I almost agree with Abe a little bit. The show was fine, and certainly better than nothing, but for the hardcore fans like us there was nothing that new in it.
But then we have to remember that this is aimed at more of a general football/sports fan, or even a more general audience than even that, and not hardcore Cowboys followers like ourselves.
The upside of there not being much new is that I was afraid it would show TOO much of the inside workings, too much inner controversy, and that isn't the case. IMO being a little dull on the storylines is better than showing things that give our opponents bulletin board material or upset our players... Though that may still come in future episodes.
Anyway, some random thoughts:
-- Way too much Jerry IMO. But then, he's the ringmaster of this whole thing and he loves seeing and hearing himself on screen. The Glenn discussion was really good, though.
-- Not enough on defense. As always, the casual fan thinks that the offensive side of the ball is the team... As in, "We won 13-7, but we played terrible." Well, I see that as a good game from the defense, but I guess I'm in the minority. So the focus was mostly on TO and Romo and Witten and Garrett. (I've seen some people saying that RJ was addressing the whole team in his "there's the door" speech, but that was just the offense.)
-- Somehow I get a weird vibe from Campo. I never held those 5-11 teams against him like some people, because he had zero talent to work with. And I know he's a good DB coach. But he seems a little too cocky or something. It's hard to put a finger on it exactly, but I almost get a feeling like he thinks he would be a good DC or even head coach again. (I know I'm probably including some comments he made from outside Hard Knocks with that, though.) Maybe it's that he was here during the glory days and he thinks he still has some collateral from that, but IMO he shouldn't.
-- The reaction Bennett had to John Garrett almost didn't bug me that much, because I got the feeling that Garrett was yapping at him SO much that he was just worn out. What bothered me more than that was Ciskowski telling them in advance that he had to have a foot on his throat constantly, and they drafted him anyway. That's almost shades of the old Bad Jerry falling in love with potential and taking the Bryants and Rosses of the world. (Ciskowski seemed pretty on top of things, though, which is a great sign.)
-- Again in the draft room, funny how they edited it to look like Garrett was solely involved on the Felix pick. In the footage after the draft, you clearly saw Wade arguing for Felix' work ethic and mental toughness over Mendenhall, as well as Wade's loud "YES!!! Great pick!" when Goodell made it official. Strangely, that wasn't in the show.
-- In the tiny snippets I've seen, I like Todd Grantham. He just looks super intense, and is young enough to wear the pads himself when the DL do the drills learning to use their hands.
-- If I were Newman, I'd be kind of pissed at Wade's Wally Pipp comment. These are the kinds of reasons I didn't want Hard Knocks here, because those are meant to be internal discussions only and you don't know the full context of the quote when it was made.
-- Oh well, at least we haven't seen Campo in a wetsuit or Pete Hunter riding a steer.
