How many of you would take less?


You Have an Axe to Grind
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I certainly wouldn’t be taking less on my first big contract extension especially if I was a QB taken in the 4th round draft. It’s hard to take less when you see all the money that’s being handed out to QBs. The NFL is a business and you have to take care of yourself and family first. Eventually you’re going to be asked to take a pay cut or released. When the opportunity is there to get paid you got to take advantage of it. There’s very little loyalty and once a player ages and their skills decline teams are going to reduce their salary or move on.


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Give me 7 million, ONE TIME! Me and my kids will live like kings for life!

5 houses, 16 cars, a helicopter and a posse is not required!
I agree. I could do it on 3 million. But 7 would be nice. Lol.


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I won't blame someone for wanting to make as much as they can. But, as a competitive person that wants to win, I definitely would be willing to take less (depending on what range we're talking about).


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It's ridiculously funny to me that some keep saying "take less"!!!! Would you settle? Less money for your family? Less money for a career that might be cut short with and injury! Less money for a team that will cut you as soon as you slip? What the hell?? I get it, salary cap....blah, blah ,blah. I wouldn't settle and I sure as hell don't blame anyone that would.

lucky for u, @daboyzruleperiod did ;)


The Cook
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The difference is we can make those adjustments in quality of life and peace of mind.

These players are going to be doing the same thing regardless of who they play for so there's no golden owner, might as well go to the one that will pay them the most.
Just seams sad really, When I played football I couldn't hardly sleep the night before because of the build up. I get what you are saying,just hate it for the players that feel that way.


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It's ridiculously funny to me that some keep saying "take less"!!!! Would you settle? Less money for your family? Less money for a career that might be cut short with and injury! Less money for a team that will cut you as soon as you slip? What the hell?? I get it, salary cap....blah, blah ,blah. I wouldn't settle and I sure as hell don't blame anyone that would.
Are not the Dallas Cowboys the richest sport franchise in the world and Jerry Jones is the richest sport franchise owner, highest paid GM, and highest paid defacto Head Coach?

So why would I take less to be a Dallas Cowboys when they are the richest team in sports? So you are what you are.

Now Go get your money Lil Duffle Bag Boy:


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Its not strange at all. I'm telling you the facts of life. A lot of these guys haven't had ANYTHING in their life. They aren't thinking of expenses. All they know is they are a millionaire and they can buy whatever they want. Some of it isn't even them splurging. Some of it they are taking care of their community. Taking care of their family. That costs. And the thing about buying your family cars and houses is that you have to continue to pay money on that stuff.

I'm not justifying it but my 30 year old self looks at life a lot different than my 20 year old self did. I wasn't even rich in my 20's and I spent money on stupid stuff.
The facts of life, regardless if you are rich or poor, don’t live beyond your means. It’s called a budget. The NFL has seminars for these guys to help them learn to budget their money.

If you make millions and blow it because you were to stupid to live within a budget that is on you.


Here comes the Sun...
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Are not the Dallas Cowboys the richest sport franchise in the world and Jerry Jones is the richest sport franchise owner, highest paid GM, and highest paid defacto Head Coach?

So why would I take less to be a Dallas Cowboys when they are the richest team in sports? So you are what you are.

Now Go get your money Lil Duffle Bag Boy:

Yup...that song is totally Dak that says more than you might not have thought about before posting that trash song. Just like Zeke did with that other running back when they traded jerseys, Zeke writes something on his jersey "get dat bag o money". These kids don't really care about winning, all they want is dat cash, bro! Hell yes, if I was in Dak's position and was offered at least 100 mil guaranteed I would go for it, because if he goes down in game one and can never play again, if he can't live the rest of his life on 100 mil then there is something wrong with his mind. However, if I was in Dak's position I would settle for 90 million guaranteed so the team could use the rest for the team to win a SB, hell yes, I would take the 90 because I am a team player, not some greedy fool that thinks he cannot survive on 100 mil guaranteed for the rest of his life if he were to go down forever. Kids now days.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Are not the Dallas Cowboys the richest sport franchise in the world and Jerry Jones is the richest sport franchise owner, highest paid GM, and highest paid defacto Head Coach?

So why would I take less to be a Dallas Cowboys when they are the richest team in sports? So you are what you are.

Now Go get your money Lil Duffle Bag Boy:
He is not the richest sports franchise owner, he just flaunts his wealth.


Safety third
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Wait. I never said his employer should take on his responsibility. I didn't say any of the above. Maybe that's why you think its ridiculous?You made it up. My argument was strictly for those saying "Oh its only a few millions".

i didn't make anything up. The mistake I did make was not being specific enough which gave you a crack to squirm through.

