News: Greg Hardy To Visit Cowboys Tuesday / Stephen Jones says with intent to sign

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So which organization prioritizes players that don't play within the context of the team and do what they want? Guys that don't play hard, but play soft and don't practice and just chill around and don't learn their plays.

The teams that sign guys who are reported to be lazy but supremely talented? Or draft guys whose passion and work ethic are questioned by teammates and coaches?

Hardy is talented and productive and probably cheaper than he should be and plays a position of gargantuan need.

Do we have him in for a visit if conversations with his coaches didn't check out? The answer can't be known but i'd wager no.

And that's where RKG influence is subtle but important.


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Whyyyyyyyyyy? Gurly is Lattimore all over. We need all defense early in the draft!!!

I whole-heartedly disagree. Lattimore's knee was shredded, they were worried if he would ever walk again. Gurley is already 6 weeks ahead of schedule in his rehab. And I think ACL tears are less traumatic than there were several years ago. I think the success rates are much higher. And I truly believe that Gurley is the best player in this draft and if not for the knee, we would have absolutely no shot at him.

Peterson played just 8 months after tearing his.


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This is terrible by Shefter....

1. The Cowboys can create 20m of cap room in about 3 seconds.
2. Signing Hardy is a sign they are going to try and win it all this year and this getting AP might even be MORE likely after Hardy as opposed to the frugal conservative ways of the past season plus.

IMHO, the Peterson sweepstakes ended for Dallas once the front office underestimated the market for top tier running backs. They believed that free agency last year set the new market for backs but what it did was set a tier system for backs. This is evidenced by the deals and guaranteed money Marshawn Lynch, Shady McCoy, and Demarco Murray received. No way Peterson should or would take less than players he is and has always been better than. Conversely, no way Dallas should fork over that money to him when they wouldn't pay their own...sends a bad message in the locker room although Peterson is a much better back.


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If reduced or zero state income tax is a significant enticement in contract negotiations, why is it that the majority of free agent players do not automatically seek the Jaguars, Dolphins, Buccaneers, Cowboys, Texans, Seahawks, and Titans as their first choice of new team each year?

I think Florida is one of the few states without state income tax


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Lots of good CBs as 27 (or even trading back to the beginning of the 2nd) so that doesn't seem that unlikely, especially if we get Hardy. I would love going Williams, Bennett, Johnson 1-2-3.

right now CB looks like a good value at 27.
who knows come draft time but with the lack of desire to pay Mo a fortune and Carr being overpaid it might be our most desired position in R1 assuming Hardy does sign.

i don't think rb is a good r1 value tbh. i mean emmitt was pick 22 and that was a great value but that's one in a million.


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No he has the right guy. Najeh Davenport left a wet snicker bar to his ex-girlfriend in her closet as a parting gift.

No, Davenport was the guy who pooped in the laundry basket. And, Davenport was drafted two years after Johnson retired, and by the Packers.

Cecil Collins was drafted by Johnson. Here's his story.


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There were also players who were broken hearted when he was fired.

And I do not think the entire team quit on Phillips. Some did in very tangible ways (Jenkins). Some did not. Some quit playing hard when Romo lay crumpled on the turf with a broken collarbone.

You could say he lost the team, that is a more adequate way of putting it.

Wade made a big mess in terms of the mentality of the team.

The power struggle between TO an Garrett/Romo would not have happened under Parcells/Jimmy and I don't think it would have happened under Garrett.

Players developed an attitude of entitlement under Wade. Ratliff would not have developed his entitled attitude under Parcells, IMO.

There were many others with the attitude of entitlement. Crayton, MartyB, Canty, etc..

One example of a change of attitude under Garrett was Hatcher. He had that entitled attitude under Wade and was seen on camera screaming that he should be starting. Once Garrett took over, Hatcher tried to become a leader and generally said all the right things.

Bigg and Gurode got way too fat while Wade was the HC.

In Garrett's first couple of years, he pushed for the team to over-focus on RKGs. I believe they had to over-focus on getting good characters and college team captains because of the mess left behind by Wade. Now that they have filled the roster with those types, they can afford to bring in a few questionable characters.


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choir boy????

i see you're new to me. sarcasm is seldom missed by me and needs to be a lot more clever to stand a chance of it.

return to your side of the court. this heathen has to shower and smell hardy or my day is just messed up beyond words.

I can see why i never noticed any of your 28k plus posts over the past 11 years.

The smelling thing may be a by product of being a heathen but it is no what i intended.

Here is the definition i intended:

Informal. an irreligious, uncultured, or uncivilized person.

Hope this helps...i hate that i have to spend time on a throwaway word when the Cowboys have huge goings on...


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I'm perfectly fine with getting Hardy and then grabbing a RB in the 1st round of the draft. With such a solid Oline and successful run game last year, I know we need to find another SOLID rb. Not a science project running back.. or a guy who might be good. Give me a 1st round RB like Gurley or Gordon. If not, then I want AP.
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