Greg Hardy and the Media

Mike Greenberg called him a fraud because of the way he answered the media after the game but loves the media when it benefits him. I have no problem with that, but Michelle Beadle is just another hypocrite man hating feminist with an agenda. She's a nuisance.

Listening to women talk about sports sucks
I am fine with the sideline stuff until you push a coach. That's a line you can't cross in my opinion.

However, the media is out of control with this. A local sports reporter in San Antonio named Don Harris just said in his 6 O'Clock segment, "Is this the same [emotion] Hardy showed with his ex-girlfriend?" Quite simply, one of the most irresponsible things I have ever heard a news anchor say. I am tempted to lodge a formal complaint, but I know it wont go anywhere.

I'm from San Antonio. Grew up listening to Don Harris and his idiotic reporting and sports segments unfortunately. He's a laughing stock among my fellow Spurs fans who grew up in SA as well. He's awful.
It's a product of his past. It has nothing to do with his race. Richie Incognito was ostracized from the league for picking on a fellow player and he's as white as it gets. ANY player making contact with ANY coach is going to cause this. I am not naive enough to say or believe race never plays into these things, whether consciously or sub-consciously. I am saying facts are, it shouldn't have happened no matter his race and the race card has no place in discussing the issue because of it.

That's the last I'll say about that.

Who? I never even heard of him.

I'm sure past played a part. I'm also sure race plays a part in selective negative emphasis too. I think the past is also used as an excuse to further extend agendas and pile things on.
Steve Smith Sr has punched out teammates and is lauded by the media. Peter King said how great he was today after bashing Hardy all day.
One of my Pats friends posted this. It wasn't on the National Media's radar. Guess you have to compliment his wife to get noticed.


Great. The guy with Mr T is here to throw around his "muscle" in a chat room and tell us all "how it really is". :rolleyes:

Let's just keep it real simple ok smart ***?

Should Hardy have gotten into a shoving match with his coach? Yes or No. Don't bring the media or Hope Solo or Han Solo into it. just answer the damn question.

How about you taking a long walk off a short plank and let the adults here talk?
How about you taking a long walk off a short plank and let the adults here talk?


Couldn't even answer my simple question. Can't say I'm surprised-- seeing as how you're an "adult" and all.
I guess its going to be hardy every day all day on nfl network and espn just bash and bash and bash so tried of it
Is anyone else tired of the Media's trite bashing? I'm sick of it.

I just listened to a highlight of Mike Greene calling Greg Hardy a fraud. Then on Sports Nation you had Michelle Beadle talking about his past, and because of that he has no right to do what he did on the sideline. The "Gunz-Blazing" comment was also brought up on the show, then they asked if Greg Hardy should be suspended. On top of all this, I've seen multiple ESPN guys say Greg Hardy should be cut/and or suspended.

I mean really? You're going to call Greg Hardy a fraud because he's emotional after a loss, and doesn't want to talk to the media? That's what the NFL wanted, the players to be emotional during the media sessions after the game. You can't have your cake and eat it to. I view this as a positive characteristic, not a negative one. It's obvious the guy is effected by whether we win or lose, and he's not just collecting a pay check. I'll take that passion for all 53 guys, I can care less if he answers the media's questions after the game.

As for the comments on Sports Nation, his past actions OFF the field shouldn't be the reason you judge his actions ON the field, they're completely separate. When a passionate emotional guy like Hardy get's a little edgy on the sidelines, I don't want to hear about his domestic violence charges that were dropped. That's a completely separate issue, and it's beyond tacky by whomever brings it up. What I don't like is when I see guys like Hardy/Dez have an emotional event on the sideline, and they get crucified. Yet when a guy like Tom Brady has his spat with an offensive coordinator, he's hailed as a passionate warrior who's just caught in the heat of the moment. I don't want to hear that nonsense, the double standard is sickening.

Also bringing up the "Gunz-Blazing" comment is just pathetic. We all know it was just a figure of speech. Sure it may have been a stupid comment by Hardy, but did anyone actually think he meant bring an actual gun and "blaze" it? It's a complete shame how members of the media constantly grasp at straws to try and tear down these athletes. It's as if they prop you up, just so they can tear you down later, pathetic.

As for the members of the media calling for Greg Hardy to be cut to "right a wrong", or for 1-2 game suspension. Get over yourself, FOR WHAT?!! For getting into a heated argument with a coach? I'm sure those very same people who want Hardy suspended didn't have that same view with Brady.

