Houston Fans: Classless

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One more time:

Cowboys and Dallas fans basically don't care about the Texans or the Houston teams. I lived in Dallas for many years and can count on one hand how many times I heard the name "Houston" with team after it. Dallas has the Cowboys and has for many years and the fans are far more concerned with them and their division rivals.

The thread was started by a Cowboys fan that said he was taunted and cussed out by the Texans fans AT Reliant.

I really don't care if people cheer for the Texans, the Bucs, the Commanders or whomever. I'm not in control of who somebody supports and nobody is going to change anybody's mind.

And gosh. Houston has had the Astros for many years and I don't think it bothered the Rangers too much that they had to "share" Texas. Who gives a crap about each city having a team in whatever sport?

Yea and we really expect every football fan to "worship" the Cowboys. That's just stupid.
Since were on the subject of arrogent fans lets ask this to the Houston fans and see how they respond to it. since you claim Dallas fans are arrogent then what would you call your fans who constantly throw 19-10 back in our face?
I'm talking about when either one of those teams actually gets represent there confernce and division of the super bowl, so on the that note any of the games we played so far have not really counted and so we both stand it's 0-0

Pardon me but I believe you mean Houston 1 Dallas 0, and by the way that game on september 8th 2002 did mean something. It meant that we won our first game we ever played and you lost to us. No it did not get us anywhere but 1 up on the win loss meter. It was a sweet win though.
Course the true cowboy fan will have an excuse for that loss as they always seem to have an excuse. And if I remember correctly all I could see or hear is Cowboy fan last year trying to pull something, anything out of that preseason win. Oh well, excuses are like drug problems, and Dallas has plenty of them.
You're either dumb or naive or both if you think the Texans or any other team doesn't have guys on them getting high.
I know that I am going to jumping around so please follow along.

1st - We as Houston fans never have enjoyed watching the Cowboys after the Oilers left Houston. I won't go as far to say I Hate the city of Dallas, but I will say I Hate the Cowboys. The reason is because the Cowboys try to force themselves on America!! They aren't America's team.

They aren't even Dallas team. They can't even get a stadium deal in the city of Dallas. They had to go to Arlington to get a deal and now the city council and the voters need to approve it!! Good luck!! From what I hear the tax payers in Arlington are still pissed about the Rangers stadium deal!!

2nd - I have been a season ticket holder with the Texans for the last 3 years. We had some Cowboy fans around us and we gave them a hard time but what the hell do you expect?? Its called HOME FIELD ADVANTAGE!! Thats why Reliant Stadium is one of the loudest and hardest stadiums to play in!!

3rd - You call us Texans fans classless but we are only in our 3rd year and have beaten your team twice and OUR 1st EVER VICTORY was against your 5 time Super Bowl team. So hell yea we are going to be alittle cocky. Now if some fans dropped the "F" bomb on you, well sorry about that. We are all not like that!! I will be a pain in the a** to any visiting team but will never insult that person or his family.

4th - Cowboy fans face it, this is a rivalry!! If you guys would have beaten us in our 1st ever game we would have never heard the end of it. Lines like "we will always be your b*tch" and stuff like that. If I remember correctly, the Sports Illustrated with David Carr on the front of it Darren Woodson said " WE HAVE TO WIN THAT GAME " Now if its not a rivalry why was there so much importance on that game??

5th - I don't wish ill will towards any team or player but I just feel that the cowboys took a step back this year. Your taking the Titains and Jets left overs in George and Vinny. Your also taking the Texans left over by taking Henson off our hands. The same Henson that couldn't beat out Tom Brady!!

Good luck this year Cowboy fans!! (You'll need it)
texanfan2002114 said:
I know that I am going to jumping around so please follow along.

1st - We as Houston fans never have enjoyed watching the Cowboys after the Oilers left Houston. I won't go as far to say I Hate the city of Dallas, but I will say I Hate the Cowboys. The reason is because the Cowboys try to force themselves on America!! They aren't America's team.

First off....The cowboys did not name themselves America's Team....that term was coined by someone that had no ties to the Cowboys.
Now sure the cowboys embraced that but what team would not....However I do find it funny that you think the cowboys try to "Force themselves on America"...very odd thing to say IMO.

They aren't even Dallas team. They can't even get a stadium deal in the city of Dallas. They had to go to Arlington to get a deal and now the city council and the voters need to approve it!! Good luck!! From what I hear the tax payers in Arlington are still pissed about the Rangers stadium deal!!

Many teams are not in the actual city they are named after....Hell the New York Giants and Jets do not even play in the same state. So your point is moot IMO.

2nd - I have been a season ticket holder with the Texans for the last 3 years. We had some Cowboy fans around us and we gave them a hard time but what the hell do you expect?? Its called HOME FIELD ADVANTAGE!! Thats why Reliant Stadium is one of the loudest and hardest stadiums to play in!!

No problem what so ever with this....I would expect fans at home to be a little rowdy....just as long as they do not get TOO rowdy.

