That's a problem brought about by conservatives/religious people. The treatment of marijuana as being worse than alcohol is an American problem.
No, religious/conservatives don't see the marijuana worse than alcohol. Rather, we believe that society is better when people are in their right mind than if they're drunk, stoned, buzzed, blitzed, etc. And we see how this impacts our society in terms of drug-related deaths, lack of productivity at work, the millions and billions of dollars poured into rehabilitation, etc. Besides, the fight against the legalization of alcohol has long been lost, even though it has costs hundreds of thousands of lives and devastated families, etc.
The fight against marijuana is still ongoing, so, of course, those opposed to legalization are going to try to prevent that from occurring - although I think it will occur if not in this generation, the next. It's not a marijuana vs. alcohol battle.
Your position - and the focus of your blame - is too simplistic, which is why it's so popular.