Honor the contract garbage


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Been following pro football since the early ‘60s.

At that time, the players had virtually no leverage when dealing with the owners; all players were indentured under non-guaranteed contracts and either accepted the offered/current contract or they retired (btw...the average NFL contract in that era paid average skilled-worker wages).

Virtually all players worked alternative jobs in the offseason, while the owners — just like today — were some of the 1%’ers of their era.

The players today deserve everything they can get...and honoring an NFL contract has NOTHING to do with it.

This is what people conveniently forget and it's part of some fan's ire with players and why they support owners over players. People can no longer look down on "dumb jocks" with average salaries like theirs or brag that they'll amount to more than they do after high school. Now, athletes are mega financial earners which makes average joes feel small in comparison. So not only did they win in high school, but they're winning after too. They can still kick an average joe's [bleep] physically but also whoop them financially. Like it or not, these are things competitive males use to measure themselves against other men so when you come up short, you have to get creative and downplay it somehow (the moral card is usually the weapon of choice). It's kind of like making up excuses for why your buddy has a smokin' hot woman while you thought your Bessie the cow was all the rage, lol.


Regular Joe....
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I'm ready to socialize the NFL. All players make the same money based on tenure, position, snap count, etc..Fully guaranteed. Equal share of league revenues. Stars can make additional money through endorsements. Retirement plans that take care of all vets.

Take the money aspect out of the game entirely. Keep drafted players with the teams that drafted them. Get rid of free agency.

Hahahahaha............ That would be rich. I'd actually pay to see that meltdown. That would be better then the actual game played on the field. Good one Denim!


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I could have done better with my post I guess because you totally misinterpreted what I was saying! My fault!
No that is my fault. I am lacking food today and totally read it wrong haha. I need to take a lunch before my brain melts.


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This is what people conveniently forget and it's part of some fan's ire with players and why they support owners over players. People can no longer look down on "dumb jocks" with average salaries like theirs or brag that they'll amount to more than they do after high school. Now, athletes are mega financial earners which makes average joes feel small in comparison. So not only did they win in high school, but they're winning after too. They can still kick an average joe's [bleep] physically but also whoop them financially. Like it or not, these are things competitive males use to measure themselves against other men so when you come up short, you have to get creative and downplay it somehow (the moral card is usually the weapon of choice). It's kind of like making up excuses for why your buddy has a smokin' hot woman while you thought your Bessie the cow was all the rage, lol.

Or maybe it is because average joe pays $200 for a ticket and 15 bucks for a beer and a hotdog and pays their salary. They also pay a premium for every sporting goods item they buy that goes to said player too in endorsement money.

Maybe thats it!


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Or maybe it is because average joe pays $200 for a ticket and 15 bucks for a beer and a hotdog and pays their salary. They also pay a premium for every sporting goods item they buy that goes to said player too in endorsement money.

Maybe thats it!

And who holds the gun to the fan's head to make them purchase all that? I want to know who this robber of free will is so I can punch them squarely in the eye.


Cowboy Fan
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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
Or maybe it is because average joe pays $200 for a ticket and 15 bucks for a beer and a hotdog and pays their salary. They also pay a premium for every sporting goods item they buy that goes to said player too in endorsement money.

Maybe thats it!

And here it is ........ The real point of this thread.

Mad at the players for wanting more millions....... While the owner of the team is sitting in his billion dollar yacht laughing about 25 years of futility and somehow turning the fans against the players.


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If by "go get your money", you mean go get a new deal in place, then yes I think that will happen. If you mean go get a record deal, then I think you are completely wrong here. I don't believe Jerry can pay Zeke a record deal because while Zeke is holding out, he is still at the bottom of the totem pool, in terms of time constraints. The Cowboys have to get Dak and Cooper done. They are both in their last year and both will be UFA's next season. The Cowboys have to get those deals done and they all want record deals. You just can't do that in a single season. To be honest, I think that it would have been possible to get a record deal done for Zeke if he had waited and I actually think it would have been most likely, of the three but now, I think it's all but assured that Zeke will not get a record deal because he is forcing the issue now. It's a timing thing and Zeke either doesn't get it or is simply getting bad advice. He's kinda screwing himself IMO.
Zeke is the most important player on this team thanks to the Cowboys insistence on running him to the ground.


