Honor the contract garbage


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
I see what your saying and I still think Zeke is the better player. Would I be happy with a Murray type this year? Yes I would.
In fact we could have signed Coleman from Atlanta and had our way above replacement level player in case Zeke got out of control. But we all have to realize our FO still plays checkers.

He is looking like a great option right about now.


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Been following pro football since the early ‘60s.

At that time, the players had virtually no leverage when dealing with the owners; all players were indentured under non-guaranteed contracts and either accepted the offered/current contract or they retired (btw...the average NFL contract in that era paid average skilled-worker wages).

Virtually all players worked alternative jobs in the offseason, while the owners — just like today — were some of the 1%’ers of their era.

The players today deserve everything they can get...and honoring an NFL contract has NOTHING to do with it.

Agree 100% These players that aren't happy with their $ need to get second jobs!


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I kinda get tired of people who say that the only ones who are said to have to honor the contract are the players.

This is a complete fallacy. The contract allows for a player to be cut, that is the reason for the signing bonus and guaranteed money That is how the owners honor the contract according to the CBA. If you don't like the CBA, then fine, but you cannot say that the only ones expected to honor the contract are the players.

The NFLPA agreed to the 5th year option in rookie contracts, they did not have to do that but the older players were fine with limiting younger players salaries for the benefit of their own pocketbook.

Love watching Zeke play but why have a CBA and an NFLPA if you are not going to stick to the agreement? Nobody should be forced to go to work, so stay home Zeke if you want to ruin your career! If he does not show up week 1, I hope the Cowboys take the current offer off the table!

Exactly. Signing and other bonuses are payments for service in advance. If you get paid for something and then decide you don't want to do the work...that is what is not honoring. Hiring someone to do something for up to a certain specified length of time, and giving them a what is basically a deposit that they get to keep if you change your mind or no longer require their services is then deciding you no longer require their services is still absolutely honoring the deal.


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I kinda get tired of people who say that the only ones who are said to have to honor the contract are the players.

This is a complete fallacy. The contract allows for a player to be cut, that is the reason for the signing bonus and guaranteed money That is how the owners honor the contract according to the CBA. If you don't like the CBA, then fine, but you cannot say that the only ones expected to honor the contract are the players.

The NFLPA agreed to the 5th year option in rookie contracts, they did not have to do that but the older players were fine with limiting younger players salaries for the benefit of their own pocketbook.

Love watching Zeke play but why have a CBA and an NFLPA if you are not going to stick to the agreement? Nobody should be forced to go to work, so stay home Zeke if you want to ruin your career! If he does not show up week 1, I hope the Cowboys take the current offer off the table!

People love to use the players' talking point that if teams don't honor contracts, why should we. But it's complete BS.

The first time a team doesn't honor a contract, they will be sued, they will lose, and it won't happen again. If it does, they will lose again.

...it doesn't happen.


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The main issue, and this is similar to the salary cap, is that often the loudest voices have, at best, a minimal understanding of the topic.

Ask them to prove anything, and they start yammering on with catch phrases that sound like it came from a stoned Cris Carter.

Good times.


I Copy!,,, er,,,I guess,,,ah,,,maybe.
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Sure it is because it is in the contract language that they can do so, otherwise they would be sued. To honor the contract Zeke should have to start paying some fines!
Dude, I'm thinking those accrued "fines" are recouped(or waived) from the players future earnings,,,but,as you well know, I've been wrong b-4:laugh:


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If the contract allows for a player to be cut, then cutting him is following the contract.

The players have traded getting huge amounts in a contract for less guaranteed money. They have the choice to get a ton more guaranteed money if they drop the "I wanna be paid more than soandso or I'm going to hold my breath!!!!"

LOL.......He still doenst get it. He has been told over and over again, but it doesnt sink in. Now he has to start a whole thread about it.


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All 32 teams would have no problem offering fully guaranteed contracts - for the duration for the contract length. But the players pass on them because they make a lot less money. That right to cut a player down the road doesn't come cheap, but the teams pay the price for that option - and the players are more than happy to give them that opportunity. Don't ***** about it later when they exercise the option they already paid you for.


1st Round Pick
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I'm all for Zeke doing what he wants to do but I always cheer against the player and for the club because the less money they make the more salary cap space we have to sign more players with.

If Tony Romo's contract can sink our club then so will Dak because he is even more dependent on the guys around him then Romo was.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
All 32 teams would have no problem offering fully guaranteed contracts - for the duration for the contract length. But the players pass on them because they make a lot less money. That right to cut a player down the road doesn't come cheap, but the teams pay the price for that option - and the players are more than happy to give them that opportunity. Don't ***** about it later when they exercise the option they already paid you for.

Using logic to debate the " that just ain't right" crowd?


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I kinda get tired of people who say that the only ones who are said to have to honor the contract are the players.

This is a complete fallacy. The contract allows for a player to be cut, that is the reason for the signing bonus and guaranteed money That is how the owners honor the contract according to the CBA. If you don't like the CBA, then fine, but you cannot say that the only ones expected to honor the contract are the players.

