How bad will Garrett be this year?


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I like Garrett, but I have to admit, he did make some very questionable decisions last year. One could even argue that they were downright awful, but so goes the life of a rookie head coach in this league.

With experience, Garrett will get better at managing the game. There is no doubt about that.

So much for the negatives, lets look at what Garrett has brought to this team since he took the helm as head coach:

Attitude: Work hard each and everyday. Playing great football IS priority one. Fame belongs to the individual, Super Bowl breeds fame.. In other words, just shut up and play football!

Leadership: Period

Pride: See below

Sense of tradition: When was the last time you heard a rookie who hasn't even made the team yet talk about how much the "Star" means to him?

Work ethic: We are bringing in guys that bust there butts until the final whistle, i.e. I don't think there will be anymore "business decisions" moving forward.

Most important of all, the players believe in him. Why? Because he has a systematic plan. He lays his plan out to the players, they digest it and regurgitate. Listening to player interviews is like listening to Garrett clones.

My abbreviated response, because I am never the one who likes typing a long post full of stats and historical data to impress. :D


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Gaede;4555649 said:


The30YardSlant;4555651 said:




CowboyMcCoy;4555658 said:
UT and Texas Tech. I went to UT, but I also like Tech's football program.

Still? With down the Tuberville?


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zrinkill;4556223 said:
This is a troll thread ...... plain for all to see.

Is that why you keep posting in it

No reason to ask you that ........ been apparent for years.

It doesn't take me to point that out, no. Everyone has been able to see that for years. You're right. I won't argue with you.


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Eskimo;4556265 said:
Yep, the one Wade lead to a 1-7 record with a better QB.

That versus the same one Garrett lead to a 5-3 record with Kitna at QB and Paul Pasqualoni as the DC instead of Wade.

The fact that Garrett managed to turn that disastrous season around with a 40 year old scrap heap QB is grounds to suggest he has some ability to lead the team. The same team that had appeared to give up and mail it in with back to back shellackings from the Packers and Jaguars.

I'm not saying Garrett is a great HC or even a good HC. I think he was good in 2010 for turning the season around: B+. I think he was mediocre last year trying to coach a flawed roster: B- where the average coaching grade is a B-. He was okay but I don't think he got much better results than our talent suggested was possible. If he managed to seal the deal against the Jets, Lions, Pats and Giants game #1 we would have a 12-4 record and he would get an A. But we got beat in a fair number of the close games which suggests average coaching grade.

The problem I have is that you claim he is the worst you have ever seen. I just don't see it myself.

I have grown tired of this discussion that is devoid of any reasonable facts or balanced arguments. My take is that you don't like Garrett because he was a scrub player from the Ivy league that the league has crowned as a genius.

Nice try. I'm skeptical of Garrett because of the way he coached last year in games, losing at least 2 I can pin on coaching. To me, that's unacceptable. I'm not ready to start being so patient with our coach like the Garrett fanboys. In my view, that's the one spot we should have solidified right now.

At least your argument is reasonable and at least you didn't attack me for having a differing opinion like some have.


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CIWhitefish;4556381 said:
I know...I was referencing the dictator...Napolean "Blownapart" ha..get it? Look different views...on a message board..amazing!

You talking about the punk band?


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CowboyMcCoy;4555671 said:
1)Detroit--Romo has broken ribs. Garrett calls pass one too many times. Romo airs it out while likely on pain medication and, viola, a toss to Bobby Carpenter to blow the biggest lead ever blown in Cowboy's history.

That's quite an accomplishment.

2) New England--Garrett calls 3 straight run plays and gives the ball back to Brady

3)Cardinals--Time out. Need I say more?

We should have made the playoffs last year. The only real reason we didn't is because we don't have a real coach. I seriously don't think this guy is cut out for head coaching duties.

Maybe we should have made the playoffs last year but it's not like that team had a chance in hell to win the SuperBowl. Murray was out, Felix couldn't stay healthy, do you really think Sammy Morris & Chauncey Washington could carry us? Not to mention Tony was hurt and Newman couldn't cover my grandma.

