Historical inaccuracies in films


Cowboys 24/7/365
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I did like Dax and Kira, and now that you mention it, I liked Garak a bit. Dr. Bashir was a sniveling little wuss, and extremely unbelievable when he tried to be tough.
I never cared for the Jem'Hadar either. IIRC, they were a warrior race under control of the shape shifters?
When the show first started, I was looking forward to all the possibilities the wormhole presented, but they used it more as a way to bring people to the station, rather than using it to explore, which is what I was hoping for.
You are correct about the Jem-Hadar. The same goes for the Vorta (not the Weyons that I remembered incorrectly earlier). Both were genetically cloned and engineered by the Founders for complete obedience.

It is true. Gamma Quadrant exploration was secondary to focusing on Bajor's culture during the first two - three seasons. Maybe the focus was establishing Sisko mysterious ties with Bajor beforehand.

Exploration did become primary around that time though. It is important to point out that the Federation and The Dominion butted heads shortly afterwards. Pure exploration took a quick backseat to hostile engagements and then war.


Cowboys 24/7/365
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The article link below is more my speed probably than most but I enjoyed the Hollywood Reporter taking a crack at a subjective ranking of the best 100 Star Trek episodes during the franchise's 50th anniversary:

'Star Trek': 100 Greatest Episodes | Hollywood Reporter

Note: the article was published pre-Discovery, so please keep that in mind. I am critical of some slotting but not so much that I do not appreciate where the authors were coming from. Here is their top ten:

1. City on the Edge of Forever (ST:TOS)
2. The Best of Both Worlds Parts I & II (ST:TNG)
3. Balance of Terror (ST:TOS)
4. The Inner Light (ST:TNG)
5. Space Seed (ST:TOS)
6. Yesterday's Enterprise (ST:TNG)
7. In the Pale Moonlight (ST:DS9)
8. Mirror, Mirror (ST:TOS)
9. Far Beyond the Stars (ST:DS9)
10. Family (ST:TNG)

A great deal of appropriate love given to TOS & TNG in my opinion. I highly recommend anyone who never watched Star Trek: The Next Generation to watch number four's The Inner Light. It is Star Trek at its finest.

The article slapped me dead in the face. I do not know how in the world I forgot to mention number nine's Far Beyond the Stars episode from Deep Space Nine earlier. :( I blame @Runwildboys :)


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The article link below is more my speed probably than most but I enjoyed the Hollywood Reporter taking a crack at a subjective ranking of the best 100 Star Trek episodes during the franchise's 50th anniversary:

'Star Trek': 100 Greatest Episodes | Hollywood Reporter

Note: the article was published pre-Discovery, so please keep that in mind. I am critical of some slotting but not so much that I do not appreciate where the authors were coming from. Here is their top ten:

1. City on the Edge of Forever (ST:TOS)
2. The Best of Both Worlds Parts I & II (ST:TNG)
3. Balance of Terror (ST:TOS)
4. The Inner Light (ST:TNG)
5. Space Seed (ST:TOS)
6. Yesterday's Enterprise (ST:TNG)
7. In the Pale Moonlight (ST:DS9)
8. Mirror, Mirror (ST:TOS)
9. Far Beyond the Stars (ST:DS9)
10. Family (ST:TNG)

A great deal of appropriate love given to TOS & TNG in my opinion. I highly recommend anyone who never watched Star Trek: The Next Generation to watch number four's The Inner Light. It is Star Trek at its finest.

The article slapped me dead in the face. I do not know how in the world I forgot to mention number nine's Far Beyond the Stars episode from Deep Space Nine earlier. :( I blame @Runwildboys :)
No Tribble love?


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I'm a tank (military vehicle) fan...

I cringe when I see film after film (usually shot in the 60's or 70's) using then modern tanks to represent tanks used during WWII.

I can hold my nose while watching a fine film like "Patton" but "Battle of the Bulge" is so bad at so many levels the use of American M48 tanks for German Panther's is just frosting on an otherwise bad cake.


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John Wayne's "The Alamo" is a fine entertainment film, but hurls on historical accuracy.

Love John Wayne but his so-called "Historically relevant" movies are head-shakers when it comes to being accurate– They were made to be entertaining John Wayne movies... And that's fine too.


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On the topic of the question

historical inaccuracies alone in a film. Don’t bother me that much. Depending how the film is marketed.

If the film is marketed as supposed to be a biopic for instance, and it wildly inaccurate. Then it bothers me because I think the term biopic is supposed to mean it’s an accurate telling of the persons life.

But some films are just “based on”
Real events. When I see “based on” I mentally assume it has some references to actual historical events but that leaves a lot of room for
Creativity for the writers.

3 films come immediately to mind.

I really enjoy Braveheart, The Patriot, and Apocalypto. All 3 movies are enjoyable to watch. All 3 are very very historically inaccurate. (All 3 Mel Gibson films too). Goes to show Mel Gibson is good at making entertaining films IMO but chooses not to make them historically accurate.

It really all depends on my mindset going into the film. If they are telling me it’s supposed to be historically accurate and then it’s not. It bothers me.

if nobody tries to sell me on its historical accuracy. I go in with the mindset of just being entertained.


Cowboys 24/7/365
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No Tribble love?
The Hollywood Reporter placed The Trouble With Tribbles at #15 on their list. ;)

There were only two, main, regular series based episodes featuring Tribbles prominently that could have been considered. DS9's Trials and Tribble-ations made the list at 65. The other episode was More Tribbles, More Trouble from The Animated Series. That one did not make the list thankfully. :muttley:

If there are any members who are fans of H. Jon Benjamin (voice actor of Archer and Bob Belcher from Bob's Burgers), I recommend wasting 15 minutes of your life and watching the Star Trek Short episode called The Trouble With Edward. Tribbles are featured exclusively and Benjamin is a hilariously huge part why they are. :laugh:
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The Hollywood Reporter placed The Trouble With Tribbles at #15 on their list. ;)

There were only two, main, regular series based episodes featuring Tribbles prominently that could have been considered. DS9's Trials and Tribble-ations made the list at 65. The other episode was More Tribbles, More Trouble from The Animated Series. That one did not make the list thankfully. :muttley:

If there are any members who are fans of H. Jon Benjamin (voice actor of Archer and Bob Belcher from Bob's Burgers), I recommend wasting 15 minutes of your life and watching the Star Trek Short episode called The Trouble With Edward. Tribbles are featured exclusively and Benjamin is a hilariously huge part why they are. :laugh:
Where do we find that?