I've seen plenty where the opponent drops down and delivers a strike until the ref slides in to stop the fight.
I've always been taken aback by the strikes to an unconscious fighter, but it's certainly not out of the norm.
I'm always surprised the refs don't intervene sooner.
I do not find submissions boring. However I do admit for those not into that style will not find it as exciting as a standup fight.
Depends on the boxer and the grappler. The grappler has to get the boxer to the ground and keep the boxer there.
If you have a boxer who is accurate with his/her punches and great with his/her foot work, it's going to be difficult getting him/her to the ground and not getting hit by some accurate bombs in the process.
Guys/Gals fighting MMA are not world-class boxers, most of them anyway.
A world-class boxer can knock you to the ground with an accurate punch before you get a chance to complete a double-leg takedown.
That's why I laughed at some who think Rousey could beat Floyd Mayweather. She's be out cold before she could maneuver into a position to take him down.
Well, Ronda is a ground fighter. Holly is a striker. Ronda could sell more PPVs grappling with air than Holly could fighting anyone in the division other than Rousey. So it's not just the style of fighter. I think it's more how destructive that fighter is and also their natural charisma to attract eyeballs.
Ronda has it. McGregor has it. Holly couldn't buy it if her life depended on it. She will be an awful draw as a champion when she's not fighting Rousey. I would bet the UFC wouldn't even attempt to put her at the top of the card. She'll be co-maining.
There's a difference between a downed opponent and an unconscious opponent. If you are striking an unconscious opponent you are a complete POS who should be barred from the sport.
There's a difference between a downed opponent and an unconscious opponent. If you are striking an unconscious opponent you are a complete POS who should be barred from the sport.
I didn't have dog in this fight but I don't get all the hate and adulation in Rousey losing.
She was top of the world. Kudos to her.
She got caught.t
It happens in MMA constantly, you bash them until the ref steps in. She got off immediately once the ref called it. That's what he is there for.
Agreed. However Ronda's last two fights she has tried to prove her standup is good enough for any opponent. She found out the hardway that is not true.
She needs to check her ego for the rematch if she wants a chance at winning.
Didn't she beat the Brazilian with stand up who was the number 1 contender?
Didn't she beat the Brazilian with stand up who was the number 1 contender?
There's a difference between a downed opponent and an unconscious opponent. If you are striking an unconscious opponent you are a complete POS who should be barred from the sport.
I heard some criticism of Herb Dean for allowing it. People are chalking it up to the disbelief of what was happening since Dean is about as good as it gets in MMA officiating.
But it's on the fighters too. I couldn't count how many times I've seen a fighter recognize someone was out and pause for an unaware or out of position official to get there to stop the fight. Holm didn't do that. She knew she was out and tried to pummel her. That's all I need to know about her. I sincerely hope that comes back on her at some point and she is the one out and still getting drilled repeatedly.
It will always come down to the individual fighter. You could have the best boxer in the ring and lose against a legit MMA fighter or vice versa.
Looks pretty standard to me.
Hate the game and not the player on this one. Any fighter would've done the same.
That fight would be just as lopsided on the ground. Rousey would absolutely destroy Holm in a grappling contest. You might as well bring a fan in to replace Holm.
That was about the most idiotic gameplan I've ever seen from a fighter. That was the only way an inferior talent like Holm could win that fight. She showed Holm no respect for her boxing ability and paid the price for it. Her instructions between rounds really shows how inept her trainer is.
One thing not being talked about is what a POS Holly Holm is for striking a clearly unconscious opponent until the ref pulls her off. I really hope that comes back to her later in her career and she is pummeled past the point of consciousness. Worse than the beating Anne Sophie Mathis put on her.
As for now, unless Holm is fighting Rousey nobody will give two bleeps about her. She'll be an awful draw as the champion. She has the charisma of a pile of rocks and while this fight was exciting, most of her fights are like getting your taxes done. Unless Ronda radically changes her approach and maybe even changing her trainer, she might not fare much better in the rematch. She's not a boxer. She'll never be a boxer. She isn't going to beat Holm boxing. If she turns it into an MMA fight, she'll wipe the mat with Holm. I'd say there are probably a dozen fighters in that division who could beat Holm if they can turn it into a grappling contest.