You used the players financial irresponsibility as a justification to go after ever single penny which absolutely shifts the responsibility to the employer.

Using semantics to duck this reality doesn't make it any less real.


Well-Known Member
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It's ridiculously funny to me that some keep saying "take less"!!!! Would you settle? Less money for your family? Less money for a career that might be cut short with and injury! Less money for a team that will cut you as soon as you slip? What the hell?? I get it, salary cap....blah, blah ,blah. I wouldn't settle and I sure as hell don't blame anyone that would.
stop comparing normal careers for sports careers because it doesnt add up.. we are talking about a raise to millionaire status, thats going to guarantee them 105mil or more yes to keep it in perspective to make sure a team on on can build a better team and have a better chance to win , YEs taking a 6yr deal vs 4 and taking 105 vs 112 guaranteed, why the phack not? its not lost money because its a sports contract you are gaining money, fame and more endrosements, maybe a post career in media.

other players have done this like Brees and Brady they are true leaders and GET IT..they were scared to take lot less for the sake if their careers and to stay where they wanted to for longer vs getting cut etc

there are more examples and yes when you are talking money you are being Handed FIOR DOIG YOUR JOB guaranteed the day you sign it you get 100mil no matter what, you are dang right I would.. its perspective and saying somehow its taking less when they never earned it yet, this is not an hourly job or a simple bonus ITS A CONTRATC PLAYIGN SPORTS IN WHICH YO ARE BING MADE A MILLIONARE SO THE DIFFERNCE BETWEEN 105 AND 112 ISNT BIG ENOUGH TO RISK INJURY OR HOLDING OUT AND MISSING REAL MONSY NOT MOETY YOU FEEL IS LES THAT ACTUALLY NOT ESS ITS MORE THEN YOUVE EVER HAD AND IT SETS YOU FOR LIFE/..

real life scenario is win the lottery take a lot more to get installments but what happens if you die first or they go bankrupt or the world system crashes, you take the one time payment which is quite a bit less...but still makes you instantly rich, you dont look at as loss, its all a gain.

these guys saying they wont take less are looking at it from a poor perspective especially QBs...but this goes for our Wr and CB.. its simple wake up one morning, say yes, have a limo pick you up, and protect your signing hand like it was gold, walk carefully to the offices, and meet the Owner, shake hands, use purell, sign your name to the document that 100% guarantees you 105mil in daks case and secures his job for at least 3 years and if you walk away and invest right, its never a loss if you never had it..

Im sorry but if im in these guys postion I would in fact give up a few mil on the backend to get me paid more money then ill ever need..Many players have done this and of they haven't like Zeke wanted the appearance of being the highest paid but truly gave a team friendly deal to get back on the field, he now has 55 guaranteed vs the language that might get him 90 or more would he see the end of his deal but at least for 3years hes a RB he had to thats his only big bite at the apple, Dak will have more IF he believes hes not peaked yet and can win a SB soon..if he does he will get more money after 3years regardless if its a 6yr deal, show the FO some Trophies he will show you big new deals..

Pointless to ask normal fans to put themselves in the same scenario..


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He is not the richest sports franchise owner, he just flaunts his wealth.

Yep, although his wealth is irrelevant. He operates under a salary cap like everyone else. Also, his coffin will be the same size..,


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The facts of life, regardless if you are rich or poor, don’t live beyond your means. It’s called a budget. The NFL has seminars for these guys to help them learn to budget their money.

If you make millions and blow it because you were to stupid to live within a budget that is on you.
Ok but it still happens. Not sure what your post had to do with mine.


Texas Ranger
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I would only take 1-2 mil less for being with the Cowboys than i would another team. Just because I would want to play for the team that drafted me and so forth. I would not give much more than a home town discount than that for the sake of "winning." Me saving the team a couple more mil is not going to guarantee we win to begin with. Look at Romo, we ruined the guys career here.


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I'm a retired combat veteran myself. This is how we talk to one another. There is no disrespect intended here. Someone has to be the dull crayon. I'm glad someone stepped up to be just that... Hooah to @USArmyVet.

You, my friend need to disengage and understand the banter with which this is intended. In the military, life gets far to serious in a hurry at times. It's good to chill and tease each other when the opportunity arises. I love my brothers and sisters in arms. They are my family.
No disrespect intended. Didn’t know you were a veteran. Thought you were putting down a veteran.

To many people don’t appreciate ENOUGH what veterans do for this country. I do. I teach, and I talk to my students about how veterans and police officers deserve special respect within our country. Who is willing to die for there country or community? Almost no one!