That team didn't deserve to be in the playoffs last yr & if they had been, they woulda been knocked out in the first round.
Not making the playoffs last year was probably the best thing that has happened to Jerry Jones because he got smart & finally rebuilt this defense. Say what you want about Carr but I've watched the kid play & he's a stud. Oh & not to mention if we had made the playoffs last year there is no way in hell we would have been able to trade up & get the guy in your sig pic either.

Garrett made his mistakes but you can't blame him for all of our loses hell I didn't trust Romo during that New England game either, no way I let him pass but then again who expected us to play open door defense against Tom Brady either. You could tell watching that Arizona the team thought they had won before the game had started, they all played bad. That game wasn't only lost on that timeout call, you can just as easily blame the O line for not opening running lanes & keeping Romo upright as you can Garrett.

If you don't like Garrett then there are 31 other coaches in the league you can cheer for.


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CowboyMcCoy;4556042 said:
We were good last year with the potential to be great. If we're not great, someone isn't getting the full potential out of this team.

I have huge expectations because of where we're at talent wise. I want to see it translate to the bottom line--a Super Bowl win.

We were a great play off team last season? LMAO! With rookies and UDFAs on the OL, Wade's D bottoming out as the franchise's all time worst, Austin with his broken high heels and Sammy Morris taking us home, coming off 6 wins the year before? And those 6 wins were all Garrett BTW. It would have been 1, maybe 2 with your boy Wade.

Let me guess, youre a Romoplogist too. And while Garrett should have made the play offs, Romo didnt have enough talent. :eek:

Am I right?


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There are times when Garrett will out think himself, like the freezing the kicker incident. But he also rarely makes the same mistake twice. Bellicheck ran the ball 3 times in the superbowl vs philly. Had McNuggett not yacked on the field and gone thru a mental breakdown the patriots would have lost that one. Awful risky with a dynasty on the line. It easy to nitpick coaching calls while playing armchair coach. The RHG is a very young coach who was in the middle of a rebuild. The base of what he is putting togeather is Epic. His team is being built in the mold of what dynastys are made of. That IS the most important thing. He will correct his mistakes. They dont call him "The red headed genius" for nothing.

WV Cowboy

Waitin' on the 6th
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Be honest, even those of us that like JG, and like the changes that he has made and the direction we seem to be headed, .. have to admit he made some questionable calls last year.

And I don't mean calls that arm-chair QB's figure out after the game. I mean the kind where you were yelling at the TV during the game, ... "what are we doing, .. what is going on?"


1st Round Pick
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WV Cowboy;4556659 said:
Be honest, even those of us that like JG, and like the changes that he has made and the direction we seem to be headed, .. have to admit he made some questionable calls last year.

And I don't mean calls that arm-chair QB's figure out after the game. I mean the kind where you were yelling at the TV during the game, ... "what are we doing, .. what is going on?"

That is part of the problem. Nobody wants to admit it.

Bottom line is Garrett has to get better at managing games. His situational playcalling has to get better too.


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CATCH17;4556667 said:
That is part of the problem. Nobody wants to admit it.

Bottom line is Garrett has to get better at managing games. His situational playcalling has to get better too.

I've seen plenty of people admitting it. In fact, I'd say a majority of fans would like to see someone else calling plays.


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CowboyMcCoy;4555671 said:
1)Detroit--Romo has broken ribs. Garrett calls pass one too many times. Romo airs it out while likely on pain medication and, viola, a toss to Bobby Carpenter to blow the biggest lead ever blown in Cowboy's history.

That's quite an accomplishment.

2) New England--Garrett calls 3 straight run plays and gives the ball back to Brady

3)Cardinals--Time out. Need I say more?

We should have made the playoffs last year. The only real reason we didn't is because we don't have a real coach. I seriously don't think this guy is cut out for head coaching duties.

Getting to the playoffs would have just meant getting beat in the first round. This team was NOT going to make any noise there. Given the tradeoff and getting Clairborne with what Garrett is trying to instill and watching him remold this team into high character, high football IQ, team leaders (which everyone seems to think there are none of) and rah rah guys, I think Garrett is headed in the right direction. I'll sacrafice last year for it, playoffs last year would have meant nothing but a lower pick. I don't see the point of making a statement that we made it to the playoffs if you aren't going to win the Superbowl and save me the "well once you get there anything can happen " rhetoric. This team isn't the Giants... So playoffs with no hope of winning the superbowl, I'll take pick 6 and Clairborne, and in the famous words of Ricky Bobby's daddy "if you aint first your last". So how does getting into the playoffs last year benefit this team more than that number 6 pick we got?

