Here's The Latest T.O. Update I've Received

If he signs here for less then he thinks he's worth, T.O. will start acting up again, the whole Philly thing started when they wouldn't give him a new deal.
CaptainAmerica said:
...from a guy who works in and has contacts in the NFL. This makes a lot of sense with how quiet things have been and the recent reports by Mort and Schefter saying this T.O. situation could take a while.

Some people never learn. This is what I've been able to dig up.

The Cowboys offered a trade to the Eagles and had a deal in place with T.O. The Eagles declined the trade.

Dallas then figured that same deal would be in place if he was released but now T.O. and Rosenhaus want more money. The David Givens deal was the one that really triggered it.T.O. now believes he can get more money on the open market than he orgininally thought.

Here's the problem: The Chiefs are only willing to offer him a one-year deal. The Dolphins are officially out. The Broncos have been backtracking ever since Elway spoke out publicly against T.O. coming there.

Now, Dallas is cooling on him as well. Parcells doesn't want to deal with this drama and now the team is turning their attention back to re-signing Keyshawn or possibliy Eric Moulds if he's released.

This ****ing guy is crazy. Jones may change his mind and give T.O. the money he wants but as of right now, no one is in the T.O. race because his contract demands went up.

I guess some people will never change.

Idiot, now that no one wants him he'll most likely get a contract a lot cheaper than what he would have gotten with Dallas. i thought Drew was his agent, cuz by what they are doing it looks like TO is his own agent, you think Drew would have been smart and told him to take the cowboys deal.
JackMagist said:
I started to try to explain it to you but if it is not obvious to you why he is a knucklehead then it never will be. So I will save myself the time and effort of attempting to explain this simple ethics concept. That is the problem with ethics; the concepts are truly simple but they are difficult to explain without going into a lengthy dissertation.
Did you miss his winkie?
speedkilz88 said:
One thing I have a problem with on the info is that its been reported that the eagles didn't have any offers for TO. (I'm not calling you out CA, I know your a solid guy)

Knowing the eagles they just didnt want to report that there was deal from the Cowboys, they hate us like that
speedkilz88 said:
One thing I have a problem with on the info is that its been reported that the eagles didn't have any offers for TO. (I'm not calling you out CA, I know your a solid guy)

That's not true.

There have been reports of a 5th that was offered by KC but they couldn't work a deal out with T.O.

Then there was a discussion on either Dallas talk radio, a web article or somewhere I heard or read yesterday confirming that the Cowboys "inquired" with the Eagles about T.O., but the discussions didn't develop.

This isn't the first time the source told me we made them an offer. He told me that several days ago, BEFORE that media report came out about our "inquiry". He told me we only offered a low round pick and they dismissed it.
AmishCowboy said:
If he signs here for less then he thinks he's worth, T.O. will start acting up again, the whole Philly thing started when they wouldn't give him a new deal.

We either give in and give him what he wants or we pass on him. To do anything less is just inviting trouble.

And even giving him what he wants (which is a long term deal and lots of money up front) does not mean that he will not change his mind next year after he has banked the signing bonus. By upping his demands he has just made himself more trouble than he is worth before he even got started.
ZRO said:
So basically you're "insider" told you that Dallas might sign him, but they also might not sign him.


Maybe, but also, maybe not. ;)
ZRO said:
So basically you're "insider" told you that Dallas might sign him, but they also might not sign him.

Don't be a jerk.

If you don't want to believe him fine, just ignore his post.

But don't try to pretend that, if true, there isn't some new information there.

Granted that at least half the stuff you read on the internet is bull... but the whole reason people come to sites like this is to get information and takes that you won't get by simply reading the morning paper.

I, for one, thank you Cap'n for posting what you know.
JackMagist said:
By upping his demands he has just made himself more trouble than he is worth before he even got started.

Jack my man, you just hit the nail on the hammer for what Parcells may now be realizing and he is the only one who really matters in this whole ordeal.
Danny White said:
I, for one, thank you Cap'n for posting what you know.

Hey, no problem.

