Harris: Durde had a strong interview, is a legit contender for DC


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Damn, people want young and innovative until there’s a possibility of young and innovative then they want to squat to pee. Seattle amongst others were interested… maybe, just maybe he’s a better choice than all these rehashes and has beens!
Not making a comment on this particular option, but there is a difference between young and innovative with actual experience coaching and just young.

Look at the coaching careers of Garrett and Sean Desai when they were given the reigns…


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Durde is being mentioned as a possible candidate for the Seahawks DC job too. Is Jerry trying to keep him from moving on by offering him a shot at the DC job in Dallas?

As the DL coach, is he the one responsible for making Mazi shed 30 lbs in the middle of the season?
No the answer is absolutely not Dan Quinn is the leader of this defense he's the one who likes small players and nothing would get done by some defensive line coach without his permission and his actual demand and by the way I guarantee you it wasn't 30 lbs so can we stop lying show me the man that stepped on a scale this morning and then the one that was only 327 I believe at the combine and what is he now I don't believe he's what people are saying he is he may have lost 15 lbs which happens in the NFL a lot when you're first training camp and they make you do more work than they do in college it happens and I hope he gets it back and it's all muscle but let's stop the conspiracy theories about how much weight this guy lost without literally seeing him step on a scale unless we have that I'm not buying any that a man lost 30 lbs we can tell that happened with Nate Newton since he left the Cowboys that happens to a lot of lineman who stop eating so much to keep weight but there is no way mozzy looks that thin it's all made up nonsense like a lot of other narratives around here.. Yes Brian brought us said something about it he may have lost 10 to 15 lbs it happens naturally and maybe they should have bulked him up versus let him lose weight but I guarantee you had nothing to do with dirty literally his bosses have control of that that starts with Dan Quinn, whitt, and Mike McCarthy .

A defensive line coach does not have that kind of carte blanche power.... They install what they're told to install as far as schemes and how they want to practice game plans that's it...


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I actually think this is the preferred choice, as it gives the illusion of change, while there is no change. Jerry doesn’t like to change systems, especially in an “all in” year. Even with MM, they hired Schottenheimer the year prior and hired him as OC, while MM called plays. A young coach makes it feel new, but he’s basically a Quinn disciple. He followed Quinn was Atlanta to Dallas.


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I would say it doesn't make sense to bring in a first time coordinator to learn on the job in a make it or break it "all in" year but this is Jerry's Cowboys. We never make much sense.
It makes more sense from Durde's perspective


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They don’t. They read a thread or two, figure out what take fits their own personal agenda, and then talk like they were in the room for the interview, right down to psychological profiles of each persons motivations, hopes, fears and dreams.
I know they don't.


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Well I know right? How can the FO that you never go after have gotten players and coaches wrong the last 28 years. It can’t be correct because Jerry and his son are qualified football people who know what they are doing right?

Here’s a little news flash for you. While fans may not know everything, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to realize this teams LB play and run defense has been bad for the last 5 years. Hiring the guy from the DL that helped aid in the last 3 of those years doesn’t seem like a great idea. Especially since he has never had do come up with a defensive scheme or call a game in his life.

So why don’t you tell us how wrong we are and how the cowboys are close and they will be a contender this year and all of the other nonsense you spew.
News flash, getting Quinn was an excellent choice.


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News flash, getting Quinn was an excellent choice.
Well I agree at the time yes Dan Quinn was a nice addition but him leaving is actually a perfect time... Just like amari Cooper was a great pick up in 2018 but he had to be moved on from because of salary implications and the fact that he slipped to #2 on this particular team...

So that's my input yes he was a great addition at the moment and now he's a great subtraction it was time to move on and hope to further this defense with a fresh set of eyes.... While I have the guy above you're talking to on ignore I just thought I'd give my input but him thinking that Durde or Harris doesn't have his own view of how he'd like to run a defense with his own input and his own vision that's ridiculous for fans to assume he would just do everything the same as Dan Quinn... They don't have input they literally have bosses that run a scheme and they have to run it with them and while they will pick up things from that boss doesn't mean that's the way they're gonna run things.... I prefer to hire someone from outside but I'm not gonna poo poo the idea of an internal hire given this one year of uncertainty and at least they have some kind of connection to the players on this team... So if they elevate dirty they might as well figure out a way to elevate al Harris you know just give him a job just above the title he had give him a little bump in pay let them work together..