WV Cowboy

Waitin' on the 6th
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OK, hopefully we have improved our talent level, either through FA or the draft.
I have coached for a long time, it is always better to have more talent.

That will be a good thing.

And hopefully JG has learned from his mistakes, and a full year of being the head coach will help him make better decisions.

And all of that is good.

But unless this team grows a pair, .. finds a heart, .. builds some pride, .. we will still be middle of the pack.

The way we lost certain games last year was really disturbing to me.

The games that we lost that we were leading in the 4th quarter told me we had the talent. So if we improve our talent that's great.

But finding ways to lose those games showed me we lacked something, ... heart, guts, desire, the 'want-to', and a 'will to win'.

Something was missing.


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I love the foundation being laid but wish he would have brought in a OC to call plays. Now, will callahan take enough responsiblity off of garett to allow him to focus more on the play calling remains to be seen. Sometimes i dont get what garrett is thinking. Our offense wracks up numbers like its nobodys business so his play calling is effective . Our defense hasnt done our offense any favors with turnovers or short fields either. i find it baffleing how our offense looks bad at times and still rock massive numbers. Murray really is the key with the balance he bring with the running game and the pressure he takes off Romo allowing him to relax and let the game come to him.


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Questfor6;4556570 said:
Maybe we should have made the playoffs last year but it's not like that team had a chance in hell to win the SuperBowl. Murray was out, Felix couldn't stay healthy, do you really think Sammy Morris & Chauncey Washington could carry us? Not to mention Tony was hurt and Newman couldn't cover my grandma.

That team didn't deserve to be in the playoffs last yr & if they had been, they woulda been knocked out in the first round.
Not making the playoffs last year was probably the best thing that has happened to Jerry Jones because he got smart & finally rebuilt this defense. Say what you want about Carr but I've watched the kid play & he's a stud. Oh & not to mention if we had made the playoffs last year there is no way in hell we would have been able to trade up & get the guy in your sig pic either.

Garrett made his mistakes but you can't blame him for all of our loses hell I didn't trust Romo during that New England game either, no way I let him pass but then again who expected us to play open door defense against Tom Brady either. You could tell watching that Arizona the team thought they had won before the game had started, they all played bad. That game wasn't only lost on that timeout call, you can just as easily blame the O line for not opening running lanes & keeping Romo upright as you can Garrett.

If you don't like Garrett then there are 31 other coaches in the league you can cheer for.

So you can say with 100% certainty they wouldn't have made it far in the playoffs?

I'll never say that. I've seen too much happen. Did you think people expected the Giants to beat the undefeated Patriots? To win the Superbowl last year? Not many people would have predicted they'd win other than Giants fans.


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WV Cowboy;4556659 said:
Be honest, even those of us that like JG, and like the changes that he has made and the direction we seem to be headed, .. have to admit he made some questionable calls last year.

And I don't mean calls that arm-chair QB's figure out after the game. I mean the kind where you were yelling at the TV during the game, ... "what are we doing, .. what is going on?"

There was some really bad coaching on the field and in the games. Those kinds of mistakes are what separates play callers from coaches.


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WV Cowboy;4556709 said:
OK, hopefully we have improved our talent level, either through FA or the draft.
I have coached for a long time, it is always better to have more talent.

That will be a good thing.

And hopefully JG has learned from his mistakes, and a full year of being the head coach will help him make better decisions.

And all of that is good.

But unless this team grows a pair, .. finds a heart, .. builds some pride, .. we will still be middle of the pack.

The way we lost certain games last year was really disturbing to me.

The games that we lost that we were leading in the 4th quarter told me we had the talent. So if we improve our talent that's great.

But finding ways to lose those games showed me we lacked something, ... heart, guts, desire, the 'want-to', and a 'will to win'.

Something was missing.

I think it was motivation, enthusiasm and confidence. Garrett doesn't exactly motivate me, enthuse me or give me confidence.


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Ohh goodness gracious! I understand everyone has their on opinion, but this one completely and utterly stupid.