I don't take it personal. I got permission from my source before I posted it and he was kind enough to give me the go-ahead or I wouldn't have posted it.

Some posters on here seem to need links or verified sources for anything they read.

I, for one, love to read the rumors or info that may not be linked or have a verified source, so long as it is not just a bogus post to get attention or jerk our chains.
That makes complete sense and i kindof figured it. Screw TO, go get the boy from Green Bay. Cant believe TO is playin Dallas for a fool.
Everlastingxxx said:
That makes complete sense and i kindof figured it. Screw TO, go get the boy from Green Bay. Cant believe TO is playin Dallas for a fool.

Hey didnt TO want Bret Farve as his quater back, we can the boy from GreenBay and they should sign TO. :laugh2:
Makes sense to me as well....I feel Clayton & Mort were hinting to that same scenario last night in their reports.
CaptainAmerica said:
...from a guy who works in and has contacts in the NFL. This makes a lot of sense with how quiet things have been and the recent reports by Mort and Schefter saying this T.O. situation could take a while.

Some people never learn. This is what I've been able to dig up.

The Cowboys offered a trade to the Eagles and had a deal in place with T.O. The Eagles declined the trade.

Dallas then figured that same deal would be in place if he was released but now T.O. and Rosenhaus want more money. The David Givens deal was the one that really triggered it.T.O. now believes he can get more money on the open market than he orgininally thought...

This makes perfect sense. Not picking up TO makes a huge difference in what we otherwise might do in FA. We're waiting a bit to see which direction we end up going. And TO could end up with NO suitors. I'd warmed to the idea of him in Dallas, but him out of the league for at least a year alltogether is a more appropriate alternative, frankly.
felix360 said:
Hey didnt TO want Bret Farve as his quater back, we can the boy from GreenBay and they should sign TO. :laugh2:

J Walker for a 2nd, or Nate Burleson (RFA) for a 3rd, with maybe Key/Moulds or a first day draft pick also signs the WR problem.
CaptainAmerica said:
That's not true.

There have been reports of a 5th that was offered by KC but they couldn't work a deal out with T.O.

Then there was a discussion on either Dallas talk radio, a web article or somewhere I heard or read yesterday confirming that the Cowboys "inquired" with the Eagles about T.O., but the discussions didn't develop.

This isn't the first time the source told me we made them an offer. He told me that several days ago, BEFORE that media report came out about our "inquiry". He told me we only offered a low round pick and they dismissed it.
The articles from all the major papers, nflnetwork, espn all claim that the eagles received no offers when they reported the release of TO. I know there were some rumors from other sources prior to his release, but the mainstream guys claim otherwise.
First of all, I want to thank everyone who has some information and is willing to share it. Personally, I would rather sort through all of the information than have none available. With that in mind, keep this stuff coming.

Secondly, I'm not too surprised at this. I don't think a lot of people thought the market would be like this. Now, it seems like everyone is getting a huge offer. TO is obviously going to want a huge deal. As far as he is concerned, he has done nothing wrong. Remember, you are dealing with a guy who considers himself a martyr. He's going to want to get paid. People can say all they want to about him because of his repuatation, but I think most of us would be the same way.

I do think that TO is going to have a hard time getting his full market value though. I suspect he's going to make plenty though, and I further suspect that he makes it right here in Dallas in the end.
Until we hear something from the Cowboys organization or directly from TO himself...we really dont know whats going on....

Obviously I am pro on bringing TO in... but IF HE CANT work with Jerry Jones then he cant work with anyone... but like I said... we dont know anything yet... so these comments are in the event that any of this is true.... also keep in mind... he just wants the most/best deal... thats already understood.... developing.... at some point in time... I think... I guess... LOL
while i have been somewhat double minded about signinig this guy this settles it for me. if he wants more money and thinks he "deserves" more money and we wait and pay him according to what we think is a reasonable price he will come in feeling (in his mind) "disrespected". he is already reneging on a verbal commitment before he has even signed the contract. this is exactly the kind of thing that triggers his cancerous behavior.

NO to TO.

Trade for J Walker and resign Key.

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