Houston Fans: Classless

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TEXANS84 said:
No..this is arrogant: America's team looks good this year-
I could post the video of Leon Lett fumbling through the endzone in Super Bowl XXVII, (something the Oilers nor the Toxins have any experience in) but that too, would be arrogant. You post a video of a fumble in a meaningless preseason game and think that is license for you to be arrogant?? Get real man...
I always get a kick out of the spelling ***** that rip on others for spelling (because they have nothing better to do)....because it almost always winds up coming back to bite them in the arse.
Overalls said:
Here's your answer. Pay attention. Just because we are arrogant does not mean that you are not. I am sorry that your feelings are hurt because you are reminded of one lose in 11, two years ago. Calling your southern Oklahoma team, Americas team, to you is a sense of pride to others it is a sign of arrogance. When you post your Lombardy trophy's it also is a sign of arrogance to the rest of the thinking world, but to you it is only pride. So WE show our PRIDE/ARROGANCE by reminding you of your loss two years ago. Try to open your mind and comprehend it will do you well in the future.
Ok, now you listen. I know its sad for the texans being the "other texas team" butits stupid of talking about 1 win 2 years ago. Its stupid, and it shows just how little the texans have accomplished. Its really, embarrassing...
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