Have fans completely lost it?

"I don't want stats, I want wins."

Cowboys beat Detroit, 24-6.

"But look at those awful stats!"
More like "look at that awful execution for 3 quarters"

I don't care about stats but I would rather not have to count on the other team fumbling on the goaline so we are not down 13-10 in the 4th!
And the homers and haters on this site are both just as bad. It's about insulting others to them. They lie, claim stupid crapp, and all in all just don't get it.
We all have opinions right. We all should be the GM, coach, owner... It's just entertainment. Its all just a distraction so we don't start to think about how we are all going to die one day and the world will still turn and we won't be a part of it any longer.

I'd like to see a little more respect towards each other. We are all fans and we all want the same thing in the end. We can claim mental superiority but no one is paying us millions to help them run their organization. Because we are all just opiniated fans hoping we are right more than we are wrong.

Let's just enjoy the ride. We don't know how many more we get. It's not that serious.
So do I yet, you claim I am attacking players.
I am a fan of both our QB's but I expect a hell of a lot more from Dak than Cooper because he is a far superior QB.
First game back. He got better as the game went on yet you don’t give him any credit for a solid first game. SMH.
Did you watch the game? If so do you think their defense played like the worst defense in the league?
Yes i remember you, over and over saying our offense ranked 26th in the league and others argued it was 14th under Rush...you kept on going back to the stats and saying 26th.

Now you've changed your tune and say stats don't matter, just watch the game.

I've also seen people say Dak fails the eye test and you always come back with...look at the stats.

That's why your credibility is questionable here.
I really have to ask. Have fans completely lost it or is this board being taken over by trolls?

Dak broke his thumb. Couldn't throw a football for many weeks. Missed 5 weeks of the season. Was still wearing a brace on his thumb. Comes back and, while rusty, plays a very " Cooper Rush" esque game and gets a win against a team coming off a bye.
Most people on this forum and in the media said... learn from Cooper. Keep this game plan when Dak comes back. Etc. Etc.
They do and all the haters come out.

Tyler Smith is balling out. He is a rookie starting at LT in the NFL. NOT AN EASY TASK. PFF (for what they're worth) has him ranked as the 6th best tackle in the league. IN THE LEAGUE!! I saw a post debating if he could play the position!!!!!!

These are just two examples. But, have "fans" lost it?
Enough of the complaining about complaining. It's a forum for everyone to participate . Stop taking the gossip here like it's gospel. Now , on to Dak he will still disappoint us at the end , you can just see it coming :dance:
these "fans" are mostly trolls who when cowboys win they do everything in their power to bring down the mood so it feels like a loss

and on another side some of our "fans" have no actual football sense, its ok not to like Dak but theres no logical reasoning behind why they don't like him and when they make statements like "he cant read a defense" they don't even know a cover 2 or cover 3 from a hole in the ground themselves and can't explain what defense he cant read. these are the same people that say "throw it deep down the sidelines on the cover two why are you throwing it deep middle" well THATS WHERE THE HOLE OF THE COVER 2 IS!

and then you have our wonderful "fans" drink themselves into oblivion and smash their head on the keyboard and their thread somehow makes it through
This game is pretty much over.

Mahomes(the trolls #1 fanboy) just put up 44 on the 49ers supposedly stout defense.

The game will always be rigged as to where Dak will never have as good a game as Allen or Mahomes against a good defense...so that it can trigger you and claim "well Dak didnt put up X amount of points against that awesome defense"

Its all rigged. Its all childish.
We beat the formidable Lions
To the Bears!

There, I feel better already!
I certainly don't feel much better about our offense after the game than I did before the game. The defense was excellent and Detroit was Detroit. Another nice solid win for the team.
Here’s an example of a fan going strictly by stats. Anyone watching the game knows the Lions did not play like the worst defense in the league. They don’t realize that this is the NFL. The talent margin is small and what it comes down to is heart and desire. The Lions brought it on Sunday.
They play hard but they still suck. Dak was very pedestrian yesterday. It's continuing a trend from the Tampa game, the 49ers playoff game, and portions of the second half of last season. Not good.
I really have to ask. Have fans completely lost it or is this board being taken over by trolls?

Dak broke his thumb. Couldn't throw a football for many weeks. Missed 5 weeks of the season. Was still wearing a brace on his thumb. Comes back and, while rusty, plays a very " Cooper Rush" esque game and gets a win against a team coming off a bye.
Most people on this forum and in the media said... learn from Cooper. Keep this game plan when Dak comes back. Etc. Etc.
They do and all the haters come out.

Tyler Smith is balling out. He is a rookie starting at LT in the NFL. NOT AN EASY TASK. PFF (for what they're worth) has him ranked as the 6th best tackle in the league. IN THE LEAGUE!! I saw a post debating if he could play the position!!!!!!

These are just two examples. But, have "fans" lost it?
The irony is that he played better than Rush has ever played. After the injury. With a brace on.
Enough of the complaining about complaining. It's a forum for everyone to participate . Stop taking the gossip here like it's gospel. Now , on to Dak he will still disappoint us at the end , you can just see it coming :dance:

hear me out here.

Maybe just quit complaining?
People on this board still give no credit to Jimmy or Troy for those SBs in the 90s, its always anyone could have done what Jimmy did with the Walker trade or Troy was surrounded by all this talent Romo could have done better....If, and that's a big if, the Boys ever won another SB , fans would still not be satisfied, human nature I guess, build up to bring down...
Its all rigged. There is no exact definition of what will squelch the Dak hate. Why? Because they have to have something to hang a trigger on.

Dak could play the best game a quarterback has ever played in the Super Bowl and win...and they will claim he didnt put up 44 against the 49ers strong defense.

The system has to have an out to be negative. Dak will never be good to them. If we had Mahomes...Cooper Rush would be the better option. Its all very very immature.

Id turn myself off if I made money trolling for a living. The whole thing is fake and rigged.
I really have to ask. Have fans completely lost it or is this board being taken over by trolls?

Dak broke his thumb. Couldn't throw a football for many weeks. Missed 5 weeks of the season. Was still wearing a brace on his thumb. Comes back and, while rusty, plays a very " Cooper Rush" esque game and gets a win against a team coming off a bye.
Most people on this forum and in the media said... learn from Cooper. Keep this game plan when Dak comes back. Etc. Etc.
They do and all the haters come out.

Tyler Smith is balling out. He is a rookie starting at LT in the NFL. NOT AN EASY TASK. PFF (for what they're worth) has him ranked as the 6th best tackle in the league. IN THE LEAGUE!! I saw a post debating if he could play the position!!!!!!

These are just two examples. But, have "fans" lost it?
It was the 1-5 Lions. A loss would have been disastrous.

Tyler has been great, but he got destroyed yesterday. Schooled all day.