How many of you played football?

I played football in junior high and high school and you can tell I’m getting old because I referred to it as junior high not middle school. I played WR, returned kicks and punts and played corner. I had some speed.
bet I am older. We only had one face bar on our helmets
DT in Middle School. LB/WR/TE in High School and Strong Safety(way down depth chart) in college.

Was terrible at it but played middle school and freshman year.

played on elite travel teams as a kid and lettered as a freshman on Varsity.
quit as a sophomore to focus on football off-season because no girls went to our soccer games.

was really good middle distance runner. 800 and 1600. too slow for 100 or 200 and was good in cross country but it was painfully boring so only ran one meet.

was solid mid-team in 3-4 diff strokes but never going anywhere special with it.

I had a great arm but could never hit a lick. Didn;lt play in HS because it interfered with sports I preferred.

What I probably did best was wrestling but my High School didn't have it. We just wrestled as part of football off-season but I loved it .

After college played on some elite flag football teams
Coached kids flag, basketball and even assist coached volleyball
Scored 6 TD’s in one game.

Polk HS. Look it up.

I once hit four HRs and a double in one game. It was league ball against a pitching machine. There’s no record of it. You just have to take my word. It was a good day. True fanzone eNotHollywood story.
I played for two years, at ages 9 and 10. I played every position on a pee wee defense.

Although I have always loved football, I've never been much of an athlete. As ashamed as I am to say it, the real reason I quit playing football is that I just hated being bothered by the routines of a football player. Hated practicing, hated exercising as a child, hated stretching and running.

I was the type of kid who would've rather been riding four wheelers, watching MTV, and playing video games all summer rather than prepping for a football season.

Played golf in highschool but all we did was get drunk.
This reminds me that I should be a billionaire today .....


I'm glad you asked..

During the summer after senior year I took a computer systems class in order to try and land a better job.. It was a great course where I learned assembly language programming and machine language and other computer architecture. The course concluded with a programming project. For mine I chose to create drumroll please.. ..

a computer football game..

Now this was 1982 and fancy graphics had yet to proliferate so I could only use graphics that moved X's and O's around. But I wrote a program that would let one player enter what defense he wanted to be in and then the other player enter what offensive play he wanted to run. It would then execute that play on the screen. When I demonstrated it to my GA ( grad assistant) his eyes lit up in a way I had never seen in a teacher.. He gave me a B on the project..

A couple of years later a company came out with an arcade game that looked a LOT like my program. Even the play names and defense names were almost identical to what I had called mine. I did a little digging and found that the GA worked for that company. That company eventually became one of the big computer game developers. I can't recall which one, but it was one of the big ones. I suspect my code got pirated into damn near every computer football game in the world in the 80's. I say that because the guys developing these game didn't play no damn football! So they aint know enough about the game to develop a computer version.. So I think they stole mine!!! Bastids!!! LOL!

I had one of those it had playbooks that came with it can t recall its name but ill dig for it. NFL Challenge i believe...
I played HS ball for 4 years...3 years varsity and captained the team. Played WR, RB, CB, S and kick returner.

Got recruited by a lot of schools, only got a 1/4 scholorship offer from Kutztown (where Andre Reed, Lee Woodall played) but it got rescinded when the entire coaching staff was fired and the new ones didn't offer me anything lol

Coached a couple of years highest level of pop warner, actually coached Jeff Frasier (MLB HR champ) during that time and a couple of other really good players. They were the most coachable kids ever btw.

Other than coaching Frasier, biggest claim to fame was catching a long TD over Donovan Darius in a state championship game lol Ran right by him....used to run a legit 4.4
What high school did you attend? Darius played for Woodrow Wilson (Camden) and Highland.
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I grew up in a hardcore sports neighborhood that produced some future state record holders in football and hockey. Sports was life in the neighborhood, but my Dad wasn't into sports at all so I never played much organized until high school. Being in the younger group of neighborhood kids and not being a natural athlete, and having to chase the really good athletes, I had to figure out how to anticipate and read what was happening to give myself a chance, and avoid the dreaded being picked last. I tried out for the HS team as a freshman and played four years as a WB on offense and CB on defense. We won 1 game my freshman season, against the best team in the division though, and did it by doing some freelancing against the coaches wishes. That was 100% because the core of that team was the old neighborhood kids that grew up playing together every day. The rest of HS we were a .500ish team. Soccer had just started as a HS sport and a lot of good athletes played that instead of football. Being a hockey town there weren't high expectations for the football team.

The same story applies for hockey. Played a ton but never organized until HS. The difference was... the HS team was on a string of 7 consecutive state championships and the pressure to keep that going was very real.

There is still an annual Thanksgiving morning game at the home of one of the old neighborhood kids. I pull the same hammy on the first play every single year. lol
Same here. We always played tackle football in the neighborhood. From age 9-18 I did. I got roughed up because the highschool kids would go out of their way to tackle me hard. I was skinny until I hit the weights in middle school onward. Then let's just say they stopped doing that lol
After reading through several of these posts I have a great idea, Reality can comp the airfare and everyone can meet up on a Sunday afternoon and we can have a flag football game and barbecue afterwards:laugh::laugh:
Haters against Homers!

Sorry, I had to....

I've been to, and hosted a few gatherings of bikers from internet forums. It is really cool to meet up with the faceless of the internet forum world.

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