Houston Chronicle: Time is ripe for Texans to overtake Cowboys in the eyes of Texas


You Have an Axe to Grind
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It appears they certainly have a much better QB. Dakstans might pop a vein in their heads after this matchup. I bet CJ doesn't do that ridiculous warmup dance thing either, or whatever it is.
Stroud has great potential but he didn’t have a better season than Dak. Dak was better in every statistical category and won more games. Stroud won a playoff game but was terrible against Baltimore the following week. It’s funny how Cowboys fans are claiming Stroud was so much better than Dak when he wasn’t.


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First of all, a team doesn't "overtake" another in popularity. That's up the fans in the state.

And it's nearly always amazing, a team goes 3-13, has a last place finish or near to it, gets some hotshot qb that teams have never seen in the NFL, have a pretty good season and all of a sudden "Hey, we're one of the best teams in the league!", only to come crashing down to earth when teams have game film on the hotshot team and the team has to play a tougher schedule the next year. We'll see if Houston is really a great team in the next couple of years.

Similar to what Roger said about greatness, it takes a while to climb up to high popularity. Cowboys didn't get there by being good 4-5 years. The America's Team moniker that was bestowed upon them wouldn't have been thought of without the 20-year winning record & 9-0 playoff appearance streak, having a multitude of great players and appearing on the television many times every year and other things.

Oh, the Texans might one day become what Dallas is now, as far as we know the NFL will be around another 100+ years, plenty of opportunity for Houston.

But you don't anoint yourself as such, it has to be given to you, and Texans fans such as yourself will have to wait....
sure I am aware of all that, but I am not talking about the whole americas team bit.
It would be Texas popularity with the fans in Texas.
And it would mostly be the younger fans, and some older fans who are bored or upset with current cowboys.
And sure Texans have to string some winning seasons together, and get further in the playoffs than cowboys do.


Curator of Excellent Takes
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
The Cowboys could suck for the next 10 years and still be orders of magnitude more popular than Houston.

No one cares about the red and navy team.


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The Texans have advanced further in the post-season last season than we have in the past 28 seasons. Let that sink in and understand what a low bar it is to achieve more post season success than our franchise. A low bar indeed.


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I didn't see your cardboard deputy sheriff's admin badge. My apologies.
please stay on topic. You can do better Art don't make me tell Bob about you.


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I’m not a Texan so please understand if this sounds off…

I miss the Houston Oilers. Rooted for them hard against Pittsburgh back when all this was a lot more fun.

Now I watch Young Sheldon and there’s Oilers gear all over lol.

I wish the NFL would have made it mandatory that if you want to move for a stayjum deal you can take the roster, but have to leave the team history behind.

Indianapolis should have been something other than the Colts, and the Ravens now the Colts. Tennessee should have became the Titans from birth and left the Oilers behind. Etc…


Groupthink Guru
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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
Texans have found a way to squander any legitimacy they might have had ever sense coming into the league. I can see Strouds career being Matt Staffords career with Detroit


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
I suspect the Texans will be a better team for the foreseeable future. However , what makes the cowboys the cowboys is the history and tradition of the franchise. The Texans have none of that and may never.
The Cowboys first became “America’s Team” in the 1970s, a decade where they won a whopping 14 playoff games in nine seasons, including 5 NFC championships and 2 SBs. The great national reputation was based on playoff greatness, not glamorous marketing. Nothing sells like a winner. The Cowboys were the darlings of the football world over a decade before anyone had ever heard the name Jerry Jones.

The great years of the 90s were a burnishing of a brand that already had been established for its playoff excellence. And yes, Jerry deserves some credit for those years because he hired a HOF HC who unlike any of his successors, had control of the locker room and personnel. Those 90s teams set a new standard for excellence.

But sadly, when I hear anyone call us “America’s Team” nowadays I don’t think of current excellence. I think of what we were not what we are.