Has anyone ever cried, or fought over the boys/over a loss?

WV Cowboy

Waitin' on the 6th
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Terence Newman700;1697128 said:
Lmao! wow what did the Cops say.....and were the neighbors old people?

No, they were Bills fans. :laugh2: :laugh1: :lmao2: :p:


Junior College Transfer
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Terence Newman700;1696991 said:
Be honest, i know most of you are all about class, don't wanna seem soft, or a "thug", but be honest....

have any of you ever cried or shed ed a tear over a cowboys loss? Have any of you got into a fight? or almost fought over the boys?

Have any of you took it out on your family, personal items?

or whats the craziest thing you have done after a loss or an emotional win?

Me personally i felt like shedding a tear once or twice, and i have almost got into a fight over some one talking smack about the boys.

I'm making this thread, because im bored, and i know after the performance last night, some of us are still bitter and are too worried about the Pats, so don't think I'm trying to be immature or whatever

There is no crying among Cowboy fans.
If you want crying, check out the 70,000 or so fans who walked out of Bills stadium in a daze. Could they even find their cars?


And only our familes and country a:D re worth fighting over.


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WV Cowboy;1697005 said:
It's a football game son.

I have been an avid Dallas Cowboys fan since 1967-68, but if does not affect how I treat my wife, sons or my dogs over the years.

Don't get in a fight over it, it's not worth it.:laugh2:

Seriously...Any fan taking out a loss in a sporting event with more than an 'aww shucks' needs to seek out some therapy...Let's all keep a perspective, this is a billionaire toy vehicle for the billionaire boys club


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DallasEast;1697144 said:
Nah, they weren't old. They were just tired of all the howling at the moon outside their homes. :)

[Edit] One of the cops was a Cowboys fan who stayed and watched tv for a few minutes after his buddies left. :D

WV Cowboy;1697157 said:
No, they were Bills fans. :laugh2: :laugh1: :lmao2: :p:

lol,oh i see why they called the police now!


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I cried over a Cowboys loss when I was younger because the 49ers went up 21 points in the first querter then ended up winning that conference championship game, why? because my birthday was on the same day as the Superbowl that year and I wanted the Cowboys to win 3 in a row on my birthday, instead I got to see Steve Young "take the monkey off his back"..... very depressing day.


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I don't hit anyone or do anything stupid. I just get very depressed and don't want to talk about it and sulk around for about 2 days. But then I perk up and start looking forward to the next game. Happily with Romo as QB, there a lot more winning days then losing days.


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FCBarca;1697170 said:
Seriously...Any fan taking out a loss in a sporting event with more than an 'aww shucks' needs to seek out some therapy...Let's all keep a perspective, this is a billionaire toy vehicle for the billionaire boys club

Then I suppose I need therapy.


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
My moments were as follows:

1.) ON my honeymoon in Jamaica - was during the NBA Finals...been a Mavs fan all my life...watching Wade shoot FT's left and right...I cried...after every loss except the blow out. It was pretty bad...then I proceeded to get hammered after eachone! My wife isn't letting me live that one down.

2.) Duke vs. Ucon - NCAA finals - Duke loses at last second - I proceed to put a chair out of my dorm, through a wall outside in the hall, right into the community bathroom. The bathroom needed an extra door anyways :)

3.) Thanksgiving - Dolphins vs. Cowboys - lets just say I didn't take the Lett goof too well

4.) Cowboys vs. Seahawks - Wildcard game...my wife decided to invite a bunch of her co-workers over to the game...one was from Washington. It wasn't pretty. We joke about it now..but I put on quite a show. Lots of news words to the English vocab. - lots of dance moves, that i don't think TO could even pull off. They all joke with me now that I should charge people to come over and watch me during games.

4.) Last but not least...tears of joy - 1992, 1993, 1995 - Great times...great times in deed.


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Its harder on me when the Cowboys are good because I tend to have expectations then.

When the team is rebuilding its much easier for me to endure a loss.

Irvin's HOF induction speech was the most emotionally moving Cowboy event I can think of.


Intramural Legend
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I drink and I scrap a bit...whatever. Like others have said, people pretty much know to leave me alone when we lose.

I cry when the Boys get inducted into the HOF and stuff like that. Irvin's speech had me literally crying, not just watery eyes.

WV Cowboy

Waitin' on the 6th
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adamknite;1697173 said:
I cried over a Cowboys loss when I was younger because the 49ers went up 21 points in the first querter then ended up winning that conference championship game, why? because my birthday was on the same day as the Superbowl that year and I wanted the Cowboys to win 3 in a row on my birthday, instead I got to see Steve Young "take the monkey off his back"..... very depressing day.

If it makes you feel better, Young still has a Cowboys monkey on his back because we owned them in the 90's, and we owned the 90's, and he hates that.



Intramural Legend
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FCBarca;1697170 said:
Seriously...Any fan taking out a loss in a sporting event with more than an 'aww shucks' needs to seek out some therapy...Let's all keep a perspective, this is a billionaire toy vehicle for the billionaire boys club

Said the soccer fan...:laugh2:


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Future 585;1697204 said:
I drink and I scrap a bit...whatever. Like others have said, people pretty much know to leave me alone when we lose.

I cry when the Boys get inducted into the HOF and stuff like that. Irvin's speech had me literally crying, not just watery eyes.



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WV Cowboy;1697226 said:
If it makes you feel better, Young still has a Cowboys monkey on his back because we owned them in the 90's, and we owned the 90's, and he hates that.


It didn't back then, lolZ.


Jesus is Lord
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The bobbled snap at Seattle.
I was in Hooters here in Houston and there was one Texans fan making fun of the way we lost that was seating next to my table...so the few beers and the lost was enough for me to punch the guy right in his face. Needless to say that him been a Texans fan help my anger aswell.

WV Cowboy

Waitin' on the 6th
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adamknite;1697173 said:
I cried over a Cowboys loss when I was younger because the 49ers went up 21 points in the first querter then ended up winning that conference championship game

I was never prouder of the Cowboys than during and after that game.

We kicked their but for 3 1/2 quarters, but like you said we spotted them 21 pts so we still lost.

If they call PI against Deion when he was on MI, we would have won despite the 21 pt gift.


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I think alot of us as kids in the 70s cried over a ton of the losses including me. In my teens, 80s, I would lose it after losses and people would just stay away from me. In my 20s in the 90s, I would be in such a horrible mood after a loss it was crazy.

In my 30s in the 2000s, I learned to let it BE if we lose. Can't do anything about it, and I mostly take my frustations out on this board. That's why in the game day thread, you can't take what people are saying seriously because they are talking out of pure anger.


Regular Joe....
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WV Cowboy;1697005 said:
It's a football game son.

I have been an avid Dallas Cowboys fan since 1967-68, but if does not affect how I treat my wife, sons or my dogs over the years.

Don't get in a fight over it, it's not worth it.:laugh2:

Me neither. When the Cowboys lose, they send me to a hotel, then send for me on Saturday, just in time to mow the lawn and get ready for Sunday's game again.
