I wish the writer of this piece would have pointed out Tony has had 3 different head coaches, numerous different OC's (Payton, Sparano/Haley, Garrett, Callahan, and Linehan), had to endure bad offensive lines for most of his career, had to put up with cancerous free agent signings, until recently bad drafts, and a meddling owner. I wonder how Tom Brady would have faired playing in Dallas under the same conditions?
Let's take a look at Tony Romo. A guy no one drafted, out of all the rounds, the entire draft, NO ONE saw anything in him. He played for a small school, and wound up with the top franchise in sports. He was gifted a HOF wide receiving core from the onset. To his advantage, he was able to take his small opportunity and turn it into multi millions. On his journey, he made things so much harder on him by escaping the pocket way too soon. Because of this, he's been hit, battered, beaten.
In 2014, 8 years after his first start, he finally was able to cut back on INTs, and wound up with solid stats. In the playoffs, we were lucky to get out of the Detroit game because of the refs bad call on the Lions. In the Green bay game, he made crucial mistakes before half time, and crucial mistakes at the end of the game.
Dak Prescott - 4th round rookie who played in the hardest division in college football. He took a sorry Mississippi State team to #1 in the country for weeks.
He was overlooked do to his running. Why did he run so much? You have to run when your receivers suck.
Fast forward: Romo gets hurt because he escapes the pocket for no reason. Elliott actually got his block in, all he had to do is stand in and make the pass. With his injury history, why leave the pocket anyways (IN PRESEASON)
Dak takes over. First game, Dez drops an easy touch down pass. Beasley drops an easy touch down. With those TD passes, we win.
Dak takes his team to an 8-1 record after that. He had a couple of shaky games early on but pulled it together to get wins. You know how some said, what if they figure Dak out, what will he do then. I think your questions have been answered. A couple of teams threw out some new wrinkles, but as the game went on, he figured it out, and pulled it out for us, in his FIRST YEAR. He doesn't make a ton of mistakes, he's just a very very smart QB. He takes the short to intermediate passes, and he goes deep when necessary.
You have Romo fans that think that throwing 300 plus yards means you're a winning QB. If this is the case, why didn't he go past the 2nd round again? Why haven't Ryan won anything? I can go on and on with QBs who threw for 300 plus who have never even sniffed the Super Bowl. Yards mean NOTHING.
Most people around these parts have no clue what a winning QB looks like. They must be like 21 or 28 years old, all they know is Tony Romo. My suggestion is to go root for another team if you can't get on board with Dak Prescott. Dak is a workout warrior who's never given the job back after getting the job due to injury.
The other day I was getting my oil changed, while sitting in the lobby, I saw this ESPN magazine with Dak Prescott on the front. I decided to pick it up and read it. It was AMAZING, and if I find the magazine, I'll post the entire article here.
We are in the midst of a possible Super Bowl run and all fans can talk about is Romo. We have the present, the future right before our own eyes and this is how you guys treat him. I'm hesitant to say this, but most of us don't deserve a Super Bowl.
They would have to be a bigger FAN of Romo than the team itself, if some are hoping Dak gets injured just so Romo could have a last hurrah. The Romo FANS are infatuated with his stats and career passer rating, it seems like that's all they care about. When you mention his lack of playoff success or that he hasn't won a ring they get pissed. There was a poll on the board awhile back asking who the greatest Cowboys QB of all-time was and Romo's name topped the list for a few. It amazes me the pedestal he's been put on by Romo FANS based purely on his stats. As crazy as it sounds I've run into Romo FANS who've argued he's better than Tom Brady.They look at his numbers and Houdini escapes and have convinced themselves that he's the best in the game. I've seen Brady, Rodgers and Peyton Manning's games torn down by those who think Romo is better. I've seen posts where Romo would win a SB for any team but us.
They try and spin he's never had a good team in Dallas which is ridiculous. If you mention his turnovers many will blame everyone but him. I've always had respect for Romo and thought he was an very good QB but he's not amongst the Mount Rushmore of QBs like some of his FANS think he is. If you don't agree that he's as wonderful as they think he is, you're labeled a hater. You can't give an honest opinion about him that involves any criticism without being labeled a Romo hater.
Archie Manning, Dan Marino, Bert Jones.
seriously I don't even want to post directly to him.wow.
someone redefined "doosh" today.
How many sacks taken? People ignore negative playsYa really gotta love people who think Tony handing off to Zeke 20x a game would be leading the NFL in turnovers or something. What a stupid argument.
Go back and look at how many turnovers Romo had in all of 2014 handing the ball off to DeMarco Murray 20x a game.
34 TD's, 9 int's and 3 fumbles lost in 16 games.
Can we stop this stupidity already?
Don Meredith.. Graig Morton...Danny White...Archie Manning, Dan Marino, Bert Jones.
if there was ever a year to just invent things to divide people up, 2016 certainly has been that year. you can understand how some people feel and how emotionally tied they can get to players and ideas. one hard lesson to learn is "nothing gold can stay".seriously I don't even want to post directly to him.
Well some are saying they couldn't even enjoy a SB win if Tony wasn't QB'ing. Crazy talk.How 'bout that Tony Romo!!!
What a player - what a guy! Class act and the quintessence (look it up) of professionalism!
I can't wait for the next Tony Romo thread.
In fact - I hear he's a new sponsor for Valvoline Oil - maybe you can catch him at you local oil change store!
All Tony all the time!
According to you - not one single player on the team deserves to win a Super Bowl except the quarterback. After all, you've said it - many times in fact - it's all about the quarterback - period.
So - no ring for you Zack or Zeke or Sean or Jason.
If Dak wins a Super Bowl - the rest of you were just window dressing.
Oh - did I mention - How 'bout that Tony Romo! What a guy!
Blimey!I wish the writer of this piece would have pointed out Tony has had 3 different head coaches, numerous different OC's (Payton, Sparano/Haley, Garrett, Callahan, and Linehan), had to endure bad offensive lines for most of his career, had to put up with cancerous free agent signings, until recently bad drafts, and a meddling owner. I wonder how Tom Brady would have faired playing in Dallas under the same conditions?
but he's never given us 8-1.
LMOAO. There will soon be another forgotten one!I was sad when Danny retired but I sure did enjoy those 90's SBs. I have to admit I never thought about him.![]()
How many sacks taken? People ignore negative plays
I agree. Time marches on. Tony's been our starter for 10 years. He's had his chances. Yes I would have loved to see him QB a SB team but I'm not going to risk everything on a what if.LMOAO. There will soon be another forgotten one!
Dak is on pace for less turnovers as well. I just added on sacks. I didn't move on from interceptions brotha.Well we're off the stupid turnover argument pretty damn quick, aren't we?
I call this progress.
Yes. Jones treatment of Landry was a disgrace. He has tried to make it apologise in recent years. But, the old fans still have hard feeling about it.And another. I hated ABSOLUTELY hated the way Jerry treated coach Landry but when we were winning those SB's I didn't even think of him.