How long u been a cowboys fan?

Since Tony Dorsett's rookie year, I think. Been a while, that is as early as I can seem to remember though.
been following the cowboys since 77-78, once Dorrsett came into the league.
Since I was 5 in 1977. Was watching a game with my dad and he was an oilers fan. The were playing the team with the cool stars on their helmets like they were the good guys in a western. My dad started telling be about Roger the Dodger Staubach and he made some unreal plays in that game. I was hooked. From then on, me and a friend of mine were bitter football rivals as he loved the eagles. It was the Dallas cowboys vs the Philadelphia E-Gals.:lmao:
I've been a cowboy fan since I was 13 and watched the packers and boys for the nfl title in the coton bowl in 1966.
The earliest i can remember is in 1987, i remember cuz i was in second grade and would always wear my dallas cowboys shirt. according to my family i have been watching cowboys games since like 1, they say i would get pissed if a game is on and some one would change it. that was in 1981. lol dont know if its true but hey thats my story and im sticking to it.
since 1982.. I was six years old.. I remember where I was.. at my Dad's friend's apartment.. the Cowboys were on TV and I fell in love.. Tony Dorsett, Danny White, Ed "Too Tall" Jones (when you are six years old, a guy with the name Too Tall seems really really cool), Randy White, Everson Walls.. I was young, but I remember loving all those guys..

so short answer: 24 years
1970. I had family that were Cowboys fans, so i naturally became a fan. I was 7 at the time and didn't know much till later in grade school.
All my life .. My very first favorite cowboy: Calvin Hill
Proudly sharing my own unique brand of negativity since '78.
I have been a fan since my first memory. I was born in '79, so all I remember is my father putting a Cowboys helmet on me and my brother and talking about Staubach all the time. My dad served in the Navy with Staubach and never let me forget it.

It grew from there.

I remember watching the games in the 80's. Danny White, Randy White, Dorsett, Landry, Walker, and more.

I remember watching the game against the Pats where Walker broke off that run to win the game, I was dancing around like an idiot.

I remember when Jerry bought the team, fired landry, and then Jimmy traded Walker. I was devastated. I was about 9 or 10 at the time and remember crying because I thought Jerry was going to move the Cowboys or change their name.

My dad was pissed about Landry and has sworn off the Cowboys as long as Jerry owns the team. I remember him and his friends talking about how stupid the moves where...little did they know.

I was one of the FEW Cowboys fans in Houston at that time and I was harassed big time during the 1-15 season.

A few years later, Dallas wins the SB and suddenly EVERYONE I know is a Cowboys fan.

My mom loves to tell the story about when she was giving birth to me, my dad and the doc were talking about Dallas' chances for the SB and whatnot...a month later, Staubach had the comeback against the skins and then retired.

At least I was ALIVE when that game happened so it makes me happy.
I remember the years of the Super Bowls in the early nineties - I was 9 in 1992. My family went to a superbowl party. That was my first memory of football. I remember watching a few plays, I recall an interception, the rest of the time spent playing street hockey with the other kids.

It was this way for the next two superbowls. I always had pride in the Boys, but I wasn't a fan or anything, because at that time I didn't care much about football. I had always played baseball at that age, with one year of basketball, but I cared more about studying at that time.

Middle school came, and I quit baseball because of the school i went to (magnet school - had to work on studying).

In High School, football ruled the school, and after a few friday night games, I was hooked. I liked the physicality, the emotion, the intensity, the precision, everything. I wanted to play, but was immediately vetoed by my parents, specifically, my mother. I started working out and when I went to talk to the coach, my mother found out and threatened to send me to a school without football. So it was either football or my friends and life.

I took the latter - and spent my high school years falling into love with the sport. Eventually, I started following Pro Football, throught the Cowboys, my hometown team, and it was just natural for me to love them.

Mind - this was the late nineties - we were falling off the bus.

I finally got to go to my first live Cowboy's game on September 24, 2000. We were playing the 49ers. I was absolutely pumped. A rivalry I slightly remembered between two former NFC greats, Aikman was playing in the game, Emmitt, and everyone else.

By the way - I should note that on this great day, the first game of a new fan, we saw the emergence of another young but talented player, a WR for San Francisco. I won't go into that again.

Anyhow - my fandom actually came at one of the lowest times in the franchise - Aikman was on his way out, we were without coaching quality. Even as someone who knew little about football, I knew we had garbage coming into the QB position in 2001. It's funny - Quincy's first year was the first time I watched the season from beginning to end.

Anyway - guess I've been a fan since 1999-2000, around the time football became really, really important to me.
Since around 1990. I was only 5 at the time so I can barely remember anything from that season.
I started watching football with the Cowboys and it was the tradition that lured me.

since around 1982, with the likes of Ed "Too Tall" Jones, Randy White, Everson Walls, Tony Dorsett, Danny White on the team.
T.O81 said:
i been a cowboys fan since i was about 11-12 years old. i grew up seein emmit,deion,troy,irvin,sanders etc.

forty five years. Ever since the franchise started.
Rockytop6 said:
forty five years. Ever since the franchise started.

On January 27, 2006 the Cowboys turned 46 years old (franchise came into existence on January 28, 1960); while I'm not a fan, I have followed the Cowboysfor a significant period of time myself.

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