I was kidding man, just kidding.
And then there is this... Which is worse to have on the sideline than an all out brawl between every coach and player.
I imagine his voice sounding something like Alternative Lifestyle Droopy Dog.
My bad, it's hard to interpret sarcasm or jokes at times online.
And then there is this... Which is worse to have on the sideline than an all out brawl between every coach and player.
I imagine his voice sounding something like Alternative Lifestyle Droopy Dog.
Thought that was you.Wow... that is. Unfortunate. Glad it's an Eagle's gif though lol
What's not to understand? What workplace can you show up and get into a physical altercation with one of your bosses? It's about respect. No body is bashing Hardy's desire to win or his emotional fire.
People are bashing him because he didn't control his anger and disrespected his coaches and teammates.
The same workplace where your bosses can grab you by the facemask and forcefully pull you out of a group meeting. The same workplace where your boss can push you or throw a ball at you to wake you up if you are not paying attention or out of line.
Stop acting like Hardy is working in corporate America. It's just goofy.
Presstitutes. Going to have to remember that. Been using mediots but its getting worn out.
I notice its the same 3-4 whiny little turds always complaining about something here on the Zone. Just like in this thread you have about 3 that don't get it and keep posting the fact that they don't get it.
Bottom line is that the media hated the fact that Hardy was not forced to kiss their feet and apologize for being freed by our legal system. And brennan (who by the way has been just about SILENT about the Hope Solo incident-what a shock) is just one of the more obvious hypocrites.
Sorry, but I think race plays a role. I'm not racist against whites. I'm not racist against anyone. But being a minority myself, I'm also not naive to the environment that I reside in.
I would think, that given the importance of the divisional game and our desperate and wounded status..
That any player that did their job yesterday and got us close to a win, would have been justified going off on all of those that slept on the job.
... Like the entire ST squad.
I don't care how crazy he is, this team has been far too comfortable living in the franchise's past glory and not producing. Hardy came here to win.
I remember when journalism was once a respected profession.
That must have been in the 60's and earlier.
That must have been in the 60's and earlier.