I don't know about you guys, but I'm tired of the nonsense from the media.


I'm sick of it .
Junior Seau had a domestic violence rap sheet..

I'm just saying...

What would happen if a woman demanded his removal from the HOF just because of his past or is his being dead make it okay to ignore his past? Sick of the hypocrites.
It's a product of his past. It has nothing to do with his race. Richie Incognito was ostracized from the league for picking on a fellow player and he's as white as it gets. ANY player making contact with ANY coach is going to cause this. I am not naive enough to say or believe race never plays into these things, whether consciously or sub-consciously. I am saying facts are, it shouldn't have happened no matter his race and the race card has no place in discussing the issue because of it.

That's the last I'll say about that.
The race card eh? Ok I see you man lol
We live in the era of political correctness run a muck. Hardy is the poster boy for ratings pandering.

Yeah and sadly it's
Bradshaw and Big Ben actually had beef with each other for awhile. Not sure where they stand now.

Beef over what? It must've been over jealousy because i've never heard Terry Bradshaw go at Roethlisberger like he had his rant session with Hardy.
Can't wait until this piece of trash is off our team.

He'll do something astronomically stupid for another team and then we'll see what kind of tune people are singing when that happens.

If Hardy had signed with the Eagles and started pulling this mess, NONE OF YOU would be going to bat for this guy. None of you would be giving him the benefit of the doubt regarding his domestic violence issues and none of you would be defending his actions, especially the ones he displayed yesterday.

You sit there and whine and complain about the media being too politically correct and that Hardy is being unjustly painted as a villain while completely ignoring everything that's taking place right before your very eyes. Do people here stand up for Ray Rice, Mike Vick, Big Ben, Ray McDonald, etc.? Absolutely not and it's hypocrisy at it's most disgusting level. Just because this guy plays for our team, people will go to the end of the earth and back to try and excuse his behavior and past actions.

We have some great fans but we also have some very bad ones, which is clearly evident by the lack of common sense and an overwhelming amount of hypocrisy among these threads.

Think about it...
Greg Hardy - one of the most hated athletes in sports.
The Dallas Cowboys - probably the most hated team in sports.
That's a formula for ratings and clicks. Nothing more.

I don't condone what he did but it's just nowhere near as big of a deal as people are making it.
Meanwhile Ray Lewis continues to work on ESPN 15 years after two dead bodies lay in an Atlanta street and no one charged/convicted and Johnny Manziel assaults his girlfriend and plays on Sunday and no one dares bring it up in the media. I'm so sick of the media choosing who they like and what stories and people they feel the need to go on a 5 minute monologue about what a horrible person Hardy is and how he should never be allowed to play in the NFL and bent out of shape over.
Yeah and sadly it's

Beef over what? It must've been over jealousy because i've never heard Terry Bradshaw go at Roethlisberger like he had his rant session with Hardy.

The animosity between Roethlisberger and Bradshaw dates back to at least 2006 when Bradshaw told Big Ben that he shouldn't be riding motorcyles.

"Our relationship is not any good," Bradshaw said, describing the situation in 2010. "When I told him to park the motorcycle, he got pissed. Alright? Then he had the accident. And since then, there's, you know... he doesn't like me, and I'm learning not to like him."

After Roethlisberger was suspended in April 2010, Bradshaw went on Fox and said the Steelers should have cut the quarterback.

"You hung out in college bars. You disrespected women," Bradshaw said of Roethlisberger. "The Steelers got rid of Super Bowl hero Santonio Holmes for failing a substance abuse test but they should have dumped you because what you did in my eyes was a lot worse."

Bradshaw made it clear that if he ran the Steelers, Big Ben would have been gone. "If I had owned the Steelers... Hear me loud and clear, I would have gotten rid of him," Bradshaw said.

In 2012, Roethlisberger said that the two still weren't talking. "We haven't talked," Roethlisberger said. "I've never had an issue [with him]. He said a bunch of things in the past about me; it hurts a little bit when you think about family, but I've never been one to say anything to him or at him."
Meanwhile Ray Lewis continues to work on ESPN 15 years after two dead bodies lay in an Atlanta street

Its funny, I read this entire thread at once and was thinking exactly that - Ray Lewis is interviewed on ESPN several times a week and they have absolutely no problem with him. But slap a clipboard out a coaches hand and they want to lock you up in San Quintin.

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