The NFLPA agreed to the 5th year option in rookie contracts, they did not have to do that but the older players were fine with limiting younger players salaries for the benefit of their own pocketbook.

Love watching Zeke play but why have a CBA and an NFLPA if you are not going to stick to the agreement? Nobody should be forced to go to work, so stay home Zeke if you want to ruin your career! If he does not show up week 1, I hope the Cowboys take the current offer off the table!

Preach! I have been saying it for years. These billionaire many times over owners have brainwashed fans into thinking these players are the evil ones. These players see players in other sports getting what is owed to them and guaranteed contracts. NFL does not offer that. When these greedy owners cut a player whenever they feel, no one says a word or cares. When greedy owners strong arm a player to take a pay cut, no one cares. In fact, the fans applaud this as their owner doing good business. So many brainwashed fans out there berating players for doing the same as the owners.


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My problem with the holdouts is that we aren't talking 1960-1990's money here. We are talking about players like Zeke that were made multi-millionaires before they ever touched the NFL ball. ALL of the financial risk was assumed by the club when players in the first round were drafted. The clubs spend draft capital and cash. A large percentage of those payers never pan out.

So, we aren't talking about holding out so they can take care of their family. We are talking about holding so that no one in their family line ever has to worry about money again.

I wouldn't do it, myself. I wouldn't hold out. I would want to win more than be the highest paid in the league. When you start talking 10 or 15 million dollars a year, with a big chunk of it guaranteed, I'm signing and playing. The only other thing I'd ask for is that the team spends all of the salary cap that is reasonable. I wouldn't want to play for a team that isn't interested in winning.

And before any one claims I would take as much as I possibly could...you're wrong. I turned down raises several years in a row so that I could give others within my school district raises. I finished my career one of the lowest paid superintendents in Texas. Every one knew I would pay everything I could afford. Bigger districts might have been able to afford more, but no one left thinking we didn't value them. There was still plenty for me and I kept a MUCH better team around me as a result.

Zeke needs to be in camp. Dak needs to sign a reasonable deal. Players need to focus on winning.


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Zeke has already received $20,544,008 in salary and bonuses in his 3 years in the NFL. For most of us, that is enough to last a lifetime - That is the equivalent $100,000 per year for 205 years. Zeke was happy to sign his contract and pocket a $16M signing bonus 3 years ago. I'm not going to cry for him because he wants more than the $3.8M left on his original contract this year. I don't begrudge him negotiating for even more money. But color me unsympathetic to anyone who refuses to honor his promises.

So far, Zeke hasn't missed any games, and I'm not worried about him missing training camp. So, I'm not upset with anyone. But if this loaded team cannot win with or without Elliott, then they aren't as talented as we imagine.


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Preach! I have been saying it for years. These billionaire many times over owners have brainwashed fans into thinking these players are the evil ones. These players see players in other sports getting what is owed to them and guaranteed contracts. NFL does not offer that. When these greedy owners cut a player whenever they feel, no one says a word or cares. When greedy owners strong arm a player to take a pay cut, no one cares. In fact, the fans applaud this as their owner doing good business. So many brainwashed fans out there berating players for doing the same as the owners.

I could have done better with my post I guess because you totally misinterpreted what I was saying! My fault!

Denim Chicken

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I'm ready to socialize the NFL. All players make the same money based on tenure, position, snap count, etc..Fully guaranteed. Equal share of league revenues. Stars can make additional money through endorsements. Retirement plans that take care of all vets.

Take the money aspect out of the game entirely. Keep drafted players with the teams that drafted them. Get rid of free agency.
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The Boognish
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I kinda get tired of people who say that the only ones who are said to have to honor the contract are the players.

This is a complete fallacy. The contract allows for a player to be cut, that is the reason for the signing bonus and guaranteed money That is how the owners honor the contract according to the CBA. If you don't like the CBA, then fine, but you cannot say that the only ones expected to honor the contract are the players.

The NFLPA agreed to the 5th year option in rookie contracts, they did not have to do that but the older players were fine with limiting younger players salaries for the benefit of their own pocketbook.

Love watching Zeke play but why have a CBA and an NFLPA if you are not going to stick to the agreement? Nobody should be forced to go to work, so stay home Zeke if you want to ruin your career! If he does not show up week 1, I hope the Cowboys take the current offer off the table!

The current CBA has allowances for holdouts.


Regular Joe....
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Zeke....go get your money. Just sit tight. Jerry can’t resist.

If by "go get your money", you mean go get a new deal in place, then yes I think that will happen. If you mean go get a record deal, then I think you are completely wrong here. I don't believe Jerry can pay Zeke a record deal because while Zeke is holding out, he is still at the bottom of the totem pool, in terms of time constraints. The Cowboys have to get Dak and Cooper done. They are both in their last year and both will be UFA's next season. The Cowboys have to get those deals done and they all want record deals. You just can't do that in a single season. To be honest, I think that it would have been possible to get a record deal done for Zeke if he had waited and I actually think it would have been most likely, of the three but now, I think it's all but assured that Zeke will not get a record deal because he is forcing the issue now. It's a timing thing and Zeke either doesn't get it or is simply getting bad advice. He's kinda screwing himself IMO.