Regular Joe....
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Or maybe it is because average joe pays $200 for a ticket and 15 bucks for a beer and a hotdog and pays their salary. They also pay a premium for every sporting goods item they buy that goes to said player too in endorsement money.

Maybe thats it!




Regular Joe....
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Zeke is the most important player on this team thanks to the Cowboys insistence on running him to the ground.

Well, you can say that but I don't buy it. The most important player on this team is whichever guy is playing QB IMO and I don't really think the point can be argued.

Be that as it may, the original point is still valid. Zeke is hurting himself, IMO, in these negotiations by demanding what he is demanding IMO. The timing is killing him on this and his agent should be in his face, explaining this to him. JMO


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And here it is ........ The real point of this thread.

Mad at the players for wanting more millions....... While the owner of the team is sitting in his billion dollar yacht laughing about 25 years of futility and somehow turning the fans against the players.
Not me, I'm not mad. I don't pay those prices for things. I would buy a standing room for $35 and tailgate and not spend a buck in the stadium. If it were by my dime, the players would not make millions at all because I am a cheapskate!

By the way, how many millions did Jerry put up to buy the Cowboys. What do the players risk to play a sport? A free college education?


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I kinda get tired of people who say that the only ones who are said to have to honor the contract are the players.

This is a complete fallacy. The contract allows for a player to be cut, that is the reason for the signing bonus and guaranteed money That is how the owners honor the contract according to the CBA. If you don't like the CBA, then fine, but you cannot say that the only ones expected to honor the contract are the players.

The NFLPA agreed to the 5th year option in rookie contracts, they did not have to do that but the older players were fine with limiting younger players salaries for the benefit of their own pocketbook.

Love watching Zeke play but why have a CBA and an NFLPA if you are not going to stick to the agreement? Nobody should be forced to go to work, so stay home Zeke if you want to ruin your career! If he does not show up week 1, I hope the Cowboys take the current offer off the table!

The owners have a right to cut the player. It’s contractual.

I highly doubt it says that a player can hold out.

Literally speaking a player is in breach if he does not play.


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And who holds the gun to the fan's head to make them purchase all that? I want to know who this robber of free will is so I can punch them squarely in the eye.

I cant vouch for the stupidity of the prices people pay for stuff, I was just giving another plausible reason a fan could be mad!


Cowboy Fan
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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
By the way, how many millions did Jerry put up to buy the Cowboys. What do the players risk to play a sport? A free college education?

Get up from in front of Jerry and ask Earl Campbell or one of the other thousands of running backs who can hardly move anymore what they risk?


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I think is crazy that these teams can hand the ball to these Workhorse Backs who account for 60% of their offense and then have the nerve to NOT want to pay them. Bell Zeke come to mind...If you are a running back and you're good at you job and the Cowboys have the BEST you pay them...period....hes earned it.


Regular Joe....
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And who holds the gun to the fan's head to make them purchase all that? I want to know who this robber of free will is so I can punch them squarely in the eye.

Actually, it doesn't really matter if you go to the games or buy dogs and beer or what. If you watch football, you are probably paying for it by cable or streaming subscriptions so either way, if you watch, they are getting you. You can say that you just go to the bar and watch for free but still, you gotta buy a beer, eat something etc. You pay for it one way or the other IMO.


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Sure I can - the only ones expected to honor contracts are the players. Don't confuse legal with honorable. Just because owners can tear up contracts whenever they like doesn't make it fair, so the few players who have the leverage to tell the team to shove it don't bother me at all. And we've already seen Zeke has leverage, the only question being how much.

If Zeke "has no leverage", as I've read here several times, he'd already be cut. Owners wouldn't be patient with most players holding out, but don't confuse that patience with being nice. They're patient for their own self-interests, just like the players who are holding out, but you're only mad at one of them.

Zeke has some leverage. His leverage is pretty fluid though. Just like LaVeon Bell last year, he could end up sitting out the year, except he has two more years on his contract where Bell was tagged, IIRC.

The Cowboys could, conceivably, prevent Zeke from ever playing another down of football in the NFL if he refuses to play for the Cowboys. Let that sink in a minute.

Zeke’s real leverage is showing up and playing half assed football. So in effect he would be getting paid to suck. But that might hurt him longer term too.