and using it against Hardy. The "he threw me on a bed of guns" was a lie in Holder's first story that she said didn't happen when she testified at the bench trial. The fact that we know is that at some point that day, Hardy took guns he owned legally, set them out on a futon and took a picture of them.
Is that really something we are saying NFL players can't do? IMO it would be like saying players can't date women while they play in the NFL.
I'm glad you raised these points because they fit perfectly into what I'm talking about.
First, I didn't say Holder was telling the truth about Hardy throwing her on a bed of guns. However, I did say he had guns strewn on his bed. You even admit this is the case.
Second, even in that act, it says something about Hardy. Again, people just don't do things with no intention. Everything a person does says something about that person. Now, we do need to be careful how we judge others. However, when actions establish patterns, then that goes to character. Now, maybe people aren't aware of the impact their behavior has on others or the reputation it creates for themselves. But that
TOO is an indication of a person, i.e., that person is socially unaware, unlearned, etc.
My point in this conversation is that Hardy has created the image by which people judge him.
HE created that, and people will judge him accordingly.
Third, an NFL player can display guns, flash gang signs in pictures and even date hookers, celebrity hounds and drug addicts. But, once again, that
TOO speaks about who the player is. And people will judge them accordingly based on their decisions in life, whether that's whom they associated with, whom they date, how they organize their personal life, what they share from their personal life, etc.
ALL make such evaluations about people.
And if you don't want people to say negative things about you, you have to change the way you're perceived so that if they do say negative things, the way you live your life makes people believe it's a lie because the pattern of good you have established and the pattern of right choices you make.
That's all I'm saying. I accept Hardy as a member of the Cowboys football team because I'm a Cowboys fan. I'm not abandoning the team because Hardy is on it any more than I abandoned the team when it signed TO, whom I didn't want the Cowboys to sign. I don't need to defend Hardy and his personal life. It is what it is. But neither am I going to whine that he's being treated unfairly or complain that people are out to get him.
Maybe they are, but he gave them ammunition based on the choices he made in life.