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Punching cattle in my case is slapping an aggressive heifer upside her head when she charges me.
Gotcha. I remember open hand punching a two year old colt in the back end when he brought both back legs up to kick me, while I was giving them water. Slammed his face into the barn and he never got aggressive with me again. lol
Yeah, getting that yearly examine with a blood test... And for a guy, a prostate check is simply a good thing to do.
My wife has been all over me to go get this done. I'm 43, so I'm hovering around that age. I don't want to, because of obvious reasons, but I understand the importance of it. I know the procedure is looming in my immediate future. lol
Had one a couple years ago, and fortunately for me(n wifey) I did not like it even a little!!!

Of course drinking 400 gallons of gatorade to prepare was the worst part!!!

I took Sutab pills for my last colonoscopy prep... It was better IMO than the Gatorade thing.

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