3rd - You call us Texans fans classless but we are only in our 3rd year and have beaten your team twice and OUR 1st EVER VICTORY was against your 5 time Super Bowl team. So hell yea we are going to be alittle cocky. Now if some fans dropped the "F" bomb on you, well sorry about that. We are all not like that!! I will be a pain in the a** to any visiting team but will never insult that person or his family.

Every fan base has it's fair share of idiots and troublemakers....which stinks because it makes the rest of the good fans look bad even if it is not fair.

4th - Cowboy fans face it, this is a rivalry!! If you guys would have beaten us in our 1st ever game we would have never heard the end of it. Lines like "we will always be your b*tch" and stuff like that. If I remember correctly, the Sports Illustrated with David Carr on the front of it Darren Woodson said " WE HAVE TO WIN THAT GAME " Now if its not a rivalry why was there so much importance on that game??

It is ONLY a rivalry to a young team like yours. If it was such a rivalry then you would not seen the boys come in so flat not once but TWICE....I am sure you watched the game and so the knuckleheads for the cowboys just not put much into the game.

5th - I don't wish ill will towards any team or player but I just feel that the cowboys took a step back this year. Your taking the Titains and Jets left overs in George and Vinny. Your also taking the Texans left over by taking Henson off our hands. The same Henson that couldn't beat out Tom Brady!!

Good luck this year Cowboy fans!! (You'll need it)

Henson your leftover that is rich....Casserly was a smart man...He turned a 6th round pick into a 3rd round pick....however do you really think that Ragone or Banks is a better prospect for the future compared to Henson?
You as texas fans may actually hate the day down the road IF henson turns out to be a great QB.....Much like most cowboys fans hate the idea of letting Jimmy Smith go even though it was due to injuries.
Yes let's follow along.

1. Fans have no control over where a team locates it's stadium. The Cowboys haven't played in Dallas for over 30 years. So this won't be any great adjustment to Dallas to not have the team in the city.

2.Nobody begrudges you your "home field advantage". Nobody. Not even the fan that said he was harrassed.

3. The Cowboys didn't coin the phrase "America's Team". That was an NFL film deal. And I can't imagine any team, any marketing department not jumping all over that one IF that had happened to them.

4. Thanks for Henson. He's got the makings of a fine QB with proper coaching. I've not read any comment from any NFL scout that didn't think this kid was going to be a good one. That was smart for the Texans to take him for trading purposes. I don't think they ever intended him for anything other than trade bait. So I'm not into all the smack about how he can't do this or can't do that or taking him "off your hands".

5. I don't consider the Texans a Cowboys rival. That's reserved for the Skins, Eagles and teams we play every year. I can't speak for Darren Woodson but I'm guessing he thought the game was important because it was the first one of the year. And I'm also guessing since he's an NFL player that he considers EVERY game important and a must win. That's just common sense.
I personally felt the loss set the tone for the season and it was a pathetic showing which cost players and coaches their job.

But guess what? It's not the first time the Cowboys have played poorly and it won't be the last! I've sat through some real whoopers of crappy games. It's called being a fan.

You win some, you lose some. That's why they play the game.
I'm still waiting on Texans fans to explain that if they claim Dallas fans are arrogent then what are Houston fans who throw 19-10 in our face
InParcellsWetrust said:
I'm still waiting on Texans fans to explain that if they claim Dallas fans are arrogent then what are Houston fans who throw 19-10 in our face
Or this too:
Here's your answer. Pay attention. Just because we are arrogant does not mean that you are not. I am sorry that your feelings are hurt because you are reminded of one lose in 11, two years ago. Calling your southern Oklahoma team, Americas team, to you is a sense of pride to others it is a sign of arrogance. When you post your Lombardy trophy's it also is a sign of arrogance to the rest of the thinking world, but to you it is only pride. So WE show our PRIDE/ARROGANCE by reminding you of your loss two years ago. Try to open your mind and comprehend it will do you well in the future.

As usual your rambling makes little sense. I've never heard the Cowboys called "Southern Oklahoma's team". That's maybe the dumbest one yet.

And I defy you to show me any team anywhere, any city, any sport that doesn't brag about their championships. Houston still talks about the Rockets. And they should. So don't be surprised or shocked if you come to a Cowboys board or meet a Cowboys fan that doesn't mention our championships. You act like it's rocket science understanding this. Well maybe to you it is.

And please. It's Lombardi trophy. It's football blasphemy to not spell that right.
texanfan2002114 said:
I know that I am going to jumping around so please follow along.

1st - We as Houston fans never have enjoyed watching the Cowboys after the Oilers left Houston. I won't go as far to say I Hate the city of Dallas, but I will say I Hate the Cowboys. The reason is because the Cowboys try to force themselves on America!! They aren't America's team.

They aren't even Dallas team. They can't even get a stadium deal in the city of Dallas. They had to go to Arlington to get a deal and now the city council and the voters need to approve it!! Good luck!! From what I hear the tax payers in Arlington are still pissed about the Rangers stadium deal!!

