How is this possible?

esloan;2776532 said:
Give me a break.

The United States is becoming so politcally correct its not even funny. I hate the Commanders, always have, always will, but this is just stupid.

Look, my ancestors are from Norway and Sweden, but you don't see me getting upset over the Vikings and their stupid mascot. People can be offended about anything, get over it.

Yes the sensitivity of the American public is beyond asinine. We've become a punked out country because of it. Thats why most countries laugh at us. People here cant let by gones be by gones, or leave well enough alone, they have to press the issue.

Like indigenous Americans protesting Columbus day....newsflash.....Columbus was an explorer not a conqueror. I mean its beyond silly.
DaBoys4Life;2776511 said:
That's a pretty stupid view point. Considering the native americans make up like .8 percent of our population or something like that/

Oh look..the villiage idiot has arrived and added his two cents:rolleyes:
Spectre;2776520 said:
I'm part Native American and I am not offended whatsoever.
Anyone who is offended is being petty, IMO.
Native Americans have reddish skin. Big deal. It's a true statement not an offensive one, IMO.

The world is much too sensitive.
Quit seeing people's differences as a "crutch" and maybe they'll stop doing the same.

I have short legs and a big head. I hope someday someone names an NFL team the "Shortlegged Bigheads". I wouldn't be offended. I'd be honored.

I would love to see your team logo.... :lmao2:
I always thought the Commanders should change their name to something hog/pig related. They already have the hogs as a sort-of mascot and it would be kind of an inside joke on washington politicians. The Washington Warthogs or something, they could keep the same colors and everything.
Spectre;2776520 said:
I have short legs and a big head. I hope someday someone names an NFL team the "Shortlegged Bigheads". I wouldn't be offended. I'd be honored.

I don't know why but I found that much too funny! :lmao2:
The Washington Native Americans just doesn't have the same ring to it. Besides, I always refer to them as the Foreskins anyway.
AdamJT13;2776691 said:

Oh, no.

Well, hell, might as well change it. You know that battle at Wounded Knee Creek that happened just the other day....oh wait, that happened over a hundred years ago.

Its a damn football team name people! Get over it.

I swear to god, someday we will be unable to tell jokes in this country because it may "offend" someone. Its just stupid.
esloan;2776714 said:
Oh, no.

Well, hell, might as well change it. You know that battle at Wounded Knee Creek that happened just the other day....oh wait, that happened over a hundred years ago.

Its a damn football team name people! Get over it.

I swear to god, someday we will be unable to tell jokes in this country because it may "offend" someone. Its just stupid.

Your example is pathetic. A joke is far different than the name of a football team.

This is not a joke. It is a racial slur that has been accepted by many and thrown around amongst the sporting community like it is nothing.
AbeBeta;2776499 said:
If he agrees, I'm flying out to Az to watch.
I don't believe anyone will ever take me up on the offer. It seems pretty simple to me.
Is it really that big a thing to change it to the Washington Braves or the Washington Indians
AdamJT13;2776691 said:
Am I supposed o believe that some native american girl named "Night Wind" wrote this?

In here supposed "Sacred Wheel of the Sioux", she depicts her own race as the color "red". Not to mention she made white people "white". And there's a yellow and black in there, too.
I'm offended.

gimme a break.
A very good friend of mine in college was from a mixed background including two different Native American tribes. His entire family referred to Washington as simply that, "the Washington Team."

Anyone who believes the term "Commanders" isn't racist, I'll pay for your flight so you can take up Hostile's offer. I will not, however, pay for any of your hospital bills. Ignorance shall not be rewarded, only laughed at as it bleeds.
SaltwaterServr;2776837 said:
A very good friend of mine in college was from a mixed background including two different Native American tribes. His entire family referred to Washington as simply that, "the Washington Team."

Anyone who believes the term "Commanders" isn't racist, I'll pay for your flight so you can take up Hostile's offer. I will not, however, pay for any of your hospital bills. Ignorance shall not be rewarded, only laughed at as it bleeds.
Well said.
NextGenBoys;2776332 said:
When you stop to really think about it, what kind of a name is the Commanders?

How is that even a team name? It's a blatant racial slur. It would be like calling a team the N'ers or something. It's just wrong, yet its tossed around like its nothing throughout the sporting community.

Just a thought to ponder...

They call themselves that, to cover up the embarressment of their true name....the DEADSKINS, why else do you thing they had mascots named The HOGS....
It always amuses me that contemporary Americans think "PC" is a product of modern culture.

America, as has been the case with almost all civilizations, has ALWAYS been politically correct with respect words which could or couldn't be used by the general population.

Let's disgard that myth right away.

Second, most people who complain about "PC" are people who want to say any and everything and offend people simply because they can or should be able to.

My take: if there is not a fundamental reason or abiding conviction why I shouldn't use a particular term, then I'm not going to use it.

I see no argument other than "tradition" why I shouldn't abandon the use of the term "Commander." And that tradition is more based on not wanting the change a long-standing sports team name than a religious or moral conviction. So I say change it. New traditions are made every day.
NextGenBoys;2776332 said:
When you stop to really think about it, what kind of a name is the Commanders?

How is that even a team name? It's a blatant racial slur. It would be like calling a team the N'ers or something. It's just wrong, yet its tossed around like its nothing throughout the sporting community.

Just a thought to ponder...

I'm offended they call themselves a professional football team.
What does that mean exactly?
That your feelings are hurt?
Do we really live in a world where you can reasonably sue someone you've never even met for "hurting your feelings"?

In that case, I want to sue the "Cowboys" because my ancestors own horses and raise cattle.
Spectre;2777109 said:
What does that mean exactly?
That your feelings are hurt?
Do we really live in a world where you can reasonably sue someone you've never even met for "hurting your feelings"?

In that case, I want to sue the "Cowboys" because my ancestors own horses and raise cattle.

its better if you sue them for not making the playoffs. lol

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