Have fans completely lost it?

What I've noticed over the last 20 years is that a lot of fans think we should have the best player in the NFL at almost every position. They want us to be the Yankees and Lakers.

The great thing about the NFL is the parity and, essentially, the concept that the worst team CAN become a real contender within a few years, but a lot of people don't want this.

On the other hand, I understand completely the desire for the Cowboys to be real contenders every year, or at least every few years. We're a perennial top 16 team in the league but almost never top 4.

I get it. Frustration can lead to insanity.
This forum is completely off the rails. It has largely turned into a huge Dak bash fest 7 days a week (not well thought out criticism, just mindless hate) or just people saying the team sucks no matter whether they win or lose.

The name should be changed from "Cowboyszone" to "BeatingaDeadHorseZone"
Yup. Sure would be nice to have a Dak forum, would make this place instrumentally better!!!!
I don't disagree with you're main point about the board.
It becomes unreadable at times.
However, Tyler Smith is currently ranked 52nd out of 76 Tackles in the league, not 6th.
(By comparison, Steele is currently 28th out of 76 at T)
Not sure where you got your information.
Here is the current PFF board as of today for the team.
He's had good games and bad games, and overall, I'm pleased with him and think he will become a very good OL for many years for us.
He's been solid, but has been getting beat by good DE's, has missed a few assignemnts (which is expected for a R), and has committed a few too many penalties (also expected for a Rook).
Overall, very solid but not spectacular.


I remember back in the days before social media and message boards Dallas won a game and we were happy...

People are incapable of being happy anymore. It is a tragic feature of our day and age it seems.

Advice: Stay out of the Dak threads.

How is it even possible to avoid them? They make up probably 60% of all new threads started and of the remaining 40%, more than half get turned into a carousel of the same worn out, unintelligible, braindead Dak bashing that we get 365 days a year from these clowns.

That leaves us with approximately 1 out of 5 threads (give or take) that are spared of the trolls. I thought last season would be the high water mark for troll activity on this site, but we are starting to reach biblical levels. It's no longer just a small sideshow here. It is the whole circus.
Here’s an example of a fan going strictly by stats. Anyone watching the game knows the Lions did not play like the worst defense in the league. They don’t realize that this is the NFL. The talent margin is small and what it comes down to is heart and desire. The Lions brought it on Sunday.

Well, there is more than one way of viewing these facts. You can either say that Detroit played better than expected. Or you can say that Dak and the Cowboys played so badly (especially in the first half) that they made the 32nd ranked defense look good.

I’m a Cowboys fan. Season ticket holder in fact. But I’m going with the latter theory. We played so poorly that we made Detroit look competent.
Lol it's to easy..and predictable.."I want a ball control offense that can score over 20 points, play defense" Cowboys win 24 to 6 "Dak could only throw 1 TD 40 million dollars 40 million dollars 40 million dollars......"

Like i don't get it..... the cowboys have won games using this....

like these people will complain if we won a superbowl 21-6 and dak only throws for 1 td and 140 yards
They move Hutchinson around, not Tyler.
Yeah... I know they move Hutchinson around. Who's talking about Hutchinson?

Tyler wasn't perfect but he's a rookie.

Steele had a terrible game:

People are incapable of being happy

How is it even possible to avoid them? They make up probably 60% of all new threads started and of the remaining 40% more than half get turned into a carousel of the same worn out, unintelligible, braindead Dak bashing that we get 365 days a year from these clowns.

That leaves us with approximately 1/5 threads (give or take) that are spared of the trolls. I thought last season would be the high water mark for troll activity on this site, but we are starting to reach biblical levels.

Criticism is not trolling. Some criticism might be trolling. That can be a problem. On the other hand a person being a snowflake or sticking their head in the sand is equally problematic.

I’m not limping you in either category. But where those lines are drawn is in the eye of the beholder, for sure.

These blurry lines are also more problematic due to the mental acuity of some of the people posting here. I’m not passing judgment on you. I’m just making a general statement.
I really have to ask. Have fans completely lost it or is this board being taken over by trolls?

Dak broke his thumb. Couldn't throw a football for many weeks. Missed 5 weeks of the season. Was still wearing a brace on his thumb. Comes back and, while rusty, plays a very " Cooper Rush" esque game and gets a win against a team coming off a bye.
Most people on this forum and in the media said... learn from Cooper. Keep this game plan when Dak comes back. Etc. Etc.
They do and all the haters come out.

Tyler Smith is balling out. He is a rookie starting at LT in the NFL. NOT AN EASY TASK. PFF (for what they're worth) has him ranked as the 6th best tackle in the league. IN THE LEAGUE!! I saw a post debating if he could play the position!!!!!!

