Greg Hardy and the Media

At the 17 second mark, Hardy swipes at Biaschia and makes contact with the coach. It's not a "shove" perse, but it shouldn't happen.

Thanks for posting the video, I am going to be honest with you I didnt watch Hardy as my eyes were on that woman all the time. :D
Its funny, I read this entire thread at once and was thinking exactly that - Ray Lewis is interviewed on ESPN several times a week and they have absolutely no problem with him. But slap a clipboard out a coaches hand and they want to lock you up in San Quintin.

I mean this man most likely murdered or had a significant hand in murdering not one but two people but it's never brought out in the open. I hear the local radio shows talking about it and sometimes a national show may touch on it but there is no outrage like it has been for Hardy. I still can't believe that he is allowed to go scott free like that. It just goes to show like I said that the media picks and chooses who they want to like and who they want to hate. Lewis will have no problem getting in the HOF and everyone will still be kissing his *** like they do now. It drives me nuts that no one gets outraged by this. People want to burn Greg Hardy at the stake but Lewis, Kobe Bryant and some of these other high profile athletes who've done far worse than Hardy get a pass because 'hey we like them so let it slide'. Please.
Can't wait until this piece of trash is off our team.

He'll do something astronomically stupid for another team and then we'll see what kind of tune people are singing when that happens.

If Hardy had signed with the Eagles and started pulling this mess, NONE OF YOU would be going to bat for this guy. None of you would be giving him the benefit of the doubt regarding his domestic violence issues and none of you would be defending his actions, especially the ones he displayed yesterday.

You sit there and whine and complain about the media being too politically correct and that Hardy is being unjustly painted as a villain while completely ignoring everything that's taking place right before your very eyes. Do people here stand up for Ray Rice, Mike Vick, Big Ben, Ray McDonald, etc.? Absolutely not and it's hypocrisy at it's most disgusting level. Just because this guy plays for our team, people will go to the end of the earth and back to try and excuse his behavior and past actions.

We have some great fans but we also have some very bad ones, which is clearly evident by the lack of common sense and an overwhelming amount of hypocrisy among these threads.


Oh Shut up
Its funny, I read this entire thread at once and was thinking exactly that - Ray Lewis is interviewed on ESPN several times a week and they have absolutely no problem with him. But slap a clipboard out a coaches hand and they want to lock you up in San Quintin.

I do have to say that case against Ray Lewis was always very thin.

Ray and his friends got jumped by some other thugs and 2 guys in Ray's group stabbed 2 of the attackers to death in self defense.

They were both found 'Not Guilty' because of self defense. They were shot at several times and the limo was riddled with bullet holes. Ray even testified against his friends.

And he didn't wear a white suit that night. That is an urban myth. His clothes were turned over to the police and his suit was a tailored made cream and black pattern. He also had on a huge mink coat. No one said he was involved in the actual fight besides the limo driver who said he saw a punch but later backed off of that statement.
I mean this man most likely murdered or had a significant hand in murdering not one but two people but it's never brought out in the open. I hear the local radio shows talking about it and sometimes a national show may touch on it but there is no outrage like it has been for Hardy. I still can't believe that he is allowed to go scott free like that. It just goes to show like I said that the media picks and chooses who they want to like and who they want to hate. Lewis will have no problem getting in the HOF and everyone will still be kissing his *** like they do now. It drives me nuts that no one gets outraged by this. People want to burn Greg Hardy at the stake but Lewis, Kobe Bryant and some of these other high profile athletes who've done far worse than Hardy get a pass because 'hey we like them so let it slide'. Please.

There were no murders. A group of criminals attacked Ray's group, who also were some criminals, with a champagne bottle and a gun. They responded with knives and two of the attackers died.

One of the lead detectives in Atlanta said Ray should have never been charged and resigned from Homicide because of the politics involved. Ray plead guilty to obstruction of justice for initially lying to the cops about who was in the limo. He later testified in the criminal case against his two friends and they were still found not guilty.
Is anyone else tired of the Media's trite bashing? I'm sick of it.

I don't know about you guys, but I'm tired of the nonsense from the media.


I'd tell you my friend to not listen to the media. These guys are built to cause friction for viewer and listener. After Cowboys games, esp loss, I do not tune in to the media.
Its funny, I read this entire thread at once and was thinking exactly that - Ray Lewis is interviewed on ESPN several times a week and they have absolutely no problem with him. But slap a clipboard out a coaches hand and they want to lock you up in San Quintin.

The only person who should be mad about Hardy attacking a clipboard should be Weeden. Carrying a clipboard is going to be his job for the rest of his career.
What? You know I was responding to SultanOfSix saying it's being blown up because he's black, right? Might want to read back a few pages...
I don't care who you were responding to so I don't need to read a few pages back. Its just funny because we both aren't naive and know dang well how this saying is used and by who the majority of the time. That's why its funny when its said.
they're going to call him that **** cause it makes news and has people call them out and more or less spam the link into forums.

if you're tired of this crap, just quit reading it and responding. it will go away when it fails to work.
What? You know I was responding to SultanOfSix saying it's being blown up because he's black, right? Might want to read back a few pages...

Actually, I said a lot of things. It was only in mentioning that Brady was white that it turned it into a selective focus on race.

I didn't say it was being blown up because he's black. I said if Brady did the same thing they'd ignore it, interpret it differently, or emphasize it less because he's the "golden white boy", a description which implies perception, behavior, and race. There's a difference. I never said the issue was entirely racial. Hardy's past, race, the team he plays for, and media hypocrisy all play a part.
They don't like the guy, no doubt about that. There's no issue there but when they start pouting pure bs because of that, I take issue.
Lebron was pretty much disrespecting Blatt all season long and ESPN worships Lebron all day long and talks about how it's normal for the 'great ones'..
I don't even entertain ignoramuses when it comes to sports. He's probably mad that there are women who know more about sports than him. lol

He's definitely wrong. There are a lot of women who are knowledge about the game. I think he is right about Beadle though and others who condemn a guy without even knowing if there is established guilt. Nobody knows what happened that night with Greg Hardy.
He's definitely wrong. There are a lot of women who are knowledge about the game. I think he is right about Beadle though and others who condemn a guy without even knowing if there is established guilt. Nobody knows what happened that night with Greg Hardy.
This is true, which is why I take no stance on his guilt or innocence. The legal process has completed and I've moved on.

I can defend his right to act a fool on the sidelines, because it happens so much. But I also don't want it to happen too often that it becomes a distraction.
I get really tired of the excuse-making for Hardy on this site.

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