Hardest Hitters in Cowboys History


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Thomas Everett for his 2 years here could really hit....


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Nobody would deliver the peoples elbow on pile like Jaylon could…


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in your opinion who was the hardest hitters in Cowboys History?
Woody?Roy? Bates?
This answer is easy.

Darren Woodson.

The guy was violent on the field. But off the field, he was always such a class act.

To this day, my favorite Cowboy to ever wear the star. He should be in the HOF, no doubt.

There's really no debate here.

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Going with Roy.:):)
Absolutely. I'm not sure he could get through a game in today's NFL without being ejected.

And, of course, he is one of a gaggle of Cowboys greats whose play inspired the creation of new penalties (the "Roy Williams Rule" = no "horse collar" tackles).


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It’s sad the NFLPA forced the NFL to move away from the part of the game. Sure, protecting the head head is good. But removing hard hits from the game has been hard to deal with.
agreed.. targeting is stupid, unless its spearing etc or an obvious hit to the head but eh whole launching or intent part of irt is simply football! also the blind side block rule also stupid.. how are you defenseless when football players know they are all targets on the football field they're playing a game at full speed that's one of the most violent games on the planet and somehow they're defenseless that they don't know they're about to be hit??!

I mean are you kidding me all those rules are stupid and they're going to take the hip drop away which is one of the only ways to bring a guy down now they're giving defenders about 6 inches of a man's body front and back to bring him down or just give up a big chunk play or take a penalty... Part of the draw of watching football was the tackling and the hits and the great blocks made by these guys that they could do something that none of us ever could even those who played sports in high school we never could be these guys that is why we watch and yet they're taking it all out I do not want to see flag football I don't like flag football I've never sat and watched one of those games on TV I don't care how popular it is it is not for me that is not football....

So while I agree they need to keep safety in the game and make sure the players are protected from dirty truly dirty hits you know they have intent to take a guy out but this whole thing that they just keep adding more and more if you can't hit a guy here and you're not allowed to do this and that it's basically taking all of what football is away from most fans and players for that matter... You're ruining guys careers guys that could do special things you're telling them they're not allowed to do that anymore...


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Make them pay with hard hitting...now there's a great concept!

Making a defense pay for every inch the Cowboys got...Larry Allen.

Making an offense pay for every inch of success they got...Darren Woodson.