These are just two examples. But, have "fans" lost it?
You are correct and unfortunately the administrator and the moderators are letting it happen. Most of the threads on the front page are hate threads, mostly about Dak. They could easily consolidate them into one hate thread and keep posters from starting more threads with the same hate. We can no longer enjoy a Cowboy win; we must be miserable about it!

I've been here since this board started and as it stands now, it is hard to come in for a visit.
People are incapable of being happy anymore. It is a tragic feature of our day and age it seems.

How is it even possible to avoid them? They make up probably 60% of all new threads started and of the remaining 40%, more than half get turned into a carousel of the same worn out, unintelligible, braindead Dak bashing that we get 365 days a year from these clowns.

That leaves us with approximately 1 out of 5 threads (give or take) that are spared of the trolls. I thought last season would be the high water mark for troll activity on this site, but we are starting to reach biblical levels. It's no longer just a small sideshow here. It is the whole circus.

The Dak apologists are equally annoying. I don’t know why people can’t just take the emotion out of these threads and discuss things with a little bit of common sense.

10 percent of posters : Dak can do no wrong
10 percent of posters. : Dak can do nothing right
80 percent of posters: Dak sometimes does some good things and sometimes he sucks. He sucks a bit too much to be making $40m per year and although we hope he wins us a SB we have our doubts

10 percent #1 about the 80 percent: You are a Dak hater

10 percent #2 about the 80 percent. You are a Dak apologist.

80 percent. Hmmm. This seems very stupid and childish. Are all of these 10 percenters 14 years old?
You are correct and unfortunately the administrator and the moderators are letting it happen. Most of the threads on the front page are hate threads, mostly about Dak. They could easily consolidate them into one hate thread and keep posters from starting more threads with the same hate. We can no longer enjoy a Cowboy win; we must be miserable about it!

I've been here since this board started and as it stands now, it is hard to come in for a visit.
I loved the win. I’m hoping for more wins. I want Dak to succeed and bring us home a SB. Do I think Dak can do that? Probably not, but we can always hope for the best.
Criticism is not trolling. Some criticism might be trolling. That can be a problem. On the other hand a person being a snowflake or sticking their head in the sand is equally problematic.

I’m not limping you in either category. But where those lines are drawn is in the eye of the beholder, for sure.

These blurry lines are also more problematic due to the mental acuity of some of the people posting here. I’m not passing judgment on you. I’m just making a general statement.
You are right, criticism is not trolling, but making thread after thread with the same BS, and hi-jacking every other thread with the same hateful rhetoric is! We know how you're a "realist" and everyone else isn't. If you want to complain about everything, stay in the same thread and don't start more.
Here’s an example of a fan going strictly by stats. Anyone watching the game knows the Lions did not play like the worst defense in the league. They don’t realize that this is the NFL. The talent margin is small and what it comes down to is heart and desire. The Lions brought it on Sunday.

Unless they play the Eagles who only beat them by 3... then the narrative changes "Lions defense terrible". Most hypocritical fanbase there is ...
Like i don't get it..... the cowboys have won games using this....

like these people will complain if we won a superbowl 21-6 and dak only throws for 1 td and 140 yards

In that event I am sure that many would say “Hey I’m glad we won a SB! But Dak didn’t play very well”. See, it’s not so hard.
I really have to ask. Have fans completely lost it or is this board being taken over by trolls?

Dak broke his thumb. Couldn't throw a football for many weeks. Missed 5 weeks of the season. Was still wearing a brace on his thumb. Comes back and, while rusty, plays a very " Cooper Rush" esque game and gets a win against a team coming off a bye.
Most people on this forum and in the media said... learn from Cooper. Keep this game plan when Dak comes back. Etc. Etc.
They do and all the haters come out.

Tyler Smith is balling out. He is a rookie starting at LT in the NFL. NOT AN EASY TASK. PFF (for what they're worth) has him ranked as the 6th best tackle in the league. IN THE LEAGUE!! I saw a post debating if he could play the position!!!!!!

These are just two examples. But, have "fans" lost it?

There are about 5 trolls here about 20 members who are just Dak haters and would love to see him fail so they can be right about him, regardless that it makes no sense to root against arguably the most important player on our team. IMO, if you root against Dak/Rush you root against the team you supposedly support. After looking at all the comments and likes on that "I Love Tony Romo" thread, it OBVIOUS the reason they are Dak haters is because Dak took his job. I don't know if the OP who started that thread did so to out them all, which I don't think that was his intentions, but they all came out in full force before the Mods deleted it.

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