How great was Romo?

Their team was built around the defense. Our team was built around the QB. Perhaps our strategy was the wrong one, but the team had confidence in Romo. I had confidence in Romo. I don't subscribe to the theory he was never given a shot. He had a shot, was good enough to win it, but didn't. It is what it is.
I'm on the same page. He was exciting to watch and improvised to extend plays. Unfortunately he made some mistakes at the most inopportune times and was also a heart-breaker.
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Oh.. another jilted Romo lover with tunnel vision. :thumbup: I never thought you'd be someone that can't see the forest through the trees but I guess I was dead wrong.

The WR group will be fine... Especially once we go 1-3 and get Linehan out of here.

Easy is all in good fun, right?
Ohhhhhhh.... That right. I get it now. All of the Dak bashers are jilted Romo lovers. Now it all makes sense! :thumbup:
Yes and the ultimate revisionists .. I would bet that at least half of the current Romo lovers were Romo bashers when he was playing .. let’s face facts .. Romo was good , very good at times .. he had a knack of lifting you up ... bringing you to the edge of giddyness to just about have your heart ripped out at the end some of the time ... he would pass for hundreds of yards and you always felt like you had a chance .. however that chance went both ways .. chance to win and chance to a crushing defeat .. I’ve sat there many a time on the edge of my seat .. waiting for the other shoe to drop .. I love Romo but he still was part of some teams that failed to deliver at the end .. many almost years ..
It was a simple question. I'm not glorifying team stats in a completely different era.

Just FYI, i'm basically parroting Aikman's opinion. Troy was a big fan of Tony, and would have gotten killed behind some of the OL's Tony had to play behind.

Obviously, Winning super bowls is how we historically measure QBs and that will keep Tony out of the HOF. I'm sure Tony would trade trade his stats for one super bowl.
The greatest of all time. Better than Brady, Montana.....and to several on this board the greatest Cowboy QB ever.
Really, you think he would be carving up defenses behind the 2010-2012 offensive lines? Troy would have gotten killed b/c he wasn't mobile.
Yes, I do. I think some of the lines problems was Romo holding the ball too long. The QBs are also protected more than when Troy played and the turf was much softer than the concrete Troy used to play on. The WRs are also protected more and DBs can't barely touch them without a flag.
He was on his way to Super Bowl with Parcells as a coach. Then Parcells left and we hired turds who weren't worthy as head coaches and that was ultimately the end of his chances. Despite what anyone says YOU ALWAYS NEED A COMPETENT COACH to win a Super Bowl. The only exception would be if you have a one of a kind dominant offense, defense and/or both, like Switzer had with the team of the 90s. Romo was 50th on the list of "problems" in this organization when he was here.

Also, I disagree with the idea that they should've kept riding Dak in 2016. That was one of the dumbest blunders ever by an idiotic organization and coaching staff that listened to an idiotic anti-Cowboys media and you can see the results today. Also, I'm almost certain the red-headed step child had everything to do with that move. Anything to get the notion of Romo carrying the team off his sucky coaching back. I guarantee you Belichick or any other competent coach would have put Romo back in when he was healthy.

An absolute waste of a potential HOF career with any competent organization.
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I agree that Romo led teams that looked like 4 win teams on paper to .500 records a few years.

This narrative that he was a choke artist and threw picks all the time in crucial moments is just a bunch of hogwash. Sure, he made mistakes at key moments from time to time, but no more so than all the other Quarterbacks in the league. His 4th Qtr and overtime stats are outstanding and rank at the top in some categories all-time. His TD/INT ratio is alittle over 2:1 for his career.

I think he was one of the most underrated players that has come along for awhile.
Really, you think he would be carving up defenses behind the 2010-2012 offensive lines? Troy would have gotten killed b/c he wasn't mobile.

Correct me if I'm remembering wrong but I thought the early 90's Troy was somewhat mobile. The late 90's Troy wasn't.
great enough to give us glimmers of hope only to be followed by the depths of despair. the thrill of victory, the agony of defeat.
Correct me if I'm remembering wrong but I thought the early 90's Troy was somewhat mobile. The late 90's Troy wasn't.
He was. Getting bounced off that hard astroturf when the defenders could get two full steps and kill the QB after they released the ball took a lot out of him.
comparisons to aikman and romo are unfair. troy had, far and away the best #1 wr. he had the best te. novacek was a weapon whereas witten a great escape valve. troy had the best rb. emmitt's accomplishments are etched in stone. zeke's are yet to be written. and troy had the best o-line. they spent more time on the field and less time on the stationary bike. I prefer to judge tony for what he was. a good qb who could never win the big one. oh, and lest I forget, troy was coached by the greatest cowboy hc of all tie. sorry, zoners, I mean no offense to tom, but jimmy won as many superbowls in 5 years as tom did in 29 years. fait accompli for me.
He was. Getting bounced off that hard astroturf when the defenders could get two full steps and kill the QB after they released the ball took a lot out of him.
defenders in troy's time went for the head. later they went for the knees. now they're not allowed to breath on the qb.
Troy looked like absolute shyte when he had no talent around him like almost every other QB would. 19/38, 138 yards, three picks, and a 29.6 QB rating against the Ravens defense in 2000 when throwing to guys like Jason Tucker and James McKnight. The team was shut out 27-0.
Yes, I do. I think some of the lines problems was Romo holding the ball too long. The QBs are also protected more than when Troy played and the turf was much softer than the concrete Troy used to play on. The WRs are also protected more and DBs can't barely touch them without a flag.

I'm a Troy fan so you are preaching to the choir. But, the 2010-2012 OL's were worse than anything Aikman had to play behind. Romo put the team on his back and carried them. Aikman never had to do that b/c he had way more help on the field and on the sideline................ which is why he has rings and Romo doesn't.
Tony was like the cow that gave a full bucket of milk then kicked it over . What made him great also made him a heartbreaker there was never a balance . You had to take the bitter with the sweet .

Tony was great enough to survive this game and escape with his health not easy to do playing a young mans style in a worn down body .
Correct me if I'm remembering wrong but I thought the early 90's Troy was somewhat mobile. The late 90's Troy wasn't.

Troy was a big lumbering guy. He was never mobile as witnessed by his inability to get out of the pocket even as a rookie when he was young and healthy. He was more like Brady than Romo.
Let me start by saying in 2016 they had no choice but to leave the rookie in there who was tearing it up over the increasingly brittle vet Romo. It was just time to move on.

Now on to 9. For years I would argue with Giants fans here in NJ, when they would say he stinks he couldn’t get that team to the playoffs, I would say He just carried a completely coachless, moderatly talented team that should have been 4-12 to an 8-8 season and a completely vanilla offense to 28pts per game or more. Not only was he changing every play but he was moving around in the pocket like a ninja to create time for receivers to get open. I really wish Jerry wasn’t such a selfish dbag and didn’t chase Parcells out of town with JO/TO. That team was ripe to dominate but you turned the keys over to fun Uncle Wade and now your nerdy adapted son because they make Jerry feel good. Now we see Romo’s creativity in the booth. He’s still the man. I still believe in Dak but he can’t do it alone as Tony did for so many years.
I bet you had some laughs with those giants fans the last few years....I think the Cowboys beat them his last 5 starts in a row.
Many on last minute combacks TD passes.

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