How long do you think players have felt this way about Dak?


There are no Dak haters just Cowboy lovers!!!
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
How long do you think these players and their families have had this resentment towards Dak? Is it just because of the playoff game(s), or were there issues kept on hush during the season, and the playoff game was the final straw?? If this has been brewing for some time, what can be done to calm it??
Since the 2 Niner playoff losses Dak's teammates have very little respect for his leadership and playing abilities.
Heck since training camp where Diggs called him a @itch to CD reaction in the GB game its pretty evident they DO NOT want to play for this Fraud of a QB.
Add to the above (Cause ya its always about the $) he is the highest-paid player on the team and you have an explosive formula, to say the least.
No saving this as Prestrash doesn't have the talent bar to turn it around.


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It comes with the tettirory. Josh Allen had Stefan Diggs brother come out and make comments. Quarterback is gonna be the hero when you win and the scapegoat when you lose. Romo got it before Dak. It's Dak's turn. All he can do is go out there and prove them wrong. But the world goes on.


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How long do you think these players and their families have had this resentment towards Dak? Is it just because of the playoff game(s), or were there issues kept on hush during the season, and the playoff game was the final straw?? If this has been brewing for some time, what can be done to calm it??
players families need to shut up. CD's mommy coming to his defense....seriously. the baby was pouting on the sideline because he had a tough start. grow the hell up and be a man. where was the fight?

Parsons's brother needs to shut the heck up. his brother, supposedly a top 3 defensive player in this league came up really really short when it counted. point fingers all you want, your brother sucked against GB.

when families start to open their mouth and point fingers, blah blah blah, that's where it speaks to the team culture or lack thereof. cowboys are always full of drama and drama leads to failure. do your job. none of them did as far as I am concerned.


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Meanwhile.. whole defense is structured around stopping the run, keep Dak throwing it.. then take away CeeDee and watch him implode.

It really is comical how little they fear Dak. Said in other threads but how many guys are calling out Micah after the game? How many laughing in his face? How many team mates calling him a litle B?
well, dak fist bumps like a mofo in the huddle, and does Micah. dak is out there battling to the last second too, like he did in Panama. Panama boy.. :D


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Dallas team value 2021 - $ 6.5 B
Ave NFL team value 2021 - $3,5 B
so my team is worth almost twice as much as an average team. they won superbowls, been to CCGs, etc. so again tell me why should I change the way we run the cowboys?


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prolly in 2016 when they had to write the play book in crayon because dak have zero football iq and is one of the dumbest qb of all time
so this posts (and other ones) make you one of the dumbest posters of all time....


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Parsons is a generational talent and to call him the Dak of this defense is an insult. A whole offense plans for Parsons, while an opposing defense isn’t in any way threatened of Dak like an offense is of Parsons.
its not an insult when he totally disappeared in the most important game of the year. he had 1 tackle and 1 assist. if he is a generational talent as you said, then he should have produced. he is even a bigger culprit given he is a generational talent. nobody ever called Dak generational talent.


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For a while IMO

But they saw what happened to Dez. And Amari. And so on. They're terrified to criticize Jerry's Kid

So they've been afraid to show it publicly

What I'm curious about is what's changed. Was the GB game the final straw? It's as though they are at the point where they see how sickeningly horrible Dak was vs GB and they feel they have to say something even if it costs them their job at the Frisco Country Club
what happened to Dez? he declined. was often injured. he didn't play anywhere else. if he was any good he would have.

Amari and Jerry thing was personal. Amari didn't vaccinate, missed games and practice and that didn't sit well with Jerry. Jerry shipped him out. good for cooper. this is the same guy who got a 20M year it didn't cost him anything.

the whole team was horrible against GB. not just Dak. Dak is not elite, and to expect him to carry the team is setting yourself up for disappointment. you can't tell me this defense played well. you can't tell me the offensive game plan was good or the defensive game plan.


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Dak is a running joke. The players have to keep it hush-hush, though, because Jerry writes the checks.
so what you are saying nobody, none of the players care about winning. they care about their paychecks. that explains a lot about the cowboys culture. its a money culture. it starts at the top