Hardy charges officially expunged

I just dislike the holier than thou attitude from the media and the other fans and love to point out that when AP had a similar crime (IMO, way worse), they let it slide. They are hypocrites and they never cared about Nicole Holder. They never cared about the dogs that Mike Vick tortured and killed. They never cared about Ray McDonald's victims. They never cared that Johnny Jolly was a drug mule and if Aaron Hernandez could be reinstated in the NFL...they would still be watching the game and loving the Patriots.


How about the Manziel situation that isn't even being talked about?!
Feel bad for Hardy though. Dude is being railroaded. It was clear as day this wasn't some brutal assault like people made it seem. He was essentially suspended all of last season and then the NFL had the audacity to suspend him for 10 games this year. Now this comes out. He clearly wants to move on. Just let him. He's clearly a good dude. Yeah if you wanna say he shouldn't put himself in that situation by dating crazy women okay, but he's not this violent psychopath. We know how great is he is on the field. I hope we secure Kraken and he's a Cowboy for life.

It's the reality of the situation. Fact is, nobody is going to quit watching the game or the team if Hardy signed a $200 million extension.

Just like all of those fans that vowed to stop watching the game when Vick came back. The reality is that none of them left, they just weren't keen on buying Vick's jersey or using him on Madden.

I just dislike the holier than thou attitude from the media and the other fans and love to point out that when AP had a similar crime (IMO, way worse), they let it slide. They are hypocrites and they never cared about Nicole Holder. They never cared about the dogs that Mike Vick tortured and killed. They never cared about Ray McDonald's victims. They never cared that Johnny Jolly was a drug mule and if Aaron Hernandez could be reinstated in the NFL...they would still be watching the game and loving the Patriots.


Ummmm........... Cowboys fans killed the Eagles for signing Vick. So the hypocrisy works both ways here.
If we had Hardy last year, we would have won the SB. So, yeah, he can be the difference between winning a SB and not. He's a PR nightmare, but people will forget.

Hardy's a headcase. I'm sure he'll do something else to focus the media on us.
How about the Manziel situation that isn't even being talked about?!
Don't hear a peep and that's why I can't even trust mainstream media. They aren't consistent on top of nobody having a differing opinion. That's not realistic just look at this thread but nobody on tv/media has a differing take? That's bogus IMO. Also If you want to be taken serious on a matter you have to be consistent no matter what.
If we had Hardy last year, we would have won the SB. So, yeah, he can be the difference between winning a SB and not. He's a PR nightmare, but people will forget.

Of course because Jerry could care less what others think as long as we get #6. That's what matters.

I agree with him. Whatever it takes to bring a Super Bowl back to Dallas and re-signing Greg Hardy does that.
He absolutely is. are you kidding me?

The Cowboys damn near got to the NFC Championship without him. They had no semblance of a pass rush against the Packers and that is why they lost along with an egregious overturn of a catch. Hardy is one of the truly elite pass rushers in the game. There's no doubt in my mind they win it all last season if he was on the field. The Cowboys will always be a valuable franchise because they're the Dallas Cowboys. People will always watch them. People will probably watch them even more because they want Hardy to fail as well as the team for bringing him back.

I tend to agree a lot with some of the things you say about the team but you are out to lunch on this.......... especially trying to sell the narrative that Hardy is just some poor schlub in the wrong place at the wrong time.
So now the defense of Hardy will be how he's a victim of the big bad media?

Running to the aid of a millionaire who's (apparently) unable to handle the publicity and unfair treatment from the press.

How white knight-ish
So now the defense of Hardy will be how he's a victim of the big bad media?

Running to the aid of a millionaire who's (apparently) unable to handle the publicity and unfair treatment from the press.

How white knight-ish

I think nothing short of a video will convince some of what he did and then some would say it was doctored.
Ok, why are people not angry with her? If she really did take the money instead of sending him to prison, then why do you care more than her?

I didn't say she was a winner. I said she was visibly beaten by a cowardly man
Yeah. It's silly.

Requesting that your equipment manager deflate some footballs < Beating a woman.

They're not even comparable.

The inflating and deflating of footballs has to be the dumbest rule in the NFL. A QB should be able to have footballs inflated to their preference because not all QBs have the same size hands. They allow QBs to wear gloves to help them grip the ball better I'm surprised that's allowed. I'm tired of hearing about the testing of balls. It reminds me of the guy who went to the hospital for a routine surgical procedure and got mixed up with another patient that had testicular cancer.

The doctor informed the guy of the mixup and said he had some good news and bad news for him. The guy said "what's the bad news?" The doctor said "the bad news is you were mixup with a patient who has testicular cancer and your nuts were cut off." The guy said "what the hell is the good news?" The doctor said "the good news is they ran some tests on his nuts and found them to be perfectly healthy."
Ummmm........... Cowboys fans killed the Eagles for signing Vick. So the hypocrisy works both ways here.

And did you read my first post?

I discussed how ANY FANS of ANY TEAM would act the same way about Hardy had he chosen to play for their team.

I'm perfectly in agreement with you. Except my stance is that players like Hardy, AP, Rice and even Vick...should receive about 1-year away from the NFL to work on themselves and then be given a second chance. I believe in giving people multiple chances to turn good because a good, law abiding and productive citizen is worth a lot more to our society.

That's consistency. And that's what the NFL, the press and so many fans lack. And it drives to my point all along....the press and the fans don't care about Nicole Holder. They only care about the Cowboys signing a great player.

I tend to agree a lot with some of the things you say about the team but you are out to lunch on this.......... especially trying to sell the narrative that Hardy is just some poor schlub in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Did you read my earlier post? I said I can understand if people say he has to be smarter about who he's dating and to just walk away and I clearly said that. He's still a relatively young guy. You have to remember that. I just think it's unfair to portray him as some psychopath. I think he'll learn his lesson. Don't be around crazy and walk away. Don't get into arguments or heated discussion. JUST WALK AWAY.
I think nothing short of a video will convince some of what he did and then some would say it was doctored.

Some would blame the girl and say that Hardy had the right to hold her off by grabbing her by the neck.
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Wow what? Nobody knows what went down. Only Hardy and Holder. Case was thrown out. It's all speculation on what Hardy allegedly did. The media does not want it to go away and lives to suck people in.

Time to move on.
I'm sure the media will go right on not mentioning she was high and he's the one who called 911
Here's my issue with the whole thing.

Greg Hardy is a bad guy. He's a royal ***. That much is not debatable. He beat that girl, probably often, and she kept coming back for more like a typical coke ***** would. It was an ugly relationship all the way around, no doubt.

But this is getting ridiculous.

Where are the stories about other active players? I'm hearing nothing about Ben Roethlisberger, Adrian Peterson, Mike Vick, Kenny Britt, Aldon Smith, etc, etc. Ray Lewis works for NFL Network. So does Michael Irvin.

I guess old rapes, distant murders, years of dog killing, whip marks across young boys' scrotums, ancient assaults with scissors...none of that is "trendy" enough to talk about anymore?

Jason Kidd and Junior Seau beat their wives on multiple occasions, and we celebrate them at every turn. Kidd is an NBA coach who is beloved in Dallas. Seau was treated with god-like worship during his induction into the Hall of Fame. The Rick Pitino story has already died after he basically bought hookers for 17-year-old recruits. That was quick.

Yet, Greg Hardy is getting dragged through the media again and again and again.

No doubt ******** has been holding this until the expungement was official. This will again be front and center on Sunday night (I'm glad I'll be at the game, so I don't have to hear it.)

Selective outrage is a pet peeve of mine. And that's largely what this is.

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