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Pokes28 said:
Let me jump in here. Sean Taylor is an amazing athlete. The NFL hasn't seen a FS that is his size/speed ratio - ever. But his athletic skills is what keeps him from showing the weaknesses in his game. He falls for double moves and bites on about every trick play. The thing is that he's damn near fast enough to recover. If he learns to play smarter, he will be the best FS in the NFL. But right now, he's an amazing talent that is getting by on his amazing talent. I really don't know if he's smart enough to take that next step. But at this moment, I would in a heart beat take Sean Taylor on my football team. I don't care if he shoots nuns in his spare time, the kid can play.

As for Rogers developing into a Terrance Newman kind of player. I really don't see this happening. Not because of lack of skill or talent or ability. They aren't built the same way. Rogers is a bigger CB that is more physical and is better in giving run support. Newman gives it his all and he's a good tackler, but he simply doesn't have the load to bring the Rogers does. That is in Rogers' favor however and I think he'll do fine against the big receivers in the league. The NFL is on the trend (and Joe Gibbs is making the Kool-Aid) for smaller receivers due to the focus on contact after 5 yards. Newman proved last year that he can cover the Steve Smith's of the league man up and still get it done against some of the bigger receivers as well. Newman is in a class of his own in the league right now when it comes to coverage. This is because he's probably the fastest CB in pads in the league. Chasing down Randy Moss without an angle last year was proof to me. Newman's rookie year he had a problem that he didn't look back for the ball or he would have had a ton more INTs and thus would have made more of a name for himself. The point of this is that while I think that Rogers is going to be a damn fine CB in the NFL, he's not the same kind of CB that Newman is. If there was a designation between corners like there is safeties, Newman would be more like a FS and Rogers would be more like a SS (just like Henry).

David Harrell - Pokes

Very good, objective post here. I agree on most points. Taylor does rely on his athleticism a little too much. Although he's gotten better at his position in his second season. Hopefully, he'll continue to improve.

bobbie brewskie

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RiggoForever said:
Sean Taylor is not a good football player. He is a great football player. Not only does he hit like a heavyweight fighter, he also chases down plays everywhere. Taylor is rarely out of position. He rarely makes a mistake within his assignment. He will close at an aggressive angle at times given his confidence in his athletic ability. Taylor changes games such that teams fear Taylor. Game plans are altered based on Taylor's availability in a way few safeties have ever had to be accounted for, and this offseason he's actually reporting to off season workouts and OTAs!

The cover corners are Springs, Rogers (1st round draft pick, will develop into a Newman like player), and Wright (started for Jacksonville last year...can definately hold his own against a TE or #3).

Pierson Prioleau is our 3rd safety who comes in during obvious passing situations. He had a really solid year last year.

DEs that can play DT (Renaldo Wynn played DE last year but was primarily a run stopper rather then a blitzer. We are likely to have Carter and Daniels at DE mostly, and Wynn/Salave'a/Griffin/Montgomery rotating at DT to keep things fresh.

yea and sean taylor is better than Lott and Woodson ever were! hes the greatest, WOOHOO! Sean Taylor is a great player, dont get me wrong but you say he is the best at everything. you see Taylor is solid in most aspects, he hits hard enough, he is good in coverage and could play either the FS or the SS positon. the guy is a great player. but when it comes to rushing the passer and heavy hitting, in no way should he be compared to Roy Williams. now since he is a FS his strong suites should be Coverage and he is better than Roy in coverage but you cant say that Roy is terrible in coverage.
Coverage = Sean Taylor
Rushing the Passer = Roy Williams
Heavy Hitting = Roy Williams
Recovery = Sean Taylor
Mentality = Roy Williams

so sean tayler excells in both coverage and recovery which are what aFS should be good at. while Williams is a much better pass rusher and hits just a bit harder. and we all know how dumb sean taylor is.

so now am i being a homer? or am i just stating the two players strong suites and comparing them to 1 another?


Here comes the Sun...
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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
Gamebreaker said:
Do you ever post anything that makes sense or relevant to the actual discussion? :confused:

Well...most of the time I just hang with winners! And, that would be the Cowboys...DALLAS COWBOYS, remember that!

But if you want me to contribute to the discussion...?

Have this ...


It's a different time....did that make sense? :cool:


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stilltheguru said:
NOBODY IN THE NFL can guard steve one on one.there is only one man EVER that could do that and that is DEION SANDERS.not darrell green.

skins fans overrate green like crazy.he is nowhere NEAR deion.u hear me?NOWHERE NEAR HIM.

if i had a dollar for how many times i saw irvin abuse green id be a millionaire.