2nd - I have been a season ticket holder with the Texans for the last 3 years. We had some Cowboy fans around us and we gave them a hard time but what the hell do you expect?? Its called HOME FIELD ADVANTAGE!! Thats why Reliant Stadium is one of the loudest and hardest stadiums to play in!!

3rd - You call us Texans fans classless but we are only in our 3rd year and have beaten your team twice and OUR 1st EVER VICTORY was against your 5 time Super Bowl team. So hell yea we are going to be alittle cocky. Now if some fans dropped the "F" bomb on you, well sorry about that. We are all not like that!! I will be a pain in the a** to any visiting team but will never insult that person or his family.

4th - Cowboy fans face it, this is a rivalry!! If you guys would have beaten us in our 1st ever game we would have never heard the end of it. Lines like "we will always be your b*tch" and stuff like that. If I remember correctly, the Sports Illustrated with David Carr on the front of it Darren Woodson said " WE HAVE TO WIN THAT GAME " Now if its not a rivalry why was there so much importance on that game??

5th - I don't wish ill will towards any team or player but I just feel that the cowboys took a step back this year. Your taking the Titains and Jets left overs in George and Vinny. Your also taking the Texans left over by taking Henson off our hands. The same Henson that couldn't beat out Tom Brady!!

Good luck this year Cowboy fans!! (You'll need it)

I know I would be an irritable SOB if I had to live in Houston
Calling your southern Oklahoma team, Americas team, to you is a sense of pride to others it is a sign of arrogance.

When will idiots learn? we don't call our selves Americas Team! how many times do we need to explain to you before it sets into that simple mind of yours? that NFL Films started calling Dallas Americas Team.

the reason they started calling Dallas that was because at the time Dallas and Pittsburgh were the 2 most popular teams in the NFL. Pittsburgh declined the name and they started calling Dallas that after there lose to the Steelers in
the super bowl.

you can B*tch, and moan, over a name all you want but listen up and you may actually learn something now. the title of Americas Team doesn't just involve
people who like the Cowboys.

The idiots who turn us on to see if we lost or chant Dallas Sucks are all so apart of Americas Team

Just remember that for the next time you want to cry over a name

When you post your Lombardy trophy's it also is a sign of arrogance to the rest of the thinking world, but to you it is only pride. So WE show our PRIDE/ARROGANCE by reminding you of your loss two years ago. Try to open your mind and comprehend it will do you well in the future

we post our Lombardi Trophies (correct spelling) to remind the morons who chant Dallas Sucks or want to remind us that there team beat ours. that were still better despite what you may think about Dallas.

your not changing a thing by beating us were still sitting at the top of the NFL mountain unmoved! you win as many games you can chant Dallas sucks brag
over your meaningless wins.

but in the end that star still shines bright
I'll try to remember in the future not to argue with people who don't want to learn. I never said there was any thing wrong with bragging for your team. I was answering a question from a mental midget, who still doesn't get it. It is fine with me that you show your Lombardi trophies, I would like my team to win one some day. I was just pointing out that when he calls us arrogant, that arrogance can be a two way street. I am glad you seem to be so concerned about our third year team beating you in the PRESEASON, but get over it. This is a smack talk area. I'm sorry you girls don't comprehend English, but may be when school starts you can ask your teacher for extra help. :rolleyes:
One should never suggest somebody else attend a class when that same person cannot spell "Lombardi" correctly.

Overalls said:
I'll try to remember in the future not to argue with people who don't want to learn. I never said there was any thing wrong with bragging for your team. I was answering a question from a mental midget, who still doesn't get it. It is fine with me that you show your Lombardi trophies, I would like my team to win one some day. I was just pointing out that when he calls us arrogant, that arrogance can be a two way street. I am glad you seem to be so concerned about our third year team beating you in the PRESEASON, but get over it. This is a smack talk area. I'm sorry you girls don't comprehend English, but may be when school starts you can ask your teacher for extra help. :rolleyes:

what's so arrogent about reminding someone that this is footballs ultimate prize?


not some meaningless set of games that do nothing for you except secure a spot
in the following years draft.

so I see nothing wrong with a Dallas fan posting the Vince Lombardi Trophy as a constant reminder. that until you win one of these

your not doing anything worth talking about football is not about winning games it's about winning championships
InParcellsWetrust said:
what's so arrogent about reminding someone that this is footballs ultimate prize?

In Overalls defense...do NOT criticize his spelling of the Lombardi trophy when you cannot spell arrogant !
TEXANS84 said:
In Overalls defense...do NOT criticize his spelling of the Lombardi trophy when you cannot spell arrogant !
Since you seem to have keyed in on someone's spelling, you should have placed an apostrophe after "Overalls". But who's paying attention?? Personally, I think he should have put up pictures of all FIVE Lombardi Trophies that the Cowboys have... but you would call that being arrogant too.
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