Honor the contract garbage


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Mad because of their own decisions to pay such? Sounds like scapegoating.
Maybe, they are but some things they can't control. I wonder what the cost of every item you buy is related to advertising dollars paid for sporting events. What is the percentage of price of a bag of M&M's is due to the fact that they put their logo on Kyle Busch's race car. If I like M&M's I am paying some of Kyle Busch's salary and I love my M&M's and I hate Kyle Busch so I am stuck between a rock and a hard place!


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I think is crazy that these teams can hand the ball to these Workhorse Backs who account for 60% of their offense and then have the nerve to NOT want to pay them. Bell Zeke come to mind...If you are a running back and you're good at you job and the Cowboys have the BEST you pay them...period....hes earned it.

This argument is a complete fallacy. They have agreed to give him a contract, that the don’t have to do, Zeke just won’t accept it.

He is going to give up a lot of earning capacity by being stupid if he continues on this course.


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Actually, it doesn't really matter if you go to the games or buy dogs and beer or what. If you watch football, you are probably paying for it by cable or streaming subscriptions so either way, if you watch, they are getting you. You can say that you just go to the bar and watch for free but still, you gotta buy a beer, eat something etc. You pay for it one way or the other IMO.

Right, because a person chooses to be a fan and watch and chooses to eat while watching. Supply and demand. If the price gets to high then you choose not to demand it anymore. Same way owners can choose not to pay a player's contract demands. But they do. Why does that make only the player a bad guy?


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Maybe, they are but some things they can't control. I wonder what the cost of every item you buy is related to advertising dollars paid for sporting events. What is the percentage of price of a bag of M&M's is due to the fact that they put their logo on Kyle Busch's race car. If I like M&M's I am paying some of Kyle Busch's salary and I love my M&M's and I hate Kyle Busch so I am stuck between a rock and a hard place!

No you're not. You can choose not to buy M&M's anymore and go run a few laps tubby. Just kidding on the tubby part. Or am I? You tell me, lol.


Regular Joe....
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I think is crazy that these teams can hand the ball to these Workhorse Backs who account for 60% of their offense and then have the nerve to NOT want to pay them. Bell Zeke come to mind...If you are a running back and you're good at you job and the Cowboys have the BEST you pay them...period....hes earned it.

Yep, every job I've ever had, when I work overtime, do a hell of a job and basically blow doors off of it, every single time, the owner has been there in my face, offering me a raise.

Seriously, when does that ever happen? What happens is that they simply give you more work and expect you to do more. That's not what is happening with the Cowboys though. They have actually offered im a top 5 contract, when according to the CBA, they don't have to offer him a thing. Nothing, zip. They could give him 400 carries next year and not pay him a single dime more and nobody could really do anything about it, except for Zeke to just up and quite football. Jerry is going out of his way to take care of Zeke. I'm tired of hearing how Zeke is so mistreated. It's just a bunch of BS, this kid is being treated better by Jerry and the Cowboys then 99% of the players who ever play in this league IMO.


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No you're not. You can choose not to buy M&M's anymore and go run a few laps tubby. Just kidding on the tubby part. Or am I? You tell me, lol.
Can't stop my M&M's because of that sorry sucker. Not tubby, but those laps could earn me a couple bags!


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It may be semantics but I disagree. Just because it is allowed within the framework of the CBA for teams to cut players in the middle of a contract doesn't mean they are honoring the contract. Otherwise they'd be framed differently. For instance, rather than a 3-year contract, it might be a 2-year contract (guaranteed money) with a team option for the third year. Or a 1-year contract with two years of team options. But in either case the player is tied to the team until the contract runs out or the team cuts (or trades) them.

You are just making things up to suit your point of view. The team has the option to cut a player at any time. The only thing they have to pay is the guaranteed money.

At some point, the team could try to recoup part of his signing bonus. That would be hardball.

The team hasn’t done that, yet, so the team is obviously trying to “get along” with Zeke. They are being far more patient with him than I would be if I was the owner.


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I'm all for Zeke doing what he wants to do but I always cheer against the player and for the club because the less money they make the more salary cap space we have to sign more players with.

If Tony Romo's contract can sink our club then so will Dak because he is even more dependent on the guys around him then Romo was.

They don’t understand that. They care more about the player than the team.


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I kinda get tired of people who say that the only ones who are said to have to honor the contract are the players.

This is a complete fallacy. The contract allows for a player to be cut, that is the reason for the signing bonus and guaranteed money That is how the owners honor the contract according to the CBA. If you don't like the CBA, then fine, but you cannot say that the only ones expected to honor the contract are the players.

The NFLPA agreed to the 5th year option in rookie contracts, they did not have to do that but the older players were fine with limiting younger players salaries for the benefit of their own pocketbook.

Love watching Zeke play but why have a CBA and an NFLPA if you are not going to stick to the agreement? Nobody should be forced to go to work, so stay home Zeke if you want to ruin your career! If he does not show up week 1, I hope the Cowboys take the current offer off the table!

