Houston Fans: Classless

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This is enough to bring a lurker out of the shadows...

First of all, enough of this nonsense about Houston being the Cowboys rival. That was a good 18-0 nothing win for you last week. I hate to be the one to break this to you guys, but IT DIDN'T COUNT!

And our rival? Is this the same Houston that plays in the AFC when the teams we're really competing with are in the NFC? The same Houston that was 5-11 last year when we were 10-6? Oops, I'm sorry, those were REAL games, not pre-season games. How foolish of me to get those two confused.

The fact of the matter is, Houston isn't even accomplished enough to be the Chargers' rival right now. And comparing the Texans to the Cowboys is comparing a franchise that has yet to play a meaningful game in its existence to one that has virtually defined the term.

Don't get me wrong Houstonites, or whatever you call yourselves. You have a nice little team there, and if everything goes right over the next two or three years you may find yourselves contending for the playoffs. I think Carr & Andre Johnson are the real deal.

I'm just saying, put some real notches in your belt before you call yourself a gunfighter.

And what kind of pathetic loser posts the scoreboard from the FIRST preseason game of the year? One whose team wins five real games all year.
WOW< THESE texans fans do not get it...
texansfan88 said:
you have to understand, here in houston we dont like dallas and we dont like dallas people. I personally hate the city, hate the teams, hate the owners and dislike the people of the city, mainly because they lose and want to fight you in the parking lot drunk off their ***.
Hmm, ok, accuse us of what witnesses just told us. texans fans are drunk slobs, who would consider a 5-11 year and a win in preseason over the cowboys a succes...
its our rivalry and the fact is we keep winning it.
we are 2-2, unless you only count regular season(which most intelligent fans would do) and then we are 0-1.
we boo jerry jones because hes jerry jones and we dont like slimy owners. we boo the cowboys, because we dont like the cowboys and I for one am against quarterbacks on crack, althought vinny might need some and henson looks like hes on it. the point is dont come on here making false acusations saying we dropped the F bomb if you have no clue where you sat and frankly what you even heard.
Uhh, he was at the game. Get it? He saw these things.
I hate dallas, the city,fans, teams, owners and players. plain and simple. is that being classless? not at all, i just plain hate dallas and everything that has to do with it.

The point is the cowboys sucked saturday and we absolutely loved it. I loved looking to my left and seeing the shocked look on the cowboys fans faces.
Right. I guess we should have been talking smack when we won in the preseason like you guys...
So dont shoo fly shoo me like i'm youre crack friend like quincy. you're the Texans rival, you got humiliated, it was all over ESPN Radio, all over Monday NIght Countdown and I for one loved it.
I guess we really our the texan's rival. How sad....
blur2122 said:
Don't get me wrong Houstonites, or whatever you call yourselves.

Excellent post (and cool name). They call themselves Houstonians, pronounced Hew-STONE-ians (seriously). Fitting - these guys seem pretty stoned to me.
texansfan88 said:
i enjoy looking at the disapointed faces.
Well that tells me where you were for many a Sunday night for the past few years... In front of the mirror.
blur2122 said:
This is enough to bring a lurker out of the shadows...

First of all, enough of this nonsense about Houston being the Cowboys rival. That was a good 18-0 nothing win for you last week. I hate to be the one to break this to you guys, but IT DIDN'T COUNT!

And our rival? Is this the same Houston that plays in the AFC when the teams we're really competing with are in the NFC? The same Houston that was 5-11 last year when we were 10-6? Oops, I'm sorry, those were REAL games, not pre-season games. How foolish of me to get those two confused.

The fact of the matter is, Houston isn't even accomplished enough to be the Chargers' rival right now, let alone the Cowboys. We're talking about a franchise that has yet to play a meaningful game in its existence, as compared to one that has virtually defined the term.

Don't get me wrong Houstonites, or whatever you call yourselves. You have a nice little team there, and if everything goes right over the next two or three years you may find yourselves contending for the playoffs.

I'm just saying, put some notches in your belt before you call yourself a gunfighter.

And what kind of pathetic loser posts the scoreboard from the FIRST preseason game of the year? One whose team wins five real games all year.
Is it Dallasites?
BTW: If your going to jaw about Texans-Cowboys games that count it's Texans 1 Cowboys 0. As sad as that is, it's a fact.
Dont mind the "Houstonians" there are just mindless Troglodytes who can stand to see dallas have success in anyway. They are bitter that Henson didnt want to play for the Texans and came to dallas where he will probably goto the playoffs with the cowboys then the texans will in the next 30 years. Not to sell the texans short they arnt a horrid team but they sure dont compare to dallas. They will see that when we play a meaningful game next year.

