How is this possible?

Another court insulted the Native Americans by basically telling them it's too late to be insulted. There is another lawsuit in the works but these are always getting hung up.

Funny if there were more Native Americans I'm sure the name would change.

Hell, If the Titans can come from what used to be the Oilers - the "Commanders" can change.
magic-sword;2776439 said:
Another court insulted the Native Americans by basically telling them it's too late to be insulted. There is another lawsuit in the works but these are always getting hung up.

Funny if there were more Native Americans I'm sure the name would change.

Hell, If the Titans can come from what used to be the Oilers - the "Commanders" can change.

The court did not pass any judgment on the issue of whether the name was offensive or not. It is nice to know at least a little about the topic before posting, eh?
AbeBeta;2776398 said:
Some like the fighting Illini were honorable and viewed positively. But that certainly doesn't mean ALL are honorable. There is a big difference from a naming your team after a tribe vs. naming your team after a slur.

most do not view the word Commander as a racial slur....
dadymat;2776383 said:
Many Native american leaders have said that they view teams using Indian names Warriors. Indians, Commanders, Seminols to be honorable
Ya the Seminoles name has been OKed by the Seminole tribes living in FLA. How do I know this? My father is half Seminole (He got a letter in the mail to vote on the issue). They said something like they hope Florida State remembers the tradition, and the hardships that all native Americans had to endure. It was an honor that they carried the Seminole name.
Jon88;2776435 said:
Everything is offensive these days.

Things are offensive when the insults aren't equally distributed. For example, if we had teams called the Texas Crackers, Jacksonville White Trash, and Tampa Dumb *** Mullet Wearing Camaro Driving Honkies then I expect that things the presence of other offensive names wouldn't be problematic.
dadymat;2776461 said:
most do not view the word Commander as a racial slur....

I see, so you've polled native persons on this issue?
PullMyFinger;2776466 said:
Ya the Seminoles name has been OKed by the Seminole tribes living in FLA. How do I know this? My father is half Seminole (He got a letter in the mail to vote on the issue). They said something like they hope Florida State remembers the tradition, and the hardships that all native Americans had to endure. It was an honor that they carried the Seminole name.

This was a really big problem for the NCAA - several teams had used names respectfully... but that was the minority.
dadymat;2776461 said:
most do not view the word Commander as a racial slur....
I call bull. I challenge any man who believes this to come with me to an Indian reservation here in Arizona. Walk up to a group of men and call them Commanders.

No one has ever taken me up on this challenge.

If it is not a slur, what do you have to fear?
Hostile;2776482 said:
I call bull. I challenge any man who believes this to come with me to an Indian reservation here in Arizona. Walk up to a group of men and call them Commanders.

No one has ever taken me up on this challenge.

If it is not a slur, what do you have to fear?

I agree with this for the most part. Especially living here in Albuquerque.

Here's a funny thing though: One of my good friends is a very proud Native American and his favorite team guessed it...The Commanders.

Probably a rare thing though.
Hostile;2776482 said:
I call bull. I challenge any man who believes this to come with me to an Indian reservation here in Arizona. Walk up to a group of men and call them Commanders.

No one has ever taken me up on this challenge.

If it is not a slur, what do you have to fear?


I wouldn't call anyone Chief either. And I certainly wouldn't call them Commanders.

I still think people think of the Washington football team and don't really even think Amerindian. But I don't have much Indian in me so.....
dadymat;2776461 said:
most do not view the word Commander as a racial slur....

Most "what" do not consider it a slur? I am sure most Native Americans do. Just as "most" Blacks consider ****** to be a slur. Just as most Asians consider chink, jap and charlie to be a slur. Just as most Hispanics consider wetback to be slur. Just as most Italians consider spic to be a slur. Just as most Irish Americans consider mick to be a slur.

Not to belabor the point, but it really depends on perspective. I would hate to have my favorite team named after a perjorative, I am surprised more Skin fans are not pushing Snyder to alter it.
We all know "whitey" is a slur. Why would anyone not think Commander isn't the same type of slur?
Hostile;2776482 said:
I call bull. I challenge any man who believes this to come with me to an Indian reservation here in Arizona. Walk up to a group of men and call them Commanders.

No one has ever taken me up on this challenge.

If it is not a slur, what do you have to fear?

If he agrees, I'm flying out to Az to watch.
SLATEmosphere;2776338 said:
If it was offensive, if would have been taken down by now. I could be wrong, but I don't really hear the American Indians uproaring over it. Or are they?

That's a pretty stupid view point. Considering the native americans make up like .8 percent of our population or something like that/
I'm part Native American and I am not offended whatsoever.
Anyone who is offended is being petty, IMO.
Native Americans have reddish skin. Big deal. It's a true statement not an offensive one, IMO.

The world is much too sensitive.
Quit seeing people's differences as a "crutch" and maybe they'll stop doing the same.

I have short legs and a big head. I hope someday someone names an NFL team the "Shortlegged Bigheads". I wouldn't be offended. I'd be honored.
Give me a break.

The United States is becoming so politcally correct its not even funny. I hate the Commanders, always have, always will, but this is just stupid.

Look, my ancestors are from Norway and Sweden, but you don't see me getting upset over the Vikings and their stupid mascot. People can be offended about anything, get over it.
Spectre;2776520 said:
I'm part Native American and I am not offended whatsoever.
Anyone who is offended is being petty, IMO.
Native Americans have reddish skin. Big deal. It's a true statement not an offensive one, IMO.

The world is much too sensitive.
Quit seeing people's differences as a "crutch" and maybe they'll stop doing the same.

I have short legs and a big head. I hope someday someone names an NFL team the "Shortlegged Bigheads". I wouldn't be offended. I'd be honored.

ROTFL at the last part........:laugh2:

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