I say it all of the time.. the way that teams can just get tired of a player and cut them isn't fair. I'm definitely on the players side get your money.. theres a little trade off IMO because if you've been a problem/headache and the team doesn't flinch when it comes to backing you, you gotta show up and show out.. I could hear the hurt in Jerrys voice when he said "when have I never not done one" I do think that Zekes camp knows that Jerry when thru this with Emmitt and it wasn't an ideal start to the season.. time will tell...


Regular Joe....
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Right, because a person chooses to be a fan and watch and chooses to eat while watching. Supply and demand. If the price gets to high then you choose not to demand it anymore. Same way owners can choose not to pay a player's contract demands. But they do. Why does that make only the player a bad guy?

Fair enough but lets be real clear here. Without the Fan, there is no show. Nobody gets paid jack. There are no Super Bowl Parties, there are not month long NFL Draft events, there are no world wide Fantasy Football Leagues, no multi billion dollar TV revenue streams so yeah, we choose to spend our money on Football but don't get this wrong, we choose to do so for a reason. We want to see players like Zeke play for our teams. We want to see our teams win games and championships. We pay them with our own money and we expect to see results. If that doesn't happen and we don't see any of that, then all this goes away.

It is reasonable for a Fan who is paying for this crap to expect to see players suit up and the fact that so many fans are just accepting of players sitting out and not playing is the reason they do it. If Fans didn't accept this part of the game, it wouldn't happen IMO. It's not unreasonable to expect players to honor their contracts and not sit out.


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I say it all of the time.. the way that teams can just get tired of a player and cut them isn't fair. I'm definitely on the players side get your money.. theres a little trade off IMO because if you've been a problem/headache and the team doesn't flinch when it comes to backing you, you gotta show up and show out.. I could hear the hurt in Jerrys voice when he said "when have I never not done one" I do think that Zekes camp knows that Jerry when thru this with Emmitt and it wasn't an ideal start to the season.. time will tell...

I don't really care if Zeke gets 13 million or 15 million. However, if Jerry was willing to give him a top 3 deal 2 years before he had to, then Zeke should be willing to accept less than Gurley money due to the fact that he is getting a deal earlier than he should technically be getting one!


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You are just making things up to suit your point of view. The team has the option to cut a player at any time. The only thing they have to pay is the guaranteed money.

At some point, the team could try to recoup part of his signing bonus. That would be hardball.

The team hasn’t done that, yet, so the team is obviously trying to “get along” with Zeke. They are being far more patient with him than I would be if I was the owner.
What have I made up? If you're going to level accusations like that you should at least provide the proof.


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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Wish I could've held out my contract with the Marines for more money, while on leave after Iraq. Would've been a real hoot.
They don't call us GI for nothing. Thank you for your service


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Well, you can say that but I don't buy it. The most important player on this team is whichever guy is playing QB IMO and I don't really think the point can be argued.

Be that as it may, the original point is still valid. Zeke is hurting himself, IMO, in these negotiations by demanding what he is demanding IMO. The timing is killing him on this and his agent should be in his face, explaining this to him. JMO
I agree Dak is but this organization heavily reliant on Zeke even more so than the qb. They’ve built up his importance and now he wants to get paid.


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Fair enough but lets be real clear here. Without the Fan, there is no show. Nobody gets paid jack. There are no Super Bowl Parties, there are not month long NFL Draft events, there are no world wide Fantasy Football Leagues, no multi billion dollar TV revenue streams so yeah, we choose to spend our money on Football but don't get this wrong, we choose to do so for a reason. We want to see players like Zeke play for our teams. We want to see our teams win games and championships. We pay them with our own money and we expect to see results. If that doesn't happen and we don't see any of that, then all this goes away.

It is reasonable for a Fan who is paying for this crap to expect to see players suit up and the fact that so many fans are just accepting of players sitting out and not playing is the reason they do it. If Fans didn't accept this part of the game, it wouldn't happen IMO. It's not unreasonable to expect players to honor their contracts and not sit out.

Understood, but those are the perils of being a fan of pro sports. Lots of the things you list are indeed reasonable but also fall into the category of "would be nice if ..." meaning it's the ideal. But fans will never band together to effect any change on that. Once someone gets good and comfortable with something, one that involves a community to boot, they're not going to give it up. How many posters on these very boards start threads about leaving the site, not being a fan anymore only to be here the following week talking about the latest game?


Regular Joe....
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I agree Dak is but this organization heavily reliant on Zeke even more so than the qb. They’ve built up his importance and now he wants to get paid.

I don't agree. I mean, he does want to get paid but I don't believe this organization is going to pay what he wants because I don't believe they can. I also don't believe they see him as the most important part of the the three. Jerry spoke to Zeke about the timing of this in the offseason. I just think that Zeke is making a mistake here but the good part of this is that we are going to see.