I don't believe some of these people understand that's what the interview process is about not do you want the job OK I'll talk to you about it later.... It goes far beyond that they are asking this kid what he thinks what he might do if given the job and then they'll decide from there all the interviews which one might be a better fit here so they can blame the Jones family for not making good decisions but they're interviewing a lot of people... They're interviewing that young guy from The Jets as well...

So everyone in here that thought Zimmer or Rivera were gonna be a lock this tells me otherwise those are fall back guys those are easy choices but at least they're doing their due diligence...


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News flash, getting Quinn was an excellent choice.

Nashon Wright, Kelvin Joseph, Mazi Smith (who dropped 30 lbs). Shall I continue?

This defense performed against bottom feeders and didnt know what to do when they got punched in the mouth. No adjustments. Unless you consider switching to a zone defense against a QB and team that struggled all year against a man defense as an adjustment.

But hey. I wouldnt expect you to understand. You think we are a LB and C away from a SB.


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New thought.

If we accept the premise that a "passing game coordinator" represents a promotion for a position coach... then another conceivable option is that you're going to bring Manuel in to run that part...


You might consider Durde to take a newly-created "running game coordinator" role.

And you hire a proven DC after all, while giving younger staff bigger responsibility.


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Not making a comment on this particular option, but there is a difference between young and innovative with actual experience coaching and just young.

Look at the coaching careers of Garrett and Sean Desai when they were given the reigns…
And that’s why I mentioned the interest from Seattle and other teams. Obviously his abilities as a coach are being noticed by people with the knowledge to evaluate.

As for Garrett he was hand a team that needed a complete offensive line rebuild. Once that got that issue sorted, they made the inexplicable decision to change the defensive scheme!

Desai took over a team that was old. Considering if anything it got worse after he was demoted I’d say it had to do more with the offenses inability to force the points that provided the luxury of being able to pin their ears they had the previous season!


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like one DC is going to make this a Super Bowl team. I hope Jerry's great-grandkid gets to pick the guy. It doesn't matter who it is, or how good he does, it will always be Jerry's fault and you can't blame any player for playing bad or sucking, because it's Jerry's fault.
I find it funny watching you guys searching, and researching who it's going to be, and then you guys will cry no matter who it is.
Bill is too old. I love Bill, but Jerry won't let him coach.
next guy the same will be said like above.
All I know is Jerry loves your dedication to our sucking. Don't forget to see that art gallery at my palace and lie on the star and get your picture taken. This week we lowered the price to one hundred dollars per visitor. Make your memories at Jerry World, they will last a lifetime for you.

Come on back.


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Could've just kept Durde and Whitt, but no. We have to sabotage our head coach, because reasons.


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As long as he isn’t forced on the next HC, I don’t care who they hire.


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I dont think that is the issue. The issue I take with hiring a DC with no experience at game planning, calling a game, developing a scheme etc, in a HC last year of contract is without saying it. Jerry is saying this is a throwaway year. Now this is how it looks prior to FA and the draft but thats the optics of it. If they are waiting to bring in someone who is young but has experience there are 2 teams in the SB whos coaching trees have succeeded in the NFL and would know how to scheme against our biggest competition next year in San Francisco.

I take offense to this mainly because I want my mom to witness a SB with me and she doesnt have throwaway years left.
That's one way of looking at it.

I don't see it that way - if Durde is this strong of a candidate, a big reason why HAS to be that our players love the guy. They can vouch for his knowledge and his contributions.

They loved Quinn and Durde is a holdover, after all.

They could sell Durde as a young, hungry up-and-comer to free agents. What the players think means a ton.
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Might as well hire him, MM is on the last year of his contract. Let's just get it over with. Hire this guy and then he and MM can hit the road together after the next season and we can start over, hopefully they take Dak with them as well but I doubt it.

Star Guard_31

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Hilarious. The Joneses are legitimately sabotaging Big Mike so they can move on once they're out from under his contract.

A normal owner would have simply cut bait and eaten the final year of the contract, but not your Cowboys. Jerry isn't going to pay somebody to sit at home on their couch.:laugh:


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That's one way of looking at it.

I don't see it that way - if Durde is this strong of a candidate, a big reason why HAS to be that our players love the guy. They can vouch for his knowledge and his contributions.

They loved Quinn and Durde is a holdover, after all.

They could sell Durde as a young, hungry up-and-comer to free agents. What the players think means a ton.
Having the players choose is yet another issue.

Let me ask you. Do you think this team and its players can afford to hire someone that the players are comfortable with? Comfort is this teams biggest issue.