I started playing backyard football at an early age. It was before my first organized tackle football, which was 5th grade in Amarillo. We actually went to the state championship that year, but lost. Their RB was so big he had to bring his birth certificate to all his games.
I played LB and that big dude beat me up ALL game long. He was basically unstoppable for 5th grade kids, haha.
Then, I played all the way through high school, starting at LB/S my junior and senior years. I also played some TE but was mainly a blocker and my focus, like always, was much more on defense.
I got a scholarship to a local junior college (by then in Mississippi) and played mostly safety and a little situational LB for those two years. It was so fun but unfortunately, that was about as far as my talent could take me. I wasn’t that big but I was known as the hitter in the secondary.
I was working in a gym then and one of the Southern Miss defensive coaches worked out there. He kept trying to get me to try to walk on there (I had an academic scholarship at the school), which I almost did but by then I was pretty deep into my schoolwork and I was having migraines from some previous concussions, so my girlfriend at the time talked me out of it.
Thus ended my organized football days, which was crushing.
for years I played intramural flag football, which kind of scratched the itch… but it was the contact that I loved. Anyway, we had a good team (the QB had been a QB at Ole Miss) and we actually won the tournament for the southeast US and went to the national. We ended up losing to the team that won it all. They had a coach and wore real football uniforms just without the pads, haha. They were serious.
All through those years, anytime I could get a backyard tackle game together, I would.
Once, a bunch of us had gone to a field at USM to get a game up and there was another big group there that we didn’t know. I said we should let 11 play against 11 from each group and play. They knew a challenge when they heard one so they said sure. It was one of the most brutal games I’ve ever played in. People were falling out left and right. My buddy was playing barefooted and got his entire big toenail pulled off.
I got the worst concussion that I ever had in that game. I got one and kept playing and then had the back of my head slap the ground and it was lights out. It was super fun though and is one of my best backyard football memories… what I can remember if it.
If I could get up a game right now, I’d probably do it. I love, love, love playing football.