I seriously doubt you ever watched Darrell Green play if you're making comments that outlandish.


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stilltheguru said:
YEA THE SAME terry glenn that has burned taylor 3 times in taylors career.:rolleyes:

3 times? i know of once.

sorry- i was thinking of the crayton pass. the flea flicker i do recall.


Well-Known Member
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Gamebreaker said:
I seriously doubt you ever watched Darrell Green play if you're making comments that outlandish.

what?to say that he is nowhere near deion sanders?HES NOT

i have seen green play plenty of times to know that he is not on deions level.its not a knock on him really because NOBODY was/is on deions level when it comes to locking down opponents.

as i said before everytime i see some irvin highlights alot of the time i see him scoring on green.how come i never see rice scoring on deion in rices highlilghts?:lmao2:

trust me there is a reason why buddy.DEION=GREATEST there is no close second.sorry


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stilltheguru said:
YEA THE SAME terry glenn that has burned taylor 3 times in taylors career.:rolleyes:

3 times? :confused: Please name these times, I don't recall them. I know you aren't talking about that flea flicker. Seriously, shouldn't the playcaller get credit for that and not Glenn.


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riggo said:
3 times? i know of once.

rookie year back of the end zone taylor diving but was too late.

last year flea flicker taylor got clowned

same game glenn burnt him on the sidelines.step your memory game up


Well-Known Member
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Gamebreaker said:
3 times? :confused: Please name these times, I don't recall them. I know you aren't talking about that flea flicker. Seriously, shouldn't the playcaller get credit for that and not Glenn.

lol at the flea flicker not counting.it was glenns job to sell a run block and then he burned right by glenn.taylor FELL FOR IT.jesus stop acting like taylor is immune to mistakes


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5Stars said:
Well...most of the time I just hang with winners! And, that would be the Cowboys...DALLAS COWBOYS, remember that!

Winners....riiiight. So how many playoff games have your 'winners' won recently.

Yeah, thought so.

But if you want me to contribute to the discussion...?

Have this ...


Oh yeah, that hurt. :rolleyes: How many post do you have where your only contribution is that stupid sign? :lmao2:

It's a different time....did that make sense? :cool:

Not even close.


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stilltheguru said:
what?to say that he is nowhere near deion sanders?HES NOT

i have seen green play plenty of times to know that he is not on deions level.its not a knock on him really because NOBODY was/is on deions level when it comes to locking down opponents.

as i said before everytime i see some irvin highlights alot of the time i see him scoring on green.how come i never see rice scoring on deion in rices highlilghts?:lmao2:

trust me there is a reason why buddy.DEION=GREATEST there is no close second.sorry

Are you Deion? Seriously.

For one, Darrell Green is either on par with Deion or better. Just because Irvin got the best of him, usually by pushing off, doesn't mean Darrell Green was any less of a player. I've seen Deion get burned numerous times. Marvin Harrison comes to mind off the top of my head.

I don't recall a single time where Rice burned Darrell, but when Deion was a Falcon, Rice burned him on the regular.

Take your love affair for Deion elsewhere.


Well-Known Member
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lol at rice burning deion on the regular.when was this?and lol at u judging deion based on a marvin harrison game when he was clearly on his last legs and we sent him packing to your ignorant *** franchise.hahaha

in deions prime he didnt give up tds green did.WHY IS THIS EVEN A DEBATE?

stupid skins fans.


Active Member
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Gamebreaker said:
3 times? :confused: Please name these times, I don't recall them. I know you aren't talking about that flea flicker. Seriously, shouldn't the playcaller get credit for that and not Glenn.

In that case, the play callers always get the credit, they always put the players in position for the play to work.


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stilltheguru said:
rookie year back of the end zone taylor diving but was too late.

last year flea flicker taylor got clowned

same game glenn burnt him on the sidelines.step your memory game up

There wasn't a single passing play above 16 yards, beyond the flea flicker, in that first game last season. I don't need to "step my memory game up" when you're making stuff up.

In his rookie season, if you're talking about the game-winning TD, that was Crayton and not Glenn.


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stilltheguru said:
lol at the flea flicker not counting.it was glenns job to sell a run block and then he burned right by glenn.taylor FELL FOR IT.jesus stop acting like taylor is immune to mistakes

Wouldn't that be the corner's fault for not following Glenn as well? Or how about Bledsoe for selling it? You're post make less sense more and more. And I never said Taylor never made mistakes, but I'm not the idiot claiming isn't a good player.