Texans fans.... Keep on dreaming one day you will... Ah nevermind it wont happen :p
first off we are the Texans not the Toxins

secondly you shouldnt be talking about hew STONE ians when you had a quarterback that was on crack last year and a history of trouble with the law.

thirdly its not a cowboys rivalry, its a texans rivalry. it isnt our biggest one at all, but since the fans decide they wanna fight in the parking lot after a loss, you're goign to have a problem with me.

fourthly, was i the only one that noticed henson threw the ball really low to the ground and the receivers had to make extra efforts to catch it at times. He's going to be a great qb one day, but not now. (and yes, henson does look like hes on crack)

fifthly, i was at the game and i can assure you no one was dropping "F"bombs on cowboy fans. i personally think you were hearing things.

sixthly, i'm going to seem a little mad, do you know why? because i had a drunk mexican cowboy fan that wanted to beat me up in the parking lot cuz i compared sharpers tackles to cowboy touchdowns, and i'm not happy about it...he made me hate cowboy fans even more

the fact is you guys lost. you played your starters longer, and were still unable to score against our 2nd and 3rd stringers. thats terrible...i dont care if it was preseason, the whole team sucked and you know it. 40 yards in the first quarter for the 1st team cowboys. this is a playoff team, minus a quarterback on crack.

I hate to hate on the texans, but if you get shut out by us, you're terrible. mad props to billy cundiff missing the 40 yard fg as well

now i'm out for the night, dont forget the estrogen pills in the morning and houston sucks lady man sir tranny, just to clarify for you, its Texans, not toxins, okay?
texansfan88 said:
first off we are the Texans not the Toxins

secondly you shouldnt be talking about hew STONE ians when you had a quarterback that was on crack last year and a history of trouble with the law.

He actually didn't have a history of trouble with the law. Sorry.

texansfan88 said:
thirdly its not a cowboys rivalry, its a texans rivalry. it isnt our biggest one at all, but since the fans decide they wanna fight in the parking lot after a loss, you're goign to have a problem with me.

As a general rule, I think people who pick fights in parking lots over sports are idiots. (People should lighten up, already, it's a friggin game). Every team in the NFL has it's share of idiot and classless fans, though.

texansfan88 said:
fourthly, was i the only one that noticed henson threw the ball really low to the ground and the receivers had to make extra efforts to catch it at times. He's going to be a great qb one day, but not now. (and yes, henson does look like hes on crack)

fifthly, i was at the game and i can assure you no one was dropping "F"bombs on cowboy fans. i personally think you were hearing things.

Now I know you are smarter than that. You think you can hear everything going on in the entire stadium. Or even a fraction??? Gimmee a break.

texansfan88 said:
sixthly, i'm going to seem a little mad, do you know why? because i had a drunk mexican cowboy fan that wanted to beat me up in the parking lot cuz i compared sharpers tackles to cowboy touchdowns, and i'm not happy about it...he made me hate cowboy fans even more

See my above comment regarding fans who pick fights. But do you have a problem with Hispanics?

texansfan88 said:
the fact is you guys lost. you played your starters longer, and were still unable to score against our 2nd and 3rd stringers. thats terrible...i dont care if it was preseason, the whole team sucked and you know it. 40 yards in the first quarter for the 1st team cowboys. this is a playoff team, minus a quarterback on crack.

I hate to hate on the texans, but if you get shut out by us, you're terrible. mad props to billy cundiff missing the 40 yard fg as well

Agreed. But I read about as much into this as I did when we trounced the Texans in preseason two years ago - nothing.

texansfan88 said:
now i'm out for the night, dont forget the estrogen pills in the morning and houston sucks lady man sir tranny, just to clarify for you, its Texans, not toxins, okay?

Are you excited about taking your first semester of shop this year?
why would i have anything against mexicans? i simply stated that a mexican guy was trying to beat me up over a game

also, why would we want to drop "F" bombs? we were winning! we could care less. we were too busy laughing at the cowboy fans to drop em so to speak.

Players with trouble in the law/drugs
Michael Irvin
Barry Switzer
Quincy Carter
Demetrius Underwood

those are the ones off the top of my head, there have been more. anyways just shut up, you lost get over it, you're making it worse on yourself
texansfan88 said:
I can tell all of you took your estrogen pills this morning, good job on remembering that.

And stop crying women. its a football game, a rivalry game.

thats all i have to say, you can say i'm classless...thats fine.

Dont forget to take your estrogen pills in the morning

Any point you were trying to make was lost with those remarks.

If it weren't for the fact that your statement and references to women made you look ridiculous, I would take offense to this. However, I will assume that your mommy dropped you on your head when you were a baby and can't help yourself.

As for Estrogen... it is used to balance hormone levels to reduce hot flashes, level emotions, and in some cases to give women the patience to put up with people like you.

Seeing as you are acting like a hot head, being too emotional, whiny, grumpy, b*tchy, etc. I would suggest that maybe you are the one needing the Estrogen tomorrow morning. You sir are showing signs of menopause.
CowboysPrincess said:
Any point you were trying to make was lost with those remarks.

If it weren't for the fact that your statement and references to women made you look ridiculous, I would take offense to this. However, I will assume that your mommy dropped you on your head when you were a baby and can't help yourself.

As for Estrogen... it is used to balance hormone levels to reduce hot flashes, level emotions, and in some cases to give women the patience to put up with people like you.

Seeing as you are acting like a hot head, being too emotional, whiny, grumpy, b*tchy, etc. I would suggest that maybe you are the one needing the Estrogen tomorrow morning. You sir are showing signs of menopause.

One word. NICE :D
dumb***_texansfan88 said:
Players with trouble in the law/drugs
Michael Irvin
Barry Switzer
Quincy Carter
Demetrius Underwood

those are the ones off the top of my head, there have been more.

Huh? Doesn't change the fact you were WRONG about Quincy having trouble with the LAW in the past. You better sharpen up those reasoning skills before you take the SAT.

dumb***_texansfan88 said:
anyways just shut up, you lost get over it, you're making it worse on yourself

Nice close, loser. I try to have a halfway intelligent conversation with you, and that's the best you can come up with. Pathetic.
texansfan88 said:
first off we are the Texans not the Toxins

secondly you shouldnt be talking about hew STONE ians when you had a quarterback that was on crack last year and a history of trouble with the law.

thirdly its not a cowboys rivalry, its a texans rivalry. it isnt our biggest one at all, but since the fans decide they wanna fight in the parking lot after a loss, you're goign to have a problem with me.

fourthly, was i the only one that noticed henson threw the ball really low to the ground and the receivers had to make extra efforts to catch it at times. He's going to be a great qb one day, but not now. (and yes, henson does look like hes on crack)

fifthly, i was at the game and i can assure you no one was dropping "F"bombs on cowboy fans. i personally think you were hearing things.

sixthly, i'm going to seem a little mad, do you know why? because i had a drunk mexican cowboy fan that wanted to beat me up in the parking lot cuz i compared sharpers tackles to cowboy touchdowns, and i'm not happy about it...he made me hate cowboy fans even more

the fact is you guys lost. you played your starters longer, and were still unable to score against our 2nd and 3rd stringers. thats terrible...i dont care if it was preseason, the whole team sucked and you know it. 40 yards in the first quarter for the 1st team cowboys. this is a playoff team, minus a quarterback on crack.

I hate to hate on the texans, but if you get shut out by us, you're terrible. mad props to billy cundiff missing the 40 yard fg as well

now i'm out for the night, dont forget the estrogen pills in the morning and houston sucks lady man sir tranny, just to clarify for you, its Texans, not
toxins, okay?

This is just a wild guess, but I don't think the Houston Texans get along with the C'boys very much! But you've got to admit, the Houstons are holding their ground!

I'll bet it's going to be a wild bronco ride when your two teams meet again.
You've gained some respect from me. :D
What a way to start the season.

I know it was preseason, don't mean nothing.

Sure is nice to know how our scrubs are going to perform though.

I had no problem with cowboy fans, never really have.

It is great to have a team 280 miles north of here, just wish we could play for keeps more often.

The one thing I was amazed to see was that the cowboys did not stay for the post party.

But after last season when we tailgated in the Dallas Parking lot and cowboys were coming up and asking what we were doing, I suppose they did not realize we get together afterward to discuss and enjoy some more food and fun.

Yall come back now
Houston as a city and the Texans as a team are like that cute girl down the street that's cute but always has to have somebody tell them how cute she is.

After awhile it gets annoying and the cute wears off.

The Texans have the makings of a really fine team. They'll also become more annoying as they do because they'll be quoted as "we get no respect"..."why aren't the Texans mentioned more on ESPN"....

Even David Carr in his very first interview mentioned how he couldn't wait to beat the Cowboys. And it's my understanding that he use to love the Cowboys.

If the situation were reversed can you imagine Troy Aikman saying something about wanting to beat a Houston team in his first interview?

And oh yea. I live in the Houston area and this morning home from work I heard a dude on the radio say he was done with the season because the Texans had beat the Cowboys. He doesn't care about winning anything else , just let's beat the Cowboys in a preseason game.

Andy Rooney said when he was in Houston for the SB he never had so many people come up to him and ask him how he liked the city. He couldn't believe it because people never do that in NYC. he said NY'ers couldn't care less if you're liking it or not.

Wonder how the Texans fan would feel if we punked your owner when he walked out onto the field? Or one of our players did? What would you say then?

Cause as far as I can tell it was fine with you fans when Gary Walker got in Jerry's face. Reverse that and what would you think if Roy Williams did that?
texansfan88 said:
you have to understand, here in houston we dont like dallas and we dont like dallas people. I personally hate the city, hate the teams, hate the owners and dislike the people of the city, mainly because they lose and want to fight you in the parking lot drunk off their ***.

its our rivalry and the fact is we keep winning it. we boo jerry jones because hes jerry jones and we dont like slimy owners. we boo the cowboys, because we dont like the cowboys and I for one am against quarterbacks on crack, althought vinny might need some and henson looks like hes on it. the point is dont come on here making false acusations saying we dropped the F bomb if you have no clue where you sat and frankly what you even heard.

I hate dallas, the city,fans, teams, owners and players. plain and simple. is that being classless? not at all, i just plain hate dallas and everything that has to do with it.

The point is the cowboys sucked saturday and we absolutely loved it. I loved looking to my left and seeing the shocked look on the cowboys fans faces.

So dont shoo fly shoo me like i'm youre crack friend like quincy. you're the Texans rival, you got humiliated, it was all over ESPN Radio, all over Monday NIght Countdown and I for one loved it.

You hate everything about dallas....yet for some reason you felt the need to come to a dallas cowboys message board.

Hmmm...maybe I should give you another reason to hate the cowboys.....hmmm
For the record there never has nor will there ever be a rivalry between Dallas and Houston! they don't play each other another to make it a real rivalry and when we do play there are no stakes involved because both the current Dallas team
and Houston have yet to prove they can beat one another when it actually does count!

I'm talking about when either one of those teams actually gets represent there confernce and division of the super bowl, so on the that note any of the games we played so far have not really counted and so we both stand it's 0-0
TLW47 said:
Even David Carr in his very first interview mentioned how he couldn't wait to beat the Cowboys. And it's my understanding that he use to love the Cowboys.

David Carr was a huge fan of Troy Aikman and the Cowboys growing up (hence the #8 he wears). He said it was bittersweet to beat them in his first ever game.
That's not the quote I'm talking about.

Go back to his first press conference as a Texan.

Anyway makes no difference.

Troy would never have said that and he wouldn't even say that if the Texans played back when he played.

Just an example to show people how much the Texans focus on the Cowboys.

First team Carr mentions...the Cowboys!

Why? His favorite? Well then he had good taste at one time. :p
I was in the Bull Pen during that game and never heard the F bomb dropped. I heard many chants of "Cowboys Suck" and even apologized to one Cowboy fan when a drunk Texans fan got in his face and turned him in for haveing a banner on a flag pole. I thought that was really petty, but as you may not know, banners on poles have been banned at games this year due to hightened security concerns. My friend wore a Novachek jersey, and yes he was harased, but he was also offered free beer, BBQ and jello shots. I think the majority of the problems you Cowboy fans have is the realization that there is a new team in Texas and it's fans don't worship the Cowboys and we just beat you.
Houston Cowboy fans hate the Texans because they know that they will not be able to watch them play every Sunday anymore.
It still amazes me that Cowboy fans call Texan fans arrogant when a number of you even have pictures of your teams Lombardy trophy's in your post. You have every right to be proud. Your team won more games last year then we have won in our entire existence. Extreme pride in some is called arrogence in others.
Your team lost a meaningless preseason game, but here you are dogging the team and the fans of the team that beat you and saying how little you care about the team at the same time. Admit it you wish we would go away so you could have